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Datalogic APIs
public class


extends Object
   ↳ com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGroupID

Class Overview

PropertyGroupID is the class that includes all the property group identifiers.


int AZTEC_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Aztec Code symbology properties.
int BLUETOOTH_GROUP Root of the subtree of bluetooth's properties.
int CODABAR_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Codabar symbology properties.
int CODE128_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Code 128 symbology properties.
int CODE32_GROUP Root of the subtree of the CODE 32 symbology properties.
int CODE39_GROUP Root of the subtree of the CODE 39 symbology properties.
int CODE93_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Code 93 symbology properties.
int COMPOSITE_GROUP Root of the subtree of the UCC EAN Composite symbology properties.
int CRADLE_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Cradle properties.
int D25_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Discrete 2/5 symbology properties.
int DATAMATRIX_GROUP Root of the subtree of the DataMatrix symbology properties.
int DATE_AND_TIME_GROUP Root of the subtree of Date and Time properties.
int DECODING_NOTIFICATION_GROUP Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the notification to produce on a successful read.
int DEVELOPER_OPTIONS_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Developer Options properties.
int DEVICE_INFO_GROUP Root of the subtree of Device Information's properties.
int DIGIMARC_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Digimarc Barcode symbology properties.
int DISPLAY_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Display properties.
int DISPLAY_NOTIFICATION_GROUP Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the Display Notification capability via a displaying message.
int DOTCODE_GROUP Root of the subtree of the DotCode symbology properties.
int DUAL_SIM_GROUP Root of the subtree of Dual SIM properties
int DUAL_SIM_MGMT_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Dual SIM properties
int EAN13_GROUP Root of the subtree of the EAN-13 symbology properties.
int EAN8_GROUP Root of the subtree of the EAN 8 symbology properties.
int EAN_EXT_GROUP Root of the subtree of the UPC/EAN Extensions symbology properties.
int ETHERNET_GROUP Root of the subtree of ethernet properties.
int ETHERNET_SETTINGS_GROUP Root of the subtree of the ethernet settings properties.
int EXTERNAL_FORMATTING_GROUP Root of the subtree of External Formatter Group's properties.
int EXT_SCANNER_SOURCE_GROUP Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the barcode injection from an External Scanner Source.
int FORMATTING_GROUP Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the barcode text formatting.
int FRAME_CAPTURE_CONFIGURATION_GROUP Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the scanner to capture, store and provide frames.
int GOOD_READ_GROUP Root of the subtree of the properties that configure which type of notification is activated on a successful read.
int GS1_128_GROUP Root of the subtree of the GS1 Code 128 symbology properties.
int GS1_14_GROUP Root of the subtree of the RSS-14 symbology properties.
int GS1_EXP_GROUP Root of the subtree of the RSS Expanded symbology properties.
int GS1_GROUP Root of the subtree of the GS1 symbology properties.
int GS1_LIMIT_GROUP Root of the subtree of the RSS Limited symbology properties.
int HAN_XIN_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Han Xin Barcode symbology properties
int I25_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Interleaved 2/5 symbology properties.
int INPUT_SELECTION_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Input Selection properties
int INVERSE_GROUP Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the inverse mode for the supported 1D and 2D symbologies.
int ISBT_128_GROUP Root of the subtree of the ISBT 128 symbology properties.
int KEYBOARD_ADVANCED_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Keyboard Advanced Settings properties.
int KEYBOARD_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Keyboard properties.
int KEYBOARD_PHYSICAL_TRIGGER_ACTION_IN_SUSPEND Root of Keyboard action in suspend properties.
int KEYBOARD_PTT_GROUP Root of Keyboard Push-to-Talk properties.
int KEYBOARD_TRIGGERS_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Keyboard Triggers properties.
int KEYBOARD_WEDGE_GROUP Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the Decode Wedge capability with the keystroke mode.
