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Datalogic APIs

Class Index - Introduction to the Datalogic Android SDK 1.43

These are the Android API classes. See all API packages.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W  


ActionType ActionType is an enumeration defining constants for different actions performed by SoftSpot. 
AdvancedKeyboard Class exposing advanced keyboard methods. 
AdvancedKeyboard.ActionEventListener Interface representing a listener of keyboard action events. 
AdvancedKeyboard.Configuration Class that stores the configuration related some keyboard parameters. 
AdvancedKeyboard.Info Class that stores the info related to the installed keyboard configuration. 
AdvancedKeyboard.LayoutChangeEventListener Interface representing a listener of keyboard layout change events. 
AdvancedKeyboard.LayoutNotificationType Enumerative representing the type of notification to use in order to represent visually the current layout in which the keyboard is. 
AdvancedKeyboard.MultitapEventListener Interface representing a listener of keyboard multitap events. 
AdvancedKeyboard.Overlay Class that stores the info related to a keyboard overlay configuration. 
AdvancedKeyboard.PersistenceType Enumerative representing the persistence type of the installed keyboard configuration. 
AdvancedKeyboard.Property Read-only properties related to the currently configured keyboard. 
AdvancedKeyboard.Resources Class that stores the resources related to the installed keyboard configuration. 
AppManager AppManager gives developers the ability to manage installed applications. 
AppManagerException This exception is used for AppManager related errors. 
AutoScanTrigger Interface representing a trigger that automatically executes a specific action (scan by default) when entering a defined range. 
AutoScanTrigger.Range Class representing a specific AutoScan range, constituted by an id and a name. 
AvailableSourcePower Enumerative representing the Cradle Available Source Power Level depending on the cradle configuration. 
Aztec Aztec is the class that configures the Aztec Code. 


BarcodeDefaults BarcodeDefaults provides methods to retrieve default decoder properties. 
BarcodeID BarcodeID is an enumeration class defining constants for different decoded barcode types. 
BarcodeManager BarcodeManager gives developers access to decoder related methods of the device. 
BarcodeScannerType The BarcodeScannerType enumeration lists barcode scanner types. 
BatteryChargingProfile Enumerative representing the battery charging profile. 
BatteryChargingProfilePersistencePolicy Enum BatteryChargingProfilePersistencePolicy defines the policies for applying the battery charging profile used by the property POWER_BATTERY_CHARGING_PROFILE_PERSISTENCE_POLICY
BatteryEvent Enumerative representing the battery events. 
BatteryEventListener This interface is used by the application to listen to battery events. 
BatteryException This exception is used for installer related errors. 
BatteryInfo The BatteryInfo enumeration is the class that includes the battery info. 
BatteryStatus The BatteryStatus provides information related to the battery lifetime and realtime values. 
BeamMode The BeamMode is an enumeration defining the operating beam mode. 
BlobProperty BlobProperty implements the property that allows to manage any class through the ConfigurationManager. 
BluetoothSilentPairingWhitelisting BluetoothSilentPairingWhitelisting implements the class that manages the silent pairing devices whitelisting. 
BooleanProperty BooleanProperty is the class that implements the property of type Boolean. 
BootType The BootType enumeration defines the type of boot reason. 
BTPairingPolicy Enum BTPairingPolicy defines the policies for Bluetooth pairing through the property BT_PAIRING_POLICY


