Added in revision 1


Through the included classes it's possible to control and configure several input methods.


AdvancedKeyboard.ActionEventListener Interface representing a listener of keyboard action events. 
AdvancedKeyboard.LayoutChangeEventListener Interface representing a listener of keyboard layout change events. 
AdvancedKeyboard.MultitapEventListener Interface representing a listener of keyboard multitap events. 
AutoScanTrigger Interface representing a trigger that automatically executes a specific action (scan by default) when entering a defined range. 
MotionTrigger Interface representing a trigger that automatically executes a specific action (scan by default) when a motion event is detected. 
Trigger Interface representing a trigger associated by default with the scan action. 


AdvancedKeyboard Class exposing advanced keyboard methods. 
AdvancedKeyboard.Configuration Class that stores the configuration related some keyboard parameters. 
AdvancedKeyboard.Info Class that stores the info related to the installed keyboard configuration. 
AdvancedKeyboard.Overlay Class that stores the info related to a keyboard overlay configuration. 
AdvancedKeyboard.Resources Class that stores the resources related to the installed keyboard configuration. 
AutoScanTrigger.Range Class representing a specific AutoScan range, constituted by an id and a name. 
CompositionMapping A CompositionMapping is a complex MappingObject that represents a sequence of actions to be executed when certain key events occur. 
CompositionMapping.Builder Builder class of CompositionMapping  
DelayMapping A simple delay action. 
IntentMapping A MappingObject contains an Intent
KeyActionMapping Represents a key action. 
KeyboardManager This class provides access to keyboard related methods of the device. 
KeyboardManager.VScanCode Virtual key scan codes. 
KeyCodeEntry This class stores an Android KeyCode entry, as defined in KeyEvent  
MappingObject This class is a generic representation of actions to be executed when certain key events occur. 
MotionTrigger.Sensitivity Class representing the sensitivity used to trigger the action, constituted by an id and a name. 
StringMapping A MappingObject contains a Unicode string. 
TouchManager This class provides access to touch panel related methods of the device. 
VScanEntry This class stores a virtual key scan code entry. 


AdvancedKeyboard.LayoutNotificationType Enumerative representing the type of notification to use in order to represent visually the current layout in which the keyboard is. 
AdvancedKeyboard.PersistenceType Enumerative representing the persistence type of the installed keyboard configuration. 
AdvancedKeyboard.Property Read-only properties related to the currently configured keyboard. 
DLKeyEvent DLKeyEvent defines the custom Datalogic's keycodes. 
MappingTriggerPolicy The key event trigger policy.