int LINEAR_QUITE_ZONE_GROUP Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the admitted quiet zones for the supported linear symbologies.
int M25_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Matrix 2/5 symbology properties.
int MAXICODE_GROUP Root of the subtree of the MaxiCode symbology properties.
int MICROPDF417_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Micro PDF417 symbology properties.
int MICRO_QRCODE_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Micro QR Code symbology properties.
int MSI_GROUP Root of the subtree of the MSI symbology properties.
int MULTISCAN_GROUP Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the Multi Scan functionality.
int OCR_GROUP Root of the subtree of the OCR properties.
int PDF417_GROUP Root of the subtree of the PDF417 symbology properties.
int POSTAL_AUSTRALIAN_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Austarlian Postal Code symbology properties.
int POSTAL_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Postal Code symbology properties.
int POSTAL_JAPAN_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Japan Postal Code symbology properties.
int POSTAL_KIX_GROUP Root of the subtree of the KIX Postal Code symbology properties.
int POSTAL_ROYAL_MAIL_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Royal Mail Postal Code symbology properties.
int POSTAL_USPS_4STATE_GROUP Root of the subtree of the USPS 4 State Postal Code symbology properties.
int POSTAL_US_PLANET_GROUP Root of the subtree of the US Planet Postal Code symbology properties.
int POSTAL_US_POSTNET_GROUP Root of the subtree of the US Postnet Postal Code symbology properties.
int POWER_CHARGING_MODE_GROUP Root of the subtree of battery charging mode properties.
int POWER_GROUP Root of the subtree of Power properties.
int POWER_OFF_CHARGING_MODE_GROUP Root of the subtree of Power Off Charging Mode properties.
int POWER_SOURCE_GROUP Root of the subtree of Power Sources properties.
int POWER_SUSPEND_TIMEOUT_GROUP Root of the subtree of screen off timeout properties.
int POWER_WAKEUP_SOURCES_GROUP Root of the subtree of Wake-Up Sources properties.
int PRESENTATION_MODE_GROUP Root of the subtree of the properties that configure presentation mode functionality.
int PROFILES_GROUP Root of the subtree of policies' management properties.
int QRCODE_GROUP Root of the subtree of the QR Code symbology properties.
int RF_GROUP Root of the subtree of RF's properties.
int SCANNER_GROUP Root of the subtree of the decoding properties.
int SCANNER_OPTIONS_GROUP Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the scanner target beam and other scanner functionalities.
int SPECIFIC_SIM_MGMT_GROUP Root of specific sim properties
int STANDARD_FORMATTING_GROUP Root of the subtree of the Standard Formatting properties
int SYMBOLOGIES_GROUP Root of the subtree of the symbologies.
int TLC39_GROUP Root of the subtree of the TLC39 Barcode symbology properties
int TOUCH_GROUP Root of the subtree of Touch Mode properties.
int TRIOPTIC_GROUP Root of the subtree of the TRIOPTIC symbology properties.
int UI_SETTINGS_GROUP Root of the subtree of the UI Settings properties.
int UPCA_GROUP Root of the subtree of the UPC-A symbology properties.
int UPCE_GROUP Root of the subtree of the UPC-E symbology properties.
int UPC_EAN_EXT_GROUP Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the UPC/EAN Extensions.
int UPC_EAN_GROUP Root of the subtree of the UPC/EAN Options symbology properties.
int USB_GROUP Root of the subtree of USB properties.
int WEDGE_GROUP Root of the subtree of Wedge - Keyboard Group's properties.
int WIFI_CHANNELS_GROUP Root of the subtree of Wifi's channels.
int WIFI_CHANNELS_GROUP_2_4GHZ Root of the subtree of 2.4ghz Wifi's channels.
int WIFI_CHANNELS_GROUP_5GHZ Root of the subtree of 5ghz Wifi's channels.
int WIFI_GROUP Root of the subtree of Wifi's properties.
int WIFI_MODULE_SETTINGS_GROUP Root of the subtree of the wifi module settings properties.
int WIFI_ROAMING_SETTINGS_GROUP Root of the subtree of the wifi roaming settings properties.
int WIFI_SCAN_SETTINGS_GROUP Root of the subtree of the wifi scan settings properties.
int WIFI_SCAN_TIMINGS_GROUP Root of the subtree of the wifi scan timings properties.
int s1D_GROUP Root of the subtree of the 1D symbologies.
int s2D_GROUP Root of the subtree of the 2D symbologies.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final int AZTEC_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Aztec Code symbology properties.