CameraInputDevice Input device representing a Camera. 
CameraInputDevice.FitScreenPreviewDisplayMode Class representing the display mode used to fit the preview to the screen on the shortest size. 
CameraInputDevice.ManualPositioningPreviewDisplayMode Class representing the display mode used to manually position the preview. 
CameraInputDevice.PreviewDisplayMode Abstract class representing the display mode to use for the camera preview. 
CameraInputDevice.PreviewSize Class representing a preview size. 
CameraWedge CameraWedge is the class that allows to configure the scanner to act in place of the rear camera of the device. 
CameraWedgeBarcodeOrientation The CameraWedgeBarcodeOrientation is an enumeration defining the orientation of the barcode generated by the camera wedge. 
CameraWedgeBarcodePosition The CameraWedgeBarcodePosition is an enumeration defining the position of the barcode generated by the camera wedge. 
CameraWedgeBarcodeType The CameraWedgeBarcodeType is an enumeration defining the symbology of the barcode generated by the camera wedge. 
CaptivePortalPolicy Enum CaptivePortalPolicy defines the behaviour of the device in case of connecting to a public Wi-Fi with a captive portal interface. 
CapturedFrame CaptureFrame is a data structure passed by FrameCaptureListener.onFrameCapture to retrieve frame data from the decoder. 
CharacterProperty CharacterProperty is the class that implements the property of type Character. 
CharacterSetMode CharacterSetMode is an enumeration defining the different String encodings supported for certain symbologies of barcodes. 
ChargingProfile The ChargingProfile represents a charging profile used by the DLBatteryManager to manage the charging preferences. 
ChargingSourcesFlags The ChargingSourcesFlags defines device charging source. 
ClipboardPolicy The ClipboardPolicy enumeration defines the features which can be accessible to the user through the Clipboard. 
Codabar Codabar is the class that configures the Codabar Symbology. 
Code128 Code128 is the class that configures the Code 128, GS1-128 and ISBT 128 Symbologies. 
Code128Aggressiveness Code128Aggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for Code 128 barcodes. 
Code128ExtendedAsciiMode Code128ExtendedAsciiMode is an enumeration defining the Extended ASCII support for Code 128 barcodes. 
Code39 Code39 is the class that configures the Code39, Code32 and TriOptic Symbologies. 
Code39Aggressiveness Code39Aggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for Code39 barcodes. 
Code93 Code93 is the class that configures the Code 93 Symbology. 
Composite Composite is the class that configures the EAN.UCC Composite and GS1 Composite Symbologies. 
CompositionMapping A CompositionMapping is a complex MappingObject that represents a sequence of actions to be executed when certain key events occur. 
CompositionMapping.Builder Builder class of CompositionMapping  
ConfigException ConfigException is used for configuration related errors. 
ConfigurationChangeListener This interface is used by the application to listen to configuration changes. 
ConfigurationManager ConfigurationManager gives the developer the ability to browse and set the configuration properties of the device. 
CradleFailureEventListener This interface allows an the application to be notified about occured on the Cradle.The Failure notifies the listener about Cradle failures among FAILURE_BAD_LEVER_POSITION, FAILURE_SOLENOID_OVERTEMPERATURE, FAILURE_WLC_EOC_TIMEOUT, FAILURE_WLC_FOD, FAILURE_WLC_TX, FAILURE_WRONG_DAISY_CHAIN_CONFIG, or FAILURE_UNKNOWN (in case of errors). 
CradleInsertionEventListener This interface allows an the application to be notified about insertion and extraction of the device from the Cradle. 
CradleUnlockEventListener This interface allows an the application to be notified about Cradle Lever open event (device unlocked from the Cradle) and Cradle Lever closed event (device locked into the Cradle). 
CradleUnlockKeyEventListener This interface allows an the application to be notified about insertion and extraction of the Unlock Key into/from the Cradle. 
CustomOCR Class representing a custom OCR configuration installed in the device. 


