Datamatrix |
Datamatrix is the class that configures the Data Matrix
Symbology. |
DatamatrixAggressiveness |
DatamatrixAggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for Datamatrix barcodes. |
DatamatrixMirror |
DatamatrixMirror is an enumeration defining the decoding mode for regular/mirror Data Matrix barcodes. |
DatamatrixOpMode |
DatamatrixOpMode is an enumeration defining the allowed operating mode for datamatrix barcodes. |
DecodedDuration |
DecodedDuration is an enumeration defining constants for the
time periods SoftSpot can configured to display the decoded icon for. |
DecodeException |
DecodeException is used for decoder related errors. |
DecodeResult |
DecodeResult is an interface passed by
onRead(DecodeResult) to retrieve scanned data from the
decoder. |
DecodingNotification |
DecodingNotification is the class that configures the
notification to produce on a successful read . |
DeinitListener |
This interface is used by the application to listen to the scan deinit
event. |
DelayMapping |
A simple delay action. |
DeviceException |
This exception is used for device related errors. |
DeviceManager |
This class provides access to control several device options. |
DeviceNameSuffix |
Enum DeviceNameSuffix defines the possible suffixes for setting the property DEVICE_NAME_SUFFIX . |
Digimarc |
Digimarc ® is the class that configures the Digimarc barcode ™ reading capability. |
DigimarcDataFormat |
The DigimarcDataFormat is an enumeration defining the format
used for Digimarc barcode. |
Discrete25 |
Discrete25 is the class that configures the Discrete 2/5
Symbology. |
DisplayNotification |
DisplayNotification is the class that configures the Display Notification
capability via a displaying message. |
DLBatteryManager |
The DLBatteryManager allows to read specific battery parameters. |
DLCradleManager |
This class provides access to Cradle related methods of the device. |
DLKeyEvent |
DLKeyEvent defines the custom Datalogic's keycodes. |
DLSecondDisplayManager |
2nd Display is the LED display panel on the top of Datalogic Memor20 device, near to the ScanEngine. |
DotCode |
DotCode is the class that configures the Dot Code. |
DualSimPreferredCallsAndSms |
Enum DualSimPreferredCallsAndSms defines the Dual SIM settings for voice calls and SMS. |
DualSimPreferredData |
Enum DualSimPreferredData defines the Dual SIM settings for mobile data. |
DualSimStatus |
Enum DualSimStatus defines the Dual SIM settings for SIM Cards availability. |
Failure |
This enum lists failures managed by the Cradle. |
FailurePolicy |
Enumerative representing the Policy to show Cradle failures. |
FirmwareUpdatePolicy |
Enumerative representing the Policy to update the Cradle Firmware. |
Formatting |
Formatting is the class that configures the properties related
to barcode text formatting. |
FrameCaptureConfiguration |
FrameCaptureConfiguration is the class that configures the scanner to capture
store and provide frames. |
FrameCaptureFormat |
The FrameCaptureFileType is an enumeration defining the file type
for the frames captured by the Scanner. |
FrameCaptureListener |
This interface is used by the application to listen to the decoder's frame capture event. |
FrameCaptureMode |
The FrameCaptureMode is an enumeration defining the operating frame
capture mode. |
FrameSaveListener |
This interface is used by the application to listen to the decoder's frame save event. |
GoodRead |
GoodRead is the class that configures which type of notification
is activated on a successful read. |
Gs1Conversion2d |
Gs1Conversion2d is an enumeration defining the conversion used for GS1 2D barcodes. |
Gs1DataBar_14 |
Gs1DataBar_14 is the class that configures the GS1 DataBar-14
Symbology. |
Gs1DataBar_Expanded |
Gs1DataBar_Expanded is the class that configures the GS1 DataBar
Expanded Symbology. |
Gs1DataBar_Limited |
Gs1DataBar_Limited is the class that configures the GS1 DataBar
Limited Symbology. |
Gs1LabelSetTransmitMode |
Gs1LabelSetTransmitMode is an enumeration defining the mode used to transmit GS1 label sets. |
GS1Parser |
Class managing the parsing of GS1 formatted barcodes. |
GS1Parser.GS1Field |
Class representing a single GS1 field, comprised of application identifier and associated value. |
GS1Parser.ParsingException |
Parsing exception thrown in case there is an error during parsing. |
