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Datalogic APIs
public class


extends PropertyGroup
   ↳ com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGroup
     ↳ com.datalogic.decode.configuration.Formatting

Class Overview

Formatting is the class that configures the properties related to barcode text formatting.


public EnumProperty<ECIPolicy> eciPolicy eciPolicy selects the policy used to handle ECI.
public BooleanProperty externalFormatting externalFormatting enables the external formatting service.
public BooleanProperty gs1Check gs1Check enables a check to verify that the content of the barcode matches the GS1 AIs format (, so that GS1 codes not well formatted will not be decoded.
public EnumProperty<Gs1Conversion2d> gs1Conversion2d gs1Conversion2d selects the conversion used for GS1 2D barcodes.
public TextProperty gs1LabelSetPrefix gs1LabelSetPrefix specifies the prefix of the label set used when the label set transmit mode is set to ALL_LABELS.
public EnumProperty<Gs1LabelSetTransmitMode> gs1LabelSetTransmitMode gs1LabelSetTransmitMode selects the mode used to transmit GS1 label sets.
public BooleanProperty gs1StringFormat gs1StringFormat enables automatic formatting of the barcode content, based on the "GS1 Human Readable Interpretation (HRI)" rules (, by dividing the code into the different fields and marking each Application Identifier by enclosing it in parentheses.
public TextProperty gsSubstitution gsSubstitution is a string of Unicode characters that replaces each occurrence of GS (ASCII code 0x1D) in the scanned data.
public EnumProperty<GtinFormat> gtinFormat gtinFormat selects the format to use for the GTIN representation.
public BooleanProperty hexFormat hexFormat when enabled formats the read data as a readable hexadecimal string.
public TextProperty labelPrefix labelPrefix is a string of Unicode characters sent immediatly before symbology identifier.
public TextProperty labelSuffix labelSuffix is a string of Unicode characters sent after the final character in data.
public BooleanProperty removeNonPrintableChars removeNonPrintableChars removes all characters in the range 0x00-0x1F and the single character 0x7F from the scanned data.
public EnumProperty<SendCodeID> sendCodeId sendCodeId selects the symbology identifier to be transmitted along with the scanned data.
Public Constructors
Formatting(PropertyGetter editor)
This is the constructor of Formatting.
Inherited Methods
From class com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGroup
From class java.lang.Object


public EnumProperty<ECIPolicy> eciPolicy

Added in revision 23

eciPolicy selects the policy used to handle ECI.

public BooleanProperty externalFormatting

Added in revision 12

externalFormatting enables the external formatting service.

public BooleanProperty gs1Check

Added in revision 32

gs1Check enables a check to verify that the content of the barcode matches the GS1 AIs format (, so that GS1 codes not well formatted will not be decoded.

public EnumProperty<Gs1Conversion2d> gs1Conversion2d

Added in revision 36

gs1Conversion2d selects the conversion used for GS1 2D barcodes.

public TextProperty gs1LabelSetPrefix

Added in revision 36

gs1LabelSetPrefix specifies the prefix of the label set used when the label set transmit mode is set to ALL_LABELS.

public EnumProperty<Gs1LabelSetTransmitMode> gs1LabelSetTransmitMode

Added in revision 36

gs1LabelSetTransmitMode selects the mode used to transmit GS1 label sets. A label set consists of all the GS1 barcodes that have the same GTIN value.

public BooleanProperty gs1StringFormat

Added in revision 32

gs1StringFormat enables automatic formatting of the barcode content, based on the "GS1 Human Readable Interpretation (HRI)" rules (, by dividing the code into the different fields and marking each Application Identifier by enclosing it in parentheses. Example: "(01)195001101530000(17)140704(10)AB-123"

public TextProperty gsSubstitution

Added in revision 1

gsSubstitution is a string of Unicode characters that replaces each occurrence of GS (ASCII code 0x1D) in the scanned data.

public EnumProperty<GtinFormat> gtinFormat

Added in revision 36

gtinFormat selects the format to use for the GTIN representation.

public BooleanProperty hexFormat

Added in revision 38

hexFormat when enabled formats the read data as a readable hexadecimal string. Ignores other formatting options.

public TextProperty labelPrefix

Added in revision 1

labelPrefix is a string of Unicode characters sent immediatly before symbology identifier.

public TextProperty labelSuffix

Added in revision 1

labelSuffix is a string of Unicode characters sent after the final character in data.

public BooleanProperty removeNonPrintableChars

Added in revision 1

removeNonPrintableChars removes all characters in the range 0x00-0x1F and the single character 0x7F from the scanned data. The length check for each symbology is evaluated before any characters are removed. Characters in the code ID, prefix, suffix, or separator won't be removed.

public EnumProperty<SendCodeID> sendCodeId

Added in revision 1

sendCodeId selects the symbology identifier to be transmitted along with the scanned data.

Public Constructors

public Formatting (PropertyGetter editor)

Added in revision 1

This is the constructor of Formatting. All options are initialized by editor.

editor A PropertyGetter used to load the current barcode family.