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Datalogic APIs
public class


extends SerializableBlob
   ↳ com.datalogic.device.configuration.SerializableBlob
     ↳ com.datalogic.device.configuration.BluetoothSilentPairingWhitelisting

Class Overview

BluetoothSilentPairingWhitelisting implements the class that manages the silent pairing devices whitelisting. The class is managed by the ConfigurationManager BlobProperty BT_SILENT_PAIRING_WHITELISTING.


Nested Classes
enum BluetoothSilentPairingWhitelisting.IdentifierType  
Public Constructors
BluetoothSilentPairingWhitelisting(Map<String, BluetoothSilentPairingWhitelisting.IdentifierType> value)
Public Methods
boolean addByMac(String macAddress)
Whitelist a new device identified with the given MAC address.
boolean addByName(String deviceName)
Whitelist a new device identified with the given name.
boolean addByOui(String ouiIdentifier)
Whitelist a new device identified with the given OUI ID.
void clear()
Revoke all whitelisted devices.
Map<String, BluetoothSilentPairingWhitelisting.IdentifierType> get()
Retrieve a map containing all whitelisted devices.
List<String> getByMac()
Retrieve a list containing the devices whitelisted by MAC address.
List<String> getByName()
Retrieve a list containing the devices whitelisted by name.
List<String> getByOui()
Retrieve a list containing the devices whitelisted by OUI identifier.
boolean hasByMac(String macAddress)
Check if a device identified with the given MAC Address is whitelisted.
boolean hasByName(String deviceName)
Check if a device identified with the given name is whitelisted.
boolean hasByOui(String ouiIdentifier)
Check if a device identified with the given OUI ID is whitelisted.
boolean hasDevice(String macAddress, String deviceName)
Check if a device identified with the given name, MAC address or OUI ID is whitelisted.
boolean removeByMac(String macAddress)
Remove from the whitelist a device with the given MAC address.
boolean removeByName(String deviceName)
Remove from the whitelist a device with the given name.
boolean removeByOui(String ouiIdentifier)
Remove from the whitelist a device with the given OUI ID.
Inherited Methods
From class com.datalogic.device.configuration.SerializableBlob
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public BluetoothSilentPairingWhitelisting ()

Added in revision 36


public BluetoothSilentPairingWhitelisting (Map<String, BluetoothSilentPairingWhitelisting.IdentifierType> value)

Added in revision 36


value Map

Public Methods

public boolean addByMac (String macAddress)

Added in revision 36

Whitelist a new device identified with the given MAC address. If the entry already exists, the value will not be updated.

macAddress String
  • boolean retrieves true if the entry has been successfully added to the whitelist; otherwise, false.

public boolean addByName (String deviceName)

Added in revision 36

Whitelist a new device identified with the given name. If the entry already exists, the value will not be updated.

deviceName String
  • boolean retrieves true if the entry has been successfully added to the whitelist; otherwise, false.

public boolean addByOui (String ouiIdentifier)

Added in revision 36

Whitelist a new device identified with the given OUI ID. If the entry already exists, the value will not be updated.

ouiIdentifier String
  • boolean retrieves true if the entry has been successfully added to the whitelist; otherwise, false.

public void clear ()

Added in revision 36

Revoke all whitelisted devices.

public Map<String, BluetoothSilentPairingWhitelisting.IdentifierType> get ()

Added in revision 36

Retrieve a map containing all whitelisted devices.

  • Map.

public List<String> getByMac ()

Added in revision 36

Retrieve a list containing the devices whitelisted by MAC address.

  • List.

public List<String> getByName ()

Added in revision 36

Retrieve a list containing the devices whitelisted by name.

  • List.

public List<String> getByOui ()

Added in revision 36

Retrieve a list containing the devices whitelisted by OUI identifier.

  • List.

public boolean hasByMac (String macAddress)

Added in revision 36

Check if a device identified with the given MAC Address is whitelisted.

macAddress String
  • boolean tells if the device is whitelisted.

public boolean hasByName (String deviceName)

Added in revision 36

Check if a device identified with the given name is whitelisted.

deviceName String
  • boolean tells if the device is whitelisted.

public boolean hasByOui (String ouiIdentifier)

Added in revision 36

Check if a device identified with the given OUI ID is whitelisted.

ouiIdentifier String
  • boolean tells if the device is whitelisted.

public boolean hasDevice (String macAddress, String deviceName)

Added in revision 36

Check if a device identified with the given name, MAC address or OUI ID is whitelisted. The OUI ID is retrieved from the MAC address.

macAddress String
deviceName String
  • boolean tells if the device is whitelisted.

public boolean removeByMac (String macAddress)

Added in revision 36

Remove from the whitelist a device with the given MAC address. If the entry doesn't exists, nothing happens and the method returns false.

macAddress String
  • boolean retrieves true if the entry has been successfully removed from the whitelist; otherwise, false.

public boolean removeByName (String deviceName)

Added in revision 36

Remove from the whitelist a device with the given name. If the entry doesn't exists, nothing happens and the method returns false.

deviceName String
  • boolean retrieves true if the entry has been successfully removed from the whitelist; otherwise, false.

public boolean removeByOui (String ouiIdentifier)

Added in revision 36

Remove from the whitelist a device with the given OUI ID. If the entry doesn't exists, nothing happens and the method returns false.

ouiIdentifier String
  • boolean retrieves true if the entry has been successfully removed from the whitelist; otherwise, false.