GtinFormat |
GtinFormat is an enumeration defining the format used when converting a barcode to its GTIN representation. |
IlluminationTime |
IlluminationTime is an enumeration defining the allowed illumination time
can be used for scanning. |
IlluminationType |
IlluminationType is an enumeration defining the allowed illumination type
can be used for scanning. |
ImageCaptureProfile |
The ImageCaptureProfile is an enumeration defining the scanner profile
for image capture. |
ImageEnum |
ImageEnum is an enumeration defining constants for different images that
can be displayed by SoftSpot. |
ImageState |
ImageState is an enumeration defining constants for different states
SoftSpot can be in. |
InitListener |
This interface is used by the application to listen to the scan init
event. |
InputDevice |
Interface representing an input device. |
InputDevice.Type |
Enumeration representing the type of input device. |
InputType |
The InputType is an enumeration defining the input device to use
for capturing frames. |
InsertionState |
Enumerative representing an insertion state depending on the device's
position. |
IntentDeliveryMode |
IntentDeliveryMode is an enumeration defining the
method by which the intent is delivered. |
IntentMapping |
A MappingObject contains an Intent . |
Intents |
Datalogic Intents allow to be notified about system events such as interactions between Device and Cradle (ACTION_CRADLE_*) or device configuration changed (ACTION_CONFIGURATION_*). |
IntentWedge |
IntentWedge is the class that configures the Decode Wedge
capability with the intent mode. |
Interleaved25 |
Interleaved25 is the class that configures the Interleaved 2/5
Symbology. |
Interleaved25Aggressiveness |
Interleaved25Aggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for Interleaved 2/5 barcodes. |
Inverse |
Inverse is the class that configures the inverse mode for the supported linear and 2D symbologies. |
InverseMode |
InverseMode is an enumeration defining the decoding mode for regular/reverse barcodes. |
Isbt128Mode |
Isbt128Mode is an enumeration defining the decoding mode for ISBT 128 barcodes. |
Led |
The Led enumeration lists the LED type identifiers can be used to manage the LEDs on the device with LedManager interface. |
LedManager |
This class provides access to leds related methods of the device. |
LengthControlMode |
LengthControlMode is an enumeration defining the operating length
control mode for each barcode family that has lengths. |
LeverStatus |
Enumerative representing the Cradle Lever status. |
LinearQuietZones |
LinearQuietZones is the class that configures the admitted quiet zones for the supported linear symbologies. |
LocationManager |
The LocationManager class provides access to geo-location related methods of the device. |
LocationMode |
The LocationMode enumeration defines different location systems that can be selectively
activated to help the Android LocationManager. |
LoggerBufferSize |
The LoggerBufferSize enumeration defines the possible Logger buffer sizes. |
ManufacturerInfo |
The ManufacturerInfo represents battery manufacturer information. |
MappingObject |
This class is a generic representation of actions to be executed when certain key events occur. |
MappingTriggerPolicy |
The key event trigger policy. |
Matrix25 |
Matrix25 is the class that configures the Matrix 2/5 Symbology. |
Maxicode |
Maxicode is the class that configures the Maxicode Symbology. |
Micropdf417 |
Micropdf417 is the class that configures the MicroPDF-417
Symbology. |
MicroQR |
MicroQR is the class that configures the Micro QR Code Symbology. |
MotionTrigger |
Interface representing a trigger that automatically executes a specific
action (scan by default) when a motion event is detected. |
MotionTrigger.Sensitivity |
Class representing the sensitivity used to trigger the action, constituted by
an id and a name. |
MotionTriggerSensitivity |
Msi |
Msi is the class that configures the MSI Symbology. |
MsiAggressiveness |
MsiAggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for MSI barcodes. |
MultipleChoiceProperty |
MultipleChoiceProperty is the class that implements the property of type
MultipleChoice. |
MultiScan |
MultiScan is the class that configures the Multi Scan functionality. |
PackageInstaller |
