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Datalogic APIs
public class


extends PropertyGroup
   ↳ com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGroup
     ↳ com.datalogic.decode.configuration.GoodRead

Class Overview

The GoodRead class configures various types of notifications that are triggered upon a successful read. It includes options for enabling or disabling different notification methods, such as LED indicators, vibration, and an overlay on the screen.

The class provides properties for customizing each type of notification, allowing developers to fine-tune the user experience based on their specific requirements.

The GoodRead class also includes an advanced notification mechanism called the "Good Read Overlay". This overlay appears on the screen upon a successful read and can be customized in terms of color, shape, size, and position. The overlay is adaptable to both portrait and landscape modes, allowing for flexible configuration based on the device's orientation. The portrait and landscape properties are not mutually exclusive; both sets of properties should be configured. Depending on the device's orientation, the appropriate properties will be applied (portrait settings for portrait mode and landscape settings for landscape mode). The class GoodReadOverlayManager provides methods to manage custom images to be used as overlay.


public BooleanProperty goodReadEnable goodReadEnable requires the use of the good read notification on a successful read.
public BooleanProperty goodReadLedEnable goodReadLedEnable requires the use of the led notification on a successful read.
public BooleanProperty goodReadOverlayBlackAsTransparent goodReadOverlayBlackAsTransparent selects whether the black or white color in the overlay should be treated as transparent.
public NumericProperty goodReadOverlayColor goodReadOverlayColor selects which color to use on the overlay as notification on a successful read.
public TextProperty goodReadOverlayCustomShapeNameProfile goodReadOverlayCustomShapeNameProfile selects which custom shape to use on the overlay as notification on a successful read.
public BooleanProperty goodReadOverlayEnable goodReadOverlayEnable requires the use of an overlay as notification on a successful read.
public NumericProperty goodReadOverlayLandscapeCustomPositionX goodReadOverlayLandscapeCustomPositionX selects which custom position for the starting X coordinate (starting from the left) to use for the overlay in landscape mode.
public NumericProperty goodReadOverlayLandscapeCustomPositionY goodReadOverlayLandscapeCustomPositionY selects which custom position for the starting Y coordinate (starting from the top) to use for the overlay in landscape mode.
public NumericProperty goodReadOverlayLandscapeCustomSizeMaxHeight goodReadOverlayLandscapeCustomSizeMaxHeight selects which custom height for the overlay to use in landscape mode.
public NumericProperty goodReadOverlayLandscapeCustomSizeMaxWidth goodReadOverlayLandscapeCustomSizeMaxWidth selects which custom width for the overlay to use in landscape mode.
public EnumProperty<GoodReadOverlayDisplayPolicy> goodReadOverlayLandscapeDisplayPolicy goodReadOverlayLandscapeDisplayPolicy selects which node to use for the overlay in landscape mode.
public EnumProperty<GoodReadOverlayPositionPolicy> goodReadOverlayLandscapePositionPolicy goodReadOverlayLandscapePositionPolicy selects which position to use for the overlay in landscape mode.
public NumericProperty goodReadOverlayPortraitCustomPositionX goodReadOverlayPortraitCustomPositionX selects which custom position for the starting X coordinate (starting from the left) to use for the overlay in portrait mode.
public NumericProperty goodReadOverlayPortraitCustomPositionY goodReadOverlayPortraitCustomPositionY selects which custom position for the starting Y coordinate (starting from the top) to use for the overlay in portrait mode.
public NumericProperty goodReadOverlayPortraitCustomSizeMaxHeight goodReadOverlayPortraitCustomSizeMaxHeight defines the max custom height for the overlay to use in portrait mode.
public NumericProperty goodReadOverlayPortraitCustomSizeMaxWidth goodReadOverlayPortraitCustomSizeMaxWidth defines the max custom width for the overlay to use in portrait mode.
public EnumProperty<GoodReadOverlayDisplayPolicy> goodReadOverlayPortraitDisplayPolicy goodReadOverlayPortraitDisplayPolicy selects how to display the overlay in portrait mode.
public EnumProperty<GoodReadOverlayPositionPolicy> goodReadOverlayPortraitPositionPolicy goodReadOverlayPortraitPositionPolicy selects which position to use for the overlay in portrait mode.
public BooleanProperty goodReadOverlayPreserveColors goodReadOverlayPreserveColors selects whether the original colors of the overlay should be preserved.
public EnumProperty<GoodReadOverlayShapePolicy> goodReadOverlayShapePolicy goodReaderOverlayShapePolicy selects which shape to use on the overlay as notification on a successful read.
public NumericProperty goodReadOverlayTransparency goodReadOverlayTransparency selects the level of transparency to be applied to the overlay.
public BooleanProperty goodReadVibrateEnable goodReadVibrateEnable requires the use of the vibrator notification on a successful read.
public BooleanProperty greenSpotEnable greenSpotEnable requires the use of the green spot notification on a successful read.
Public Constructors
GoodRead(PropertyGetter editor)
This is the constructor of GoodRead.
Inherited Methods
From class com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGroup
From class java.lang.Object


public BooleanProperty goodReadEnable

Added in revision 1

goodReadEnable requires the use of the good read notification on a successful read.