Datamatrix Datamatrix is the class that configures the Data Matrix Symbology. 
DatamatrixAggressiveness DatamatrixAggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for Datamatrix barcodes. 
DatamatrixMirror DatamatrixMirror is an enumeration defining the decoding mode for regular/mirror Data Matrix barcodes. 
DatamatrixOpMode DatamatrixOpMode is an enumeration defining the allowed operating mode for datamatrix barcodes. 
DecodedDuration DecodedDuration is an enumeration defining constants for the time periods SoftSpot can configured to display the decoded icon for. 
DecodeException DecodeException is used for decoder related errors. 
DecodeResult DecodeResult is an interface passed by onRead(DecodeResult) to retrieve scanned data from the decoder. 
DecodingNotification DecodingNotification is the class that configures the notification to produce on a successful read . 
DeinitListener This interface is used by the application to listen to the scan deinit event. 
DelayMapping A simple delay action. 
DesktopModePolicy Enum DesktopModePolicy defines the desktop mode settings for screen sharing. 
DeviceException This exception is used for device related errors. 
DeviceManager This class provides access to control several device options. 
DeviceNameSuffix Enum DeviceNameSuffix defines the possible suffixes for setting the property DEVICE_NAME_SUFFIX
Digimarc Digimarc® is the class that configures the Digimarc barcode ™ reading capability. 
DigimarcDataFormat The DigimarcDataFormat is an enumeration defining the format used for Digimarc barcode. 
Discrete25 Discrete25 is the class that configures the Discrete 2/5 Symbology. 
DisplayNotification DisplayNotification is the class that configures the Display Notification capability via a displaying message. 
DLBatteryManager The DLBatteryManager allows to read specific battery parameters. 
DLCradleManager This class provides access to Cradle related methods of the device. 
DLKeyEvent DLKeyEvent defines the custom Datalogic's keycodes. 
DLSecondDisplayManager 2nd Display is the LED display panel on the top of Datalogic Memor20 device, near to the ScanEngine. 
DoNotDisturbPolicy Enum DoNotDisturbPolicy defines the policy for Do Not Disturb. 
DotCode DotCode is the class that configures the Dot Code. 
DualSimPreferredCallsAndSms Enum DualSimPreferredCallsAndSms defines the Dual SIM settings for voice calls and SMS. 
DualSimPreferredData Enum DualSimPreferredData defines the Dual SIM settings for mobile data. 
DualSimStatus Enum DualSimStatus defines the Dual SIM settings for SIM Cards availability. 


Ean13 Ean13 is the class that configures the EAN-13 Symbology. 
Ean8 Ean8 is the class that configures the EAN-8 Symbology. 
ECIPolicy The ECIPolicy is an enumeration defining the policy for the ECI protocoll. 
EnumProperty<E extends Enum<E>> EnumProperty is the class that implements the property of type Enum. 
ErrorManager This class provides access to error configuration related methods of the device. 
ExtScannerSource ExtScannerSource is the class that configures the possibility to receive barcode results from an external scanner. 


Failure This enum lists failures managed by the Cradle. 
FailurePolicy Enumerative representing the Policy to show Cradle failures. 
FirmwareUpdatePolicy Enumerative representing the Policy to update the Cradle Firmware. 
Formatting Formatting is the class that configures the properties related to barcode text formatting. 
FrameCaptureConfiguration FrameCaptureConfiguration is the class responsible for configuring the scanner to capture, store, and provide frames during barcode scanning operations. 
FrameCaptureFormat The FrameCaptureFileType is an enumeration defining the file type for the frames captured by the Scanner. 
FrameCaptureListener This interface is used by the application to listen to the decoder's frame capture event. 
FrameCaptureMode The FrameCaptureMode is an enumeration defining the operating frame capture mode. 
FrameSaveListener This interface is used by the application to listen to the decoder's frame save event. 


GoodRead The GoodRead class configures various types of notifications that are triggered upon a successful read. 
GoodReadOverlayDisplayPolicy The GoodReadOverlayDisplayPolicy is an enumeration defining how to display the Good Read Overlay. 
GoodReadOverlayManager GoodReadOverlayManager is a class used to install and manage the Good Read's custom overlays. 
GoodReadOverlayManager.PersistenceType Enumerative representing the persistence type of the installed overlays. 
GoodReadOverlayPositionPolicy The GoodReadOverlayPositionPolicy is an enumeration defining which position to use for the Good Read Overlay  
GoodReadOverlayShapePolicy The GoodReadOverlayShapePolicy is an enumeration defining which shape to use for the Good Read Overlay  
Gs1Conversion2d Gs1Conversion2d is an enumeration defining the conversion used for GS1 2D barcodes. 
Gs1DataBar_14 Gs1DataBar_14 is the class that configures the GS1 DataBar-14 Symbology. 
Gs1DataBar_Expanded Gs1DataBar_Expanded is the class that configures the GS1 DataBar Expanded Symbology. 
Gs1DataBar_Limited Gs1DataBar_Limited is the class that configures the GS1 DataBar Limited Symbology. 
Gs1LabelSetTransmitMode Gs1LabelSetTransmitMode is an enumeration defining the mode used to transmit GS1 label sets. 
GS1Parser Class managing the parsing of GS1 formatted barcodes. 
GS1Parser.GS1Field Class representing a single GS1 field, comprised of application identifier and associated value. 
GS1Parser.ParsingException Parsing exception thrown in case there is an error during parsing. 
GtinFormat GtinFormat is an enumeration defining the format used when converting a barcode to its GTIN representation. 