PackageInstaller gives developers the ability to install, uninstall and
upgrade applications in unattended/silent mode. |
PackageInstallerEvent |
Enumerative representing the result event of the action requested to the SDK Package Installer. |
PackageInstallerException |
This exception is used for installer related errors. |
PackageInstallerListener |
This interface is used by the application to listen to install/uninstall/upgrade
result event. |
PackageInstallerResult |
PackageInstallerResult is the base element of the List passed by
onResult(List) to retrieve the result of
operations of install/uninstall/upgrade. |
PackageInstallerSession |
PackageInstallerSession gives developers the ability to group the execution of a sequence of install, uninstall and
upgrade commands. |
PartialResultMode |
PartialResultMode is an enumeration defining the allowed mode to manage partial results when
Multi Scan mode is enabled. |
Pdf417 |
Pdf417 is the class that configures the PDF 417 Symbology. |
PersistenceType |
Enumerative representing the persistence type. |
PostalAustralian |
PostalAustralian is the class that configures the Postal
Australian. |
PostalJapan |
PostalJapan is the class that configures the Postal Japan. |
PostalKix |
PostalKix is the class that configures the Postal Kix. |
PostalRoyalMail |
PostalRoyalMail is the class that configures the Postal Royal
Mail. |
PostalUsPlanet |
PostalUsPlanet is the class that configures the Postal US
Planet. |
PostalUsPostnet |
PostalUsPostnet is the class that configures the Postal US
Postnet. |
PostalUsps4State |
PostalUsps4State is the class that configures the Postal
USPS4State. |
PowerManager |
This class provides access to battery life related methods of the device. |
PresentationMode |
PresentationMode is the class that configures the presentation mode functionalities. |
PresentationState |
PresentationState is an enumeration class defining constants for presentation mode states. |
PresentationStateListener |
This interface is used by the application to listen to the presentation mode state change event. |
PreviewDisplayMode |
The PreviewDisplayMode is an enumeration defining the mode used
while showing the camera preview if the selected input device is a camera
(front or rear). |
ProfileManager |
ProfileManager gives the developer the ability to create a profile and to load it explicitly or to associate it to a loading condition to be automatically loaded. |
ProfileRuleType |
ProfileRuleType is the class that implements the descriptor of the association of a profile to a set of activities. |
ProfileType |
ProfileType is the class that implements the descriptor of a profile. |
Property<T> |
Property is the abstract class that represents a generic Property of type T. |
PropertyEditor |
PropertyEditor is the interface to get and set properties
from/to the underlying subsystem. |
PropertyGetter |
PropertyGetter is the interface to get properties from/to the
underlying subsystem. |
PropertyGroup |
PropertyGroup contains properties and/or other property groups. |
PropertyGroupID |
PropertyGroupID is the class that includes all the property group identifiers. |
PropertyID |
PropertyID is the class that includes all the properties
identifiers. |
PropertyID |
PropertyID is the class that includes all the properties
identifiers. |
PropertyType |
PropertyType is the enumerative class representing the Property types. |
SavedFrame |
SaveFrame is a data structure passed by
FrameSaveListener.onFrameSave to retrieve frame
data from the decoder. |
ScanEngineInputDevice |
Input device representing the Scan Engine. |
ScanMode |
The ScanMode is an enumeration defining the operating scan
mode. |
ScannerOptions |
ScannerOptions is the class that configures the scanner target
beam and other scanner functionalities. |
ScannerProperties |
ScannerProperties is the scanner property container class. |
SendCodeID |
SendCodeID is an enumeration defining the type of
identifier to be transmitted with the scanned data. |
SerializableBlob |
The base type for a BlobProperty must extends the abstract class SerializableBlob. |
SoftSpot |
API to configure SoftSpot. |
SoftSpot.Point |
X/Y screen coordinates. |
SoftSpot.WorkingArea |
Constraints defining the frame to restrict SoftSpot's movement. |
SoftSpot.WorkingArea.RotationBehavior |