Constant Value: 29 (0x0000001d)

public static final int BLUETOOTH_GROUP

Added in revision 36

Root of the subtree of bluetooth's properties.

Constant Value: 4194304 (0x00400000)

public static final int CODABAR_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Codabar symbology properties.

Constant Value: 9 (0x00000009)

public static final int CODE128_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Code 128 symbology properties.

Constant Value: 11 (0x0000000b)

public static final int CODE32_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the CODE 32 symbology properties.

Constant Value: 5 (0x00000005)

public static final int CODE39_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the CODE 39 symbology properties.

Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)

public static final int CODE93_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Code 93 symbology properties.

Constant Value: 10 (0x0000000a)

public static final int COMPOSITE_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the UCC EAN Composite symbology properties.

Constant Value: 24 (0x00000018)

public static final int CRADLE_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Cradle properties.

Constant Value: 3932161 (0x003c0001)

public static final int D25_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Discrete 2/5 symbology properties.

Constant Value: 6 (0x00000006)

public static final int DATAMATRIX_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the DataMatrix symbology properties.

Constant Value: 25 (0x00000019)

public static final int DATE_AND_TIME_GROUP

Added in revision 27

Root of the subtree of Date and Time properties.

Constant Value: 1310721 (0x00140001)

public static final int DECODING_NOTIFICATION_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the notification to produce on a successful read.

Constant Value: 37 (0x00000025)

public static final int DEVELOPER_OPTIONS_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Developer Options properties.

Constant Value: 3145729 (0x00300001)

public static final int DEVICE_INFO_GROUP

Added in revision 36

Root of the subtree of Device Information's properties.

Constant Value: 4456449 (0x00440001)

public static final int DIGIMARC_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Digimarc Barcode symbology properties.

Constant Value: 30 (0x0000001e)

public static final int DISPLAY_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Display properties.

Constant Value: 3407873 (0x00340001)

public static final int DISPLAY_NOTIFICATION_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the Display Notification capability via a displaying message. This means that the decoded label is displayed through a pop-up message, an Android Toast, on the device's screen.

Constant Value: 38 (0x00000026)

public static final int DOTCODE_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the DotCode symbology properties.

Constant Value: 31 (0x0000001f)

public static final int DUAL_SIM_GROUP

Added in revision 29

Root of the subtree of Dual SIM properties

Constant Value: 2097152 (0x00200000)

public static final int DUAL_SIM_MGMT_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Dual SIM properties

Constant Value: 2097153 (0x00200001)

public static final int EAN13_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the EAN-13 symbology properties.

Constant Value: 14 (0x0000000e)

public static final int EAN8_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the EAN 8 symbology properties.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

public static final int EAN_EXT_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the UPC/EAN Extensions symbology properties.

Constant Value: 15 (0x0000000f)

public static final int ETHERNET_GROUP

Added in revision 30

Root of the subtree of ethernet properties.

Constant Value: 2359297 (0x00240001)

public static final int ETHERNET_SETTINGS_GROUP

Added in revision 35

Root of the subtree of the ethernet settings properties.

Constant Value: 2359298 (0x00240002)

public static final int EXTERNAL_FORMATTING_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of External Formatter Group's properties.

Constant Value: 262145 (0x00040001)

public static final int EXT_SCANNER_SOURCE_GROUP

Added in revision 38

Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the barcode injection from an External Scanner Source.

Constant Value: 65 (0x00000041)

public static final int FORMATTING_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the barcode text formatting.

Constant Value: 40 (0x00000028)


Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the scanner to capture, store and provide frames.

Constant Value: 41 (0x00000029)

public static final int GOOD_READ_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the properties that configure which type of notification is activated on a successful read.

Constant Value: 42 (0x0000002a)

public static final int GS1_128_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the GS1 Code 128 symbology properties.

Constant Value: 48 (0x00000030)

public static final int GS1_14_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the RSS-14 symbology properties.

Constant Value: 18 (0x00000012)

public static final int GS1_EXP_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the RSS Expanded symbology properties.

Constant Value: 20 (0x00000014)

public static final int GS1_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the GS1 symbology properties.

Constant Value: 47 (0x0000002f)

public static final int GS1_LIMIT_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the RSS Limited symbology properties.