HanXin HanXin is the class that configures the Han Xin Symbology. 


IlluminationTime IlluminationTime is an enumeration defining the allowed illumination time can be used for scanning. 
IlluminationType IlluminationType is an enumeration defining the allowed illumination type can be used for scanning. 
ImageCaptureProfile The ImageCaptureProfile is an enumeration defining the scanner profile for image capture. 
ImageEnum ImageEnum is an enumeration defining constants for different images that can be displayed by SoftSpot. 
ImageState ImageState is an enumeration defining constants for different states SoftSpot can be in. 
InitListener This interface is used by the application to listen to the scan init event. 
InputDevice Interface representing an input device. 
InputDevice.Type Enumeration representing the type of input device. 
InputType The InputType is an enumeration defining the input device to use for capturing frames. 
InsertionState Enumerative representing an insertion state depending on the device's position. 
IntentDeliveryMode IntentDeliveryMode is an enumeration defining the method by which the intent is delivered. 
IntentMapping A MappingObject contains an Intent
Intents Datalogic Intents allow to be notified about system events such as interactions between Device and Cradle (ACTION_CRADLE_*) or device configuration changed (ACTION_CONFIGURATION_*). 
IntentWedge IntentWedge is the class that configures the Decode Wedge capability with the intent mode. 
Interleaved25 Interleaved25 is the class that configures the Interleaved 2/5 Symbology. 
Interleaved25Aggressiveness Interleaved25Aggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for Interleaved 2/5 barcodes. 
Inverse Inverse is the class that configures the inverse mode for the supported linear and 2D symbologies. 
InverseMode InverseMode is an enumeration defining the decoding mode for regular/reverse barcodes. 
Isbt128Mode Isbt128Mode is an enumeration defining the decoding mode for ISBT 128 barcodes. 


KeyActionMapping Represents a key action. 
KeyboardManager This class provides access to keyboard related methods of the device. 
KeyboardManager.VScanCode Virtual key scan codes. 
KeyboardType The KeyboardType enumeration lists keyboard type codes. 
KeyboardWedge KeyboardWedge is the class that configures the Decode Wedge capability with the keystroke mode. 
KeyCodeEntry This class stores an Android KeyCode entry, as defined in KeyEvent  
KeyWedgeMode KeyWedgeMode is an enumeration defining the different KeyboardWedge input methodologies. 


Led The Led enumeration lists the LED type identifiers can be used to manage the LEDs on the device with LedManager interface. 
LedManager This class provides access to leds related methods of the device. 
LengthControlMode LengthControlMode is an enumeration defining the operating length control mode for each barcode family that has lengths. 
LeverStatus Enumerative representing the Cradle Lever status. 
LinearQuietZones LinearQuietZones is the class that configures the admitted quiet zones for the supported linear symbologies. 
LocationManager The LocationManager class provides access to geo-location related methods of the device. 
LocationMode The LocationMode enumeration defines different location systems that can be selectively activated to help the Android LocationManager. 
LoggerBufferSize The LoggerBufferSize enumeration defines the possible Logger buffer sizes. 


ManufacturerInfo The ManufacturerInfo represents battery manufacturer information. 
MappingObject This class is a generic representation of actions to be executed when certain key events occur. 
MappingTriggerPolicy The key event trigger policy. 
Matrix25 Matrix25 is the class that configures the Matrix 2/5 Symbology. 
Maxicode Maxicode is the class that configures the Maxicode Symbology. 
Micropdf417 Micropdf417 is the class that configures the MicroPDF-417 Symbology. 
MicroQR MicroQR is the class that configures the Micro QR Code Symbology. 
MotionTrigger Interface representing a trigger that automatically executes a specific action (scan by default) when a motion event is detected. 
MotionTrigger.Sensitivity Class representing the sensitivity used to trigger the action, constituted by an id and a name. 
Msi Msi is the class that configures the MSI Symbology. 
MsiAggressiveness MsiAggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for MSI barcodes. 
MultipleChoiceProperty MultipleChoiceProperty is the class that implements the property of type MultipleChoice. 
MultiScan MultiScan is the class that configures the Multi Scan functionality. 


