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Datalogic APIs
Added in revision 1


This package contains model classes and interfaces to handle the different properties.


ConfigurationChangeListener This interface is used by the application to listen to configuration changes. 
PropertyEditor PropertyEditor is the interface to get and set properties from/to the underlying subsystem. 
PropertyGetter PropertyGetter is the interface to get properties from/to the underlying subsystem. 


BlobProperty BlobProperty implements the property that allows to manage any class through the ConfigurationManager. 
BluetoothSilentPairingWhitelisting BluetoothSilentPairingWhitelisting implements the class that manages the silent pairing devices whitelisting. 
BooleanProperty BooleanProperty is the class that implements the property of type Boolean. 
CharacterProperty CharacterProperty is the class that implements the property of type Character. 
ChargingSourcesFlags The ChargingSourcesFlags defines device charging source. 
ConfigurationManager ConfigurationManager gives the developer the ability to browse and set the configuration properties of the device. 
EnumProperty<E extends Enum<E>> EnumProperty is the class that implements the property of type Enum. 
MultipleChoiceProperty MultipleChoiceProperty is the class that implements the property of type MultipleChoice. 
NumericProperty NumericProperty is the class that implements the property of type Integer. 
ProfileManager ProfileManager gives the developer the ability to create a profile and to load it explicitly or to associate it to a loading condition to be automatically loaded. 
ProfileRuleType ProfileRuleType is the class that implements the descriptor of the association of a profile to a set of activities. 
ProfileType ProfileType is the class that implements the descriptor of a profile. 
Property<T> Property is the abstract class that represents a generic Property of type T. 
PropertyGroup PropertyGroup contains properties and/or other property groups. 
PropertyGroupID PropertyGroupID is the class that includes all the property group identifiers. 
PropertyID PropertyID is the class that includes all the properties identifiers. 
SerializableBlob The base type for a BlobProperty must extends the abstract class SerializableBlob. 
StringArrayBlob StringArrayBlob implements the SerializableBlob that manages the list of String
SupportedWtApplications StringArrayBlob implements the class that manages the list of supported Walkie-Talkie applications to be used with the Push-to-Talk button. 
TextProperty TextProperty is the class that implements the property of type String. 
UsbHostWhitelisting UsbHostWhitelisting implements the BlobProperty that allows to manage USB host whitelisting. 
UsbWhitelistedDevice Class UsbWhitelistedDevice defines an USB whitelisted device. 


BatteryChargingProfilePersistencePolicy Enum BatteryChargingProfilePersistencePolicy defines the policies for applying the battery charging profile used by the property POWER_BATTERY_CHARGING_PROFILE_PERSISTENCE_POLICY
BTPairingPolicy Enum BTPairingPolicy defines the policies for Bluetooth pairing through the property BT_PAIRING_POLICY
DeviceNameSuffix Enum DeviceNameSuffix defines the possible suffixes for setting the property DEVICE_NAME_SUFFIX
DualSimPreferredCallsAndSms Enum DualSimPreferredCallsAndSms defines the Dual SIM settings for voice calls and SMS. 
DualSimPreferredData Enum DualSimPreferredData defines the Dual SIM settings for mobile data. 
DualSimStatus Enum DualSimStatus defines the Dual SIM settings for SIM Cards availability. 
LoggerBufferSize The LoggerBufferSize enumeration defines the possible Logger buffer sizes. 
OffChargingModePolicy Enum OffChargingModePolicy defines the behaviors that the device can assume while it is turned off and is being charged. 
PropertyType PropertyType is the enumerative class representing the Property types. 
TouchMode Enum TouchMode defines the allowed touch-screen sensitivity values for settings property TOUCH_MODE_SENSITIVITY  
UsbFunction Enum UsbFunction defines the allowed values for settings the USB Trasfer Protocol in properties USB_DEFAULT_FUNCTION and USB_CURRENT_FUNCTION  
Wifi802Dot11Mode Enum Wifi802Dot11Mode defines the allowed values for settings property WIFI_802_DOT_11_MODE  
WifiBandSelection Enum WifiBandSelection defines the allowed values for settings property WIFI_BAND_SELECTION  
WifiNoInternetExpected The WifiNoInternetExpected enumeration defines the behaviour when the current connection doesn't have an Internet connection. 
WifiPowerSave Enum WifiPowerSave defines the allowed values for settings property WIFI_POWER_SAVE  
WifiRoamingProfile Enum WifiRoamingProfile defines the Roaming profiles that can be used for settings property WIFI_ROAMING_PROFILE  


ConfigException ConfigException is used for configuration related errors.