Constant Value: 19 (0x00000013)

public static final int HAN_XIN_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Han Xin Barcode symbology properties

Constant Value: 58 (0x0000003a)

public static final int I25_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Interleaved 2/5 symbology properties.

Constant Value: 8 (0x00000008)

public static final int INPUT_SELECTION_GROUP

Added in revision 33

Root of the subtree of the Input Selection properties

Constant Value: 64 (0x00000040)

public static final int INVERSE_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the inverse mode for the supported 1D and 2D symbologies.

Constant Value: 43 (0x0000002b)

public static final int ISBT_128_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the ISBT 128 symbology properties.

Constant Value: 32 (0x00000020)

public static final int KEYBOARD_ADVANCED_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Keyboard Advanced Settings properties.

Constant Value: 3670019 (0x00380003)

public static final int KEYBOARD_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Keyboard properties.

Constant Value: 3670017 (0x00380001)


Added in revision 39

Root of Keyboard action in suspend properties.

Constant Value: 3670021 (0x00380005)

public static final int KEYBOARD_PTT_GROUP

Added in revision 36

Root of Keyboard Push-to-Talk properties.

Constant Value: 3670020 (0x00380004)

public static final int KEYBOARD_TRIGGERS_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Keyboard Triggers properties.

Constant Value: 3670018 (0x00380002)

public static final int KEYBOARD_WEDGE_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the Decode Wedge capability with the keystroke mode.

Constant Value: 39 (0x00000027)

public static final int LINEAR_QUITE_ZONE_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the admitted quiet zones for the supported linear symbologies.

Constant Value: 36 (0x00000024)

public static final int M25_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Matrix 2/5 symbology properties.

Constant Value: 7 (0x00000007)

public static final int MAXICODE_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the MaxiCode symbology properties.

Constant Value: 26 (0x0000001a)

public static final int MICROPDF417_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Micro PDF417 symbology properties.

Constant Value: 23 (0x00000017)

public static final int MICRO_QRCODE_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Micro QR Code symbology properties.

Constant Value: 28 (0x0000001c)

public static final int MSI_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the MSI symbology properties.

Constant Value: 17 (0x00000011)

public static final int MULTISCAN_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the Multi Scan functionality. This functionality allows to collect a defined number of barcodes in a single session and transmit them at the same time.

Constant Value: 44 (0x0000002c)

public static final int OCR_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the OCR properties.

Constant Value: 57 (0x00000039)

public static final int PDF417_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the PDF417 symbology properties.

Constant Value: 22 (0x00000016)

public static final int POSTAL_AUSTRALIAN_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Austarlian Postal Code symbology properties.

Constant Value: 49 (0x00000031)

public static final int POSTAL_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Postal Code symbology properties.

Constant Value: 21 (0x00000015)

public static final int POSTAL_JAPAN_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Japan Postal Code symbology properties.

Constant Value: 50 (0x00000032)

public static final int POSTAL_KIX_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the KIX Postal Code symbology properties.

Constant Value: 51 (0x00000033)

public static final int POSTAL_ROYAL_MAIL_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Royal Mail Postal Code symbology properties.

Constant Value: 52 (0x00000034)

public static final int POSTAL_USPS_4STATE_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the USPS 4 State Postal Code symbology properties.

Constant Value: 55 (0x00000037)

public static final int POSTAL_US_PLANET_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the US Planet Postal Code symbology properties.

Constant Value: 53 (0x00000035)

public static final int POSTAL_US_POSTNET_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the US Postnet Postal Code symbology properties.

Constant Value: 54 (0x00000036)

public static final int POWER_CHARGING_MODE_GROUP

Added in revision 34

Root of the subtree of battery charging mode properties.

Constant Value: 1572870 (0x00180006)

public static final int POWER_GROUP

Added in revision 27

Root of the subtree of Power properties.

Constant Value: 1572865 (0x00180001)

public static final int POWER_OFF_CHARGING_MODE_GROUP

Added in revision 27

Root of the subtree of Power Off Charging Mode properties.

Constant Value: 1572866 (0x00180002)

public static final int POWER_SOURCE_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of Power Sources properties.