NfcManager This class provides access to enable and disable the nfc adapter  
NotificationPanelPolicy The NotificationPanelPolicy enumeration defines the notifications to be displayed on the Notification Panel. 
NumericProperty NumericProperty is the class that implements the property of type Integer. 


OCR OCR is the class that configure the MRZ reader. 
OffChargingModePolicy Enum OffChargingModePolicy defines the behaviors that the device can assume while it is turned off and is being charged. 


PackageInstaller PackageInstaller gives developers the ability to install, uninstall and upgrade applications in unattended/silent mode. 
PackageInstallerEvent Enumerative representing the result event of the action requested to the SDK Package Installer. 
PackageInstallerException This exception is used for installer related errors. 
PackageInstallerListener This interface is used by the application to listen to install/uninstall/upgrade result event. 
PackageInstallerResult PackageInstallerResult is the base element of the List passed by onResult(List) to retrieve the result of operations of install/uninstall/upgrade. 
PackageInstallerSession PackageInstallerSession gives developers the ability to group the execution of a sequence of install, uninstall and upgrade commands. 
PartialResultMode PartialResultMode is an enumeration defining the allowed mode to manage partial results when Multi Scan mode is enabled. 
Pdf417 Pdf417 is the class that configures the PDF 417 Symbology. 
PersistenceType Enumerative representing the persistence type. 
PhysicalKeyboardPolicy The PhysicalKeyboardPolicy enumeration defines the layouts for external physical keyboard. 
PostalAustralian PostalAustralian is the class that configures the Postal Australian. 
PostalJapan PostalJapan is the class that configures the Postal Japan. 
PostalKix PostalKix is the class that configures the Postal Kix. 
PostalRoyalMail PostalRoyalMail is the class that configures the Postal Royal Mail. 
PostalUsPlanet PostalUsPlanet is the class that configures the Postal US Planet. 
PostalUsPostnet PostalUsPostnet is the class that configures the Postal US Postnet. 
PostalUsps4State PostalUsps4State is the class that configures the Postal USPS4State. 
PowerManager This class provides access to battery life related methods of the device. 
PresentationMode PresentationMode is the class that configures the presentation mode functionalities. 
PresentationState PresentationState is an enumeration class defining constants for presentation mode states. 
PresentationStateListener This interface is used by the application to listen to the presentation mode state change event. 
PreviewDisplayMode The PreviewDisplayMode is an enumeration defining the mode used while showing the camera preview if the selected input device is a camera (front or rear). 
ProfileManager ProfileManager gives the developer the ability to create a profile and to load it explicitly or to associate it to a loading condition to be automatically loaded. 
ProfileRuleType ProfileRuleType is the class that implements the descriptor of the association of a profile to a set of activities. 
ProfileType ProfileType is the class that implements the descriptor of a profile. 
Property<T> Property is the abstract class that represents a generic Property of type T. 
PropertyEditor PropertyEditor is the interface to get and set properties from/to the underlying subsystem. 
PropertyGetter PropertyGetter is the interface to get properties from/to the underlying subsystem. 
PropertyGroup PropertyGroup contains properties and/or other property groups. 
PropertyGroupID PropertyGroupID is the class that includes all the property group identifiers. 
PropertyID PropertyID is the class that includes all the properties identifiers. 
PropertyID PropertyID is the class that includes all the properties identifiers. 
PropertyType PropertyType is the enumerative class representing the Property types. 


QRCode QRCode is the class that configures the QR Code Symbology. 
QRMirror QRMirror is an enumeration defining the decoding mode for regular/mirror QR barcodes. 
QuickSettingsTiles QuickSettingsTiles provides information about the available tiles in the Quick Settings panel. 


