public class


extends Object
   ↳ com.datalogic.decode.utils.GS1Parser

Class Overview

Class managing the parsing of GS1 formatted barcodes.


Nested Classes
class GS1Parser.GS1Field Class representing a single GS1 field, comprised of application identifier and associated value. 
class GS1Parser.ParsingException Parsing exception thrown in case there is an error during parsing. 
Public Methods
static Map<String, GS1Parser.GS1Field> parse(String barcodeText)
Executes the parsing of an input string that represents a barcode in GS1 format.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public static Map<String, GS1Parser.GS1Field> parse (String barcodeText)

Added in revision 32

Executes the parsing of an input string that represents a barcode in GS1 format.

barcodeText The GS1 formatted string.
  • A Map containing as keys the generic application identifiers and as entries the GS1Field objects containing the parsed values.
GS1Parser.ParsingException In case of parsing errors.