Constant Value: 1572867 (0x00180003)

public static final int POWER_SUSPEND_TIMEOUT_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of screen off timeout properties.

Constant Value: 1572869 (0x00180005)

public static final int POWER_WAKEUP_SOURCES_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of Wake-Up Sources properties.

Constant Value: 1572868 (0x00180004)

public static final int PRESENTATION_MODE_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the properties that configure presentation mode functionality.

Constant Value: 45 (0x0000002d)

public static final int PROFILES_GROUP

Added in revision 37

Root of the subtree of policies' management properties.

Constant Value: 4718593 (0x00480001)

public static final int QRCODE_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the QR Code symbology properties.

Constant Value: 27 (0x0000001b)

public static final int RF_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of RF's properties.

Constant Value: 1048577 (0x00100001)

public static final int SCANNER_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the decoding properties.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int SCANNER_OPTIONS_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the scanner target beam and other scanner functionalities.

Constant Value: 46 (0x0000002e)

public static final int SPECIFIC_SIM_MGMT_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of specific sim properties

Constant Value: 2097154 (0x00200002)

public static final int STANDARD_FORMATTING_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the Standard Formatting properties

Constant Value: 59 (0x0000003b)

public static final int SYMBOLOGIES_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the symbologies.

Constant Value: 56 (0x00000038)

public static final int TLC39_GROUP

Added in revision 36

Root of the subtree of the TLC39 Barcode symbology properties

Constant Value: 60 (0x0000003c)

public static final int TOUCH_GROUP

Added in revision 30

Root of the subtree of Touch Mode properties.

Constant Value: 2621441 (0x00280001)

public static final int TRIOPTIC_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the TRIOPTIC symbology properties.

Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)

public static final int UI_SETTINGS_GROUP

Added in revision 31

Root of the subtree of the UI Settings properties.

Constant Value: 2883585 (0x002c0001)

public static final int UPCA_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the UPC-A symbology properties.

Constant Value: 12 (0x0000000c)

public static final int UPCE_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the UPC-E symbology properties.

Constant Value: 13 (0x0000000d)

public static final int UPC_EAN_EXT_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the UPC/EAN Extensions.

Constant Value: 35 (0x00000023)

public static final int UPC_EAN_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the UPC/EAN Options symbology properties.

Constant Value: 16 (0x00000010)

public static final int USB_GROUP

Added in revision 27

Root of the subtree of USB properties.

Constant Value: 1835009 (0x001c0001)

public static final int WEDGE_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of Wedge - Keyboard Group's properties.

Constant Value: 524290 (0x00080002)

public static final int WIFI_CHANNELS_GROUP

Added in revision 28

Root of the subtree of Wifi's channels.

Constant Value: 786438 (0x000c0006)

public static final int WIFI_CHANNELS_GROUP_2_4GHZ

Added in revision 28

Root of the subtree of 2.4ghz Wifi's channels.

Constant Value: 786439 (0x000c0007)

public static final int WIFI_CHANNELS_GROUP_5GHZ

Added in revision 28

Root of the subtree of 5ghz Wifi's channels.

Constant Value: 786440 (0x000c0008)

public static final int WIFI_GROUP

Added in revision 27

Root of the subtree of Wifi's properties.

Constant Value: 786432 (0x000c0000)

public static final int WIFI_MODULE_SETTINGS_GROUP

Added in revision 27

Root of the subtree of the wifi module settings properties.

Constant Value: 786433 (0x000c0001)

public static final int WIFI_ROAMING_SETTINGS_GROUP

Added in revision 27

Root of the subtree of the wifi roaming settings properties.

Constant Value: 786434 (0x000c0002)

public static final int WIFI_SCAN_SETTINGS_GROUP

Added in revision 27

Root of the subtree of the wifi scan settings properties.

Constant Value: 786435 (0x000c0003)

public static final int WIFI_SCAN_TIMINGS_GROUP

Added in revision 27

Root of the subtree of the wifi scan timings properties.

Constant Value: 786436 (0x000c0004)

public static final int s1D_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the 1D symbologies.

Constant Value: 33 (0x00000021)

public static final int s2D_GROUP

Added in revision 32

Root of the subtree of the 2D symbologies.

Constant Value: 34 (0x00000022)