RotationBehavior is an enumeration defining constants for different
ways the WorkingArea can behave when rotating the device. |
StartListener |
This interface is used by the application to listen to the scan started
event. |
StopListener |
This interface is used by the application to listen to the scan stopped
event. |
StringArrayBlob |
StringArrayBlob implements the SerializableBlob that manages the list of String . |
StringMapping |
A MappingObject contains a Unicode string. |
SupportedWtApplications |
StringArrayBlob implements the class that manages the list of supported Walkie-Talkie applications to be used with the Push-to-Talk button. |
SuspendTimeout |
The SuspendTimeout enumeration defines different available display sleep timeouts. |
Symbology |
Symbology is an enumeration class defining constants for different barcode types. |
The SYSTEM class provides access to system info. |
SYSTEM.Version |
The Version class contains strings and constants used for values
in the ACTION_DEVICE_INFO Intent. |
TextProperty |
TextProperty is the class that implements the property of type
String. |
TimeoutListener |
This interface is used by the application to listen to the scan timeout
event. |
TimeoutSleep |
The TimeoutSleep enumeration defines the possible value for 2nd display sleep timeout. |
Tlc39 |
Tlc39 is the class that configures the TLC 39 Symbology. |
ToneNotificationChannel |
ToneNotificationChannel is an enumeration defining the audio channel to use for
the scanner notification, subject to Good read rules. |
ToneNotificationMode |
ToneNotificationMode is an enumeration defining the audio notification mode, subject to Good read rules. |
TouchManager |
This class provides access to touch panel related methods of the device. |
TouchMode |
Enum TouchMode defines the allowed touch-screen sensitivity values for settings property TOUCH_MODE_SENSITIVITY
TouchModeFlags |
Trigger |
Interface representing a trigger associated by default with the scan action. |
Type |
Enumerative representing the Cradle type. |
UnlockKeyPolicy |
Enumerative representing the Policy to unlock the Cradle. |
UnlockKeyStatus |
Enumerative representing the unlock key status. |
UnlockNotificationPolicy |
Enumerative representing the Policy to unlock the Cradle. |
UnlockPolicy |
Enumerative representing the Policy to unlock the Cradle. |
UpcA |
UpcA is the class that configures the UPC-A Symbology. |
UpcE |
UpcE is the class that configures the UPC-E Symbology. |
UpcEanAggressiveness |
UpcEanAggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for UPC/EAN barcodes. |
UpcEanCompositeMode |
UpcEanCompositeMode is an enumeration defining the type of transmission in use for GS1 Composite labels containing UPC/EAN barcodes. |
UpcEanExtensions |
UpcEanExtensions is the class that configures the UPC/EAN
Extensions. |
UsbFunction |
Enum UsbFunction defines the allowed values for settings the USB Trasfer Protocol in properties USB_DEFAULT_FUNCTION and USB_CURRENT_FUNCTION
UsbHostWhitelisting |
UsbHostWhitelisting implements the BlobProperty that allows to manage USB host whitelisting. |
UsbWhitelistedDevice |
Class UsbWhitelistedDevice defines an USB whitelisted device. |
VisualFormatter |
VisualFormatter is a class used to install and manage the different
projects created from the Visual Formatter tool available inside Scan2Deploy Studio. |
VisualFormatter.Item |
VisualFormatter.Item is a class representing a visual formatting item,
used to manipulate the input barcode data when set as active item. |
VisualFormatter.Item.Property<T> |
VisualFormatter.Item.Property is a class representing a property of
a visual formatting item, used to add custom parameters that can change the runtime
behavior of the formatting item. |
VisualFormatter.Item.Property.Direction |
VisualFormatter.Item.Property.Direction is an enumeration representing
the direction of the property. |
VisualFormatter.Item.Property.Type |
VisualFormatter.Item.Property.Type is an enumeration representing
the type of property. |
VisualFormatter.Item.Type |
VisualFormatter.Item.Type is an enumeration representing the type of item. |
VisualFormatter.PersistenceType |
VisualFormatter.PersistenceType is an enumeration representing the
persistence type of the installed visual formatter configuration. |
VScanEntry |
This class stores a virtual key scan code entry. |