ReadListener This interface is used by the application to listen to the decoder's read event. 
RebootReason The RebootReason enumeration is the class that includes the reboot reason related to Power off. 
RotationSpeed The RotationSpeed enumeration defines the possible notification rotation speed on 2nd display. 


SavedFrame SaveFrame is a data structure passed by FrameSaveListener.onFrameSave to retrieve frame data from the decoder. 
ScanEngineInputDevice Input device representing the Scan Engine. 
ScanMode The ScanMode is an enumeration defining the operating scan mode. 
ScannerOptions ScannerOptions is the class that configures the scanner target beam and other scanner functionalities. 
ScannerProperties ScannerProperties is the scanner property container class. 
SendCodeID SendCodeID is an enumeration defining the type of identifier to be transmitted with the scanned data. 
SerializableBlob The base type for a BlobProperty must extends the abstract class SerializableBlob. 
SnapOcr SnapOcr is the class that configures the Snap OCR feature, used to capture and provide OCR text found in the scanner/camera frames. 
SnapOcrFirstSelectionMode The SnapOcrFirstSelectionMode is an enumeration defining the first selection mode for the Snap OCR. 
SnapOcrResultsCombination The SnapOcrResultsCombination is an enumeration defining the way in which the OCR results are combined. 
SnapOcrResultSettings SnapOcrResultSettings is the class that configures the Snap OCR settings related to the OCR results. 
SnapOcrRoiSettings Class defining the ROI settings used in Snap OCR when the first selection mode is set to ROI_PROPOSE or ROI_SEND. 
SnapOcrRoiSettings.InternalRoi A single ROI inside of the reference ROI. 
SnapOcrRoiSettings.ReferenceRoi The reference ROI inside of which, all the ROIs are defined. 
SnapOcrScanningPolicy The SnapOcrScanningPolicy is an enumeration defining the scanning policy used when the Snap OCR is enabled. 
SnapOcrUiCustomization SnapOcrUiCustomization is the class that configures the Snap OCR settings related to the UI customization. 
SoftSpot API to configure SoftSpot. 
SoftSpot.Point X/Y screen coordinates. 
SoftSpot.WorkingArea Constraints defining the frame to restrict SoftSpot's movement. 
SoftSpot.WorkingArea.RotationBehavior RotationBehavior is an enumeration defining constants for different ways the WorkingArea can behave when rotating the device. 
StartListener This interface is used by the application to listen to the scan started event. 
StopListener This interface is used by the application to listen to the scan stopped event. 
StringArrayBlob StringArrayBlob implements the SerializableBlob that manages a list of String
StringMapping A MappingObject contains a Unicode string. 
StringSetBlob StringSetBlob implements the SerializableBlob that manages a collection of String
SupportedWtApplications StringArrayBlob implements the class that manages the list of supported Walkie-Talkie applications to be used with the Push-to-Talk button. 
SuspendTimeout The SuspendTimeout enumeration defines different available display sleep timeouts. 
Symbology Symbology is an enumeration class defining constants for different barcode types. 
SYSTEM The SYSTEM class provides access to system info. 
SYSTEM.Version The Version class contains strings and constants used for values in the ACTION_DEVICE_INFO Intent. 


TextProperty TextProperty is the class that implements the property of type String. 
TimeoutListener This interface is used by the application to listen to the scan timeout event. 
TimeoutSleep The TimeoutSleep enumeration defines the possible value for 2nd display sleep timeout. 
Tlc39 Tlc39 is the class that configures the TLC 39 Symbology. 
ToneNotificationChannel ToneNotificationChannel is an enumeration defining the audio channel to use for the scanner notification, subject to Good read rules. 
ToneNotificationMode ToneNotificationMode is an enumeration defining the audio notification mode, subject to Good read rules. 
TouchManager This class provides access to touch panel related methods of the device. 
TouchMode Enum TouchMode defines the allowed touch-screen sensitivity values for settings property TOUCH_MODE_SENSITIVITY  
Trigger Interface representing a trigger associated by default with the scan action. 
Type Enumerative representing the Cradle type. 