public BooleanProperty goodReadLedEnable

Added in revision 1

goodReadLedEnable requires the use of the led notification on a successful read.

public BooleanProperty goodReadOverlayBlackAsTransparent

Added in revision 43

goodReadOverlayBlackAsTransparent selects whether the black or white color in the overlay should be treated as transparent. When set to false, the white areas in the overlay will be considered transparent; when set to true, the black areas will be treated as transparent. In both cases, all other colors are converted to grayscale, and their transparency is interpolated between the two extremes.

public NumericProperty goodReadOverlayColor

Added in revision 41

goodReadOverlayColor selects which color to use on the overlay as notification on a successful read. The color is used when the field goodReadOverlayShapePolicy is set to FULL_SCREEN or, when the field goodReadOverlayPreserveColors is set to false. This property uses an ARGB format (32bit 8bpc), alpha channel is not used, the transparency is set by the goodReadOverlayTransparency field.

public TextProperty goodReadOverlayCustomShapeNameProfile

Added in revision 41

goodReadOverlayCustomShapeNameProfile selects which custom shape to use on the overlay as notification on a successful read.

public BooleanProperty goodReadOverlayEnable

Added in revision 41

goodReadOverlayEnable requires the use of an overlay as notification on a successful read.

public NumericProperty goodReadOverlayLandscapeCustomPositionX

Added in revision 41

goodReadOverlayLandscapeCustomPositionX selects which custom position for the starting X coordinate (starting from the left) to use for the overlay in landscape mode.

public NumericProperty goodReadOverlayLandscapeCustomPositionY

Added in revision 41

goodReadOverlayLandscapeCustomPositionY selects which custom position for the starting Y coordinate (starting from the top) to use for the overlay in landscape mode.

public NumericProperty goodReadOverlayLandscapeCustomSizeMaxHeight

Added in revision 41

goodReadOverlayLandscapeCustomSizeMaxHeight selects which custom height for the overlay to use in landscape mode.

public NumericProperty goodReadOverlayLandscapeCustomSizeMaxWidth

Added in revision 41

goodReadOverlayLandscapeCustomSizeMaxWidth selects which custom width for the overlay to use in landscape mode.

public EnumProperty<GoodReadOverlayDisplayPolicy> goodReadOverlayLandscapeDisplayPolicy

Added in revision 41

goodReadOverlayLandscapeDisplayPolicy selects which node to use for the overlay in landscape mode.

public EnumProperty<GoodReadOverlayPositionPolicy> goodReadOverlayLandscapePositionPolicy

Added in revision 41

goodReadOverlayLandscapePositionPolicy selects which position to use for the overlay in landscape mode.

public NumericProperty goodReadOverlayPortraitCustomPositionX

Added in revision 41

goodReadOverlayPortraitCustomPositionX selects which custom position for the starting X coordinate (starting from the left) to use for the overlay in portrait mode.

public NumericProperty goodReadOverlayPortraitCustomPositionY

Added in revision 41

goodReadOverlayPortraitCustomPositionY selects which custom position for the starting Y coordinate (starting from the top) to use for the overlay in portrait mode.

public NumericProperty goodReadOverlayPortraitCustomSizeMaxHeight

Added in revision 41

goodReadOverlayPortraitCustomSizeMaxHeight defines the max custom height for the overlay to use in portrait mode.

public NumericProperty goodReadOverlayPortraitCustomSizeMaxWidth

Added in revision 41

goodReadOverlayPortraitCustomSizeMaxWidth defines the max custom width for the overlay to use in portrait mode.

public EnumProperty<GoodReadOverlayDisplayPolicy> goodReadOverlayPortraitDisplayPolicy

Added in revision 41

goodReadOverlayPortraitDisplayPolicy selects how to display the overlay in portrait mode.

public EnumProperty<GoodReadOverlayPositionPolicy> goodReadOverlayPortraitPositionPolicy

Added in revision 41

goodReadOverlayPortraitPositionPolicy selects which position to use for the overlay in portrait mode.

public BooleanProperty goodReadOverlayPreserveColors

Added in revision 43

goodReadOverlayPreserveColors selects whether the original colors of the overlay should be preserved. When set to true, the colors specified in the overlay will not be altered during rendering, otherwise effects or modifications may be applied to the colors for a different display appearance.

public EnumProperty<GoodReadOverlayShapePolicy> goodReadOverlayShapePolicy

Added in revision 41

goodReaderOverlayShapePolicy selects which shape to use on the overlay as notification on a successful read.

public NumericProperty goodReadOverlayTransparency

Added in revision 43

goodReadOverlayTransparency selects the level of transparency to be applied to the overlay. The value is specified as a numeric property, typically ranging from 0 (fully opaque) to 100 (fully transparent). Values between 0 and 100 define varying degrees of transparency.

public BooleanProperty goodReadVibrateEnable

Added in revision 1

goodReadVibrateEnable requires the use of the vibrator notification on a successful read.

public BooleanProperty greenSpotEnable

Added in revision 1

greenSpotEnable requires the use of the green spot notification on a successful read.

Public Constructors

public GoodRead (PropertyGetter editor)

Added in revision 1

This is the constructor of GoodRead. All options are initialized by editor.

editor A PropertyGetter used to load the current barcode family.