This package contains model classes and interfaces to handle the different properties.
ConfigurationChangeListener | This interface is used by the application to listen to configuration changes. |
PropertyEditor | PropertyEditor is the interface to get and set properties
from/to the underlying subsystem. |
PropertyGetter | PropertyGetter is the interface to get properties from/to the
underlying subsystem. |
BlobProperty | BlobProperty implements the property that allows to manage any class through the ConfigurationManager. |
BluetoothSilentPairingWhitelisting | BluetoothSilentPairingWhitelisting implements the class that manages the silent pairing devices whitelisting. |
BooleanProperty | BooleanProperty is the class that implements the property of
type Boolean. |
CharacterProperty | CharacterProperty is the class that implements the property of
type Character. |
ChargingSourcesFlags | The ChargingSourcesFlags defines device charging source. |
ConfigurationManager | ConfigurationManager gives the developer the ability to browse and set the configuration properties of the device. |
EnumProperty<E extends Enum<E>> | EnumProperty is the class that implements the property of type
Enum. |
MultipleChoiceProperty | MultipleChoiceProperty is the class that implements the property of type
MultipleChoice. |
NumericProperty | NumericProperty is the class that implements the property of
type Integer. |
ProfileManager | ProfileManager gives the developer the ability to create a profile and to load it explicitly or to associate it to a loading condition to be automatically loaded. |
ProfileRuleType | ProfileRuleType is the class that implements the descriptor of the association of a profile to a set of activities. |
ProfileType | ProfileType is the class that implements the descriptor of a profile. |
Property<T> | Property is the abstract class that represents a generic Property of type T. |
PropertyGroup | PropertyGroup contains properties and/or other property groups. |
PropertyGroupID | PropertyGroupID is the class that includes all the property group identifiers. |
PropertyID | PropertyID is the class that includes all the properties
identifiers. |
SerializableBlob | The base type for a BlobProperty must extends the abstract class SerializableBlob. |
StringArrayBlob | StringArrayBlob implements the SerializableBlob that manages the list of String . |
SupportedWtApplications | StringArrayBlob implements the class that manages the list of supported Walkie-Talkie applications to be used with the Push-to-Talk button. |
TextProperty | TextProperty is the class that implements the property of type
String. |
TouchModeFlags | |
UsbHostWhitelisting | UsbHostWhitelisting implements the BlobProperty that allows to manage USB host whitelisting. |
UsbWhitelistedDevice | Class UsbWhitelistedDevice defines an USB whitelisted device. |
WifiBandFlags |
AutoScanTriggerRange | |
BatteryChargingProfilePersistencePolicy | Enum BatteryChargingProfilePersistencePolicy defines the policies for applying the battery
charging profile used by the property POWER_BATTERY_CHARGING_PROFILE_PERSISTENCE_POLICY . |
BluetoothSilentPairingWhitelisting.IdentifierType | |
BTPairingPolicy | Enum BTPairingPolicy defines the policies for Bluetooth pairing through the property BT_PAIRING_POLICY . |
DeviceNameSuffix | Enum DeviceNameSuffix defines the possible suffixes for setting the property DEVICE_NAME_SUFFIX . |
DualSimPreferredCallsAndSms | Enum DualSimPreferredCallsAndSms defines the Dual SIM settings for voice calls and SMS. |
DualSimPreferredData | Enum DualSimPreferredData defines the Dual SIM settings for mobile data. |
DualSimStatus | Enum DualSimStatus defines the Dual SIM settings for SIM Cards availability. |
LoggerBufferSize | The LoggerBufferSize enumeration defines the possible Logger buffer sizes. |
MotionTriggerSensitivity | |
OffChargingModePolicy | Enum OffChargingModePolicy defines the behaviors that the device can assume
while it is turned off and is being charged. |
PropertyType | PropertyType is the enumerative class representing the Property types. |
TouchMode | Enum TouchMode defines the allowed touch-screen sensitivity values for settings property TOUCH_MODE_SENSITIVITY
UsbFunction | Enum UsbFunction defines the allowed values for settings the USB Trasfer Protocol in properties USB_DEFAULT_FUNCTION and USB_CURRENT_FUNCTION
WhitelistingPersistence | |
Wifi802Dot11Mode | Enum Wifi802Dot11Mode defines the allowed values for settings property WIFI_802_DOT_11_MODE
WifiBandSelection | Enum WifiBandSelection defines the allowed values for settings property WIFI_BAND_SELECTION
WifiNoInternetExpected | The WifiNoInternetExpected enumeration defines the behaviour when the current
connection doesn't have an Internet connection. |
WifiPowerSave | Enum WifiPowerSave defines the allowed values for settings property WIFI_POWER_SAVE
WifiRoamingProfile | Enum WifiRoamingProfile defines the Roaming profiles that can be used for settings property WIFI_ROAMING_PROFILE
ConfigException | ConfigException is used for configuration related errors. |