UnlockKeyPolicy Enumerative representing the Policy to unlock the Cradle. 
UnlockKeyStatus Enumerative representing the unlock key status. 
UnlockNotificationPolicy Enumerative representing the Policy to unlock the Cradle. 
UnlockPolicy Enumerative representing the Policy to unlock the Cradle. 
UpcA UpcA is the class that configures the UPC-A Symbology. 
UpcE UpcE is the class that configures the UPC-E Symbology. 
UpcEanAggressiveness UpcEanAggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for UPC/EAN barcodes. 
UpcEanCompositeMode UpcEanCompositeMode is an enumeration defining the type of transmission in use for GS1 Composite labels containing UPC/EAN barcodes. 
UpcEanExtensions UpcEanExtensions is the class that configures the UPC/EAN Extensions. 
UsbFunction Enum UsbFunction defines the allowed values for settings the USB Trasfer Protocol in properties USB_DEFAULT_FUNCTION and USB_CURRENT_FUNCTION  
UsbHostWhitelisting UsbHostWhitelisting implements the BlobProperty that allows to manage USB host whitelisting. 
UsbWhitelistedDevice Class UsbWhitelistedDevice defines an USB whitelisted device. 


VirtualRAMSwapPolicy Enum VirtualRAMSwapPolicy defines the swap size for Virtual RAM feature through the property VIRTUAL_RAM_SWAP_POLICY
VisualFormatter VisualFormatter is a class used to install and manage the different projects created from the Visual Formatter tool available inside Scan2Deploy Studio. 
VisualFormatter.Item VisualFormatter.Item is a class representing a visual formatting item, used to manipulate the input barcode data when set as active item. 
VisualFormatter.Item.Property<T> VisualFormatter.Item.Property is a class representing a property of a visual formatting item, used to add custom parameters that can change the runtime behavior of the formatting item. 
VisualFormatter.Item.Property.Direction VisualFormatter.Item.Property.Direction is an enumeration representing the direction of the property. 
VisualFormatter.Item.Property.Type VisualFormatter.Item.Property.Type is an enumeration representing the type of property. 
VisualFormatter.Item.Type VisualFormatter.Item.Type is an enumeration representing the type of item. 
VisualFormatter.PersistenceType VisualFormatter.PersistenceType is an enumeration representing the persistence type of the installed visual formatter configuration. 
VScanEntry This class stores a virtual key scan code entry. 


WakeupSource The WakeupSource enumeration is the class that includes the power wakeup sources. 
WebWedge WebWedge is the class that configures the Decode Wedge capability for direct web browsing. 
Wifi802Dot11Mode Enum Wifi802Dot11Mode defines the allowed values for settings property WIFI_802_DOT_11_MODE  
WifiBandSelection Enum WifiBandSelection defines the allowed values for settings property WIFI_BAND_SELECTION  
WifiManager The WifiManager class enables the user to control the Wi-Fi adapter behaviour. 
WifiManager.SleepPolicy The policy for deciding when Wi-Fi should go to sleep (which will in turn switch to using the mobile data as an Internet connection). 
WifiNoInternetExpected The WifiNoInternetExpected enumeration defines the behaviour when the current connection doesn't have an Internet connection. 
WifiPowerSave Enum WifiPowerSave defines the allowed values for settings property WIFI_POWER_SAVE  
WifiProfile The WifiProfile class is used to both represent a valid Wi-Fi profile and manipulate it (e.g. 
WifiProfile.Builder The WifiProfile.Builder class is used create and manipulate Wi-Fi profiles. 
WifiProfile.CertificateType Enumeration of the valid encodings for the user-certificate to be used for the EAP authentication. 
WifiProfile.EapMethod Enumeration of the valid EAP methods to use for WPA/WPA2 EAP authentication. 
WifiProfile.EapPhase2 Enumeration of the valid EAP phase-2 methods to use for WPA/WPA2 EAP authentication. 
WifiRoamingProfile Enum WifiRoamingProfile defines the Roaming profiles that can be used for settings property WIFI_ROAMING_PROFILE  
WiFiType The WiFiType enumeration lists Wi-Fi types.