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Datalogic APIs
public class


extends Object
   ↳ com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGroup
Known Direct Subclasses

Class Overview

PropertyGroup contains properties and/or other property groups.


Public Methods
ArrayList<PropertyGroup> getGroups()
Returns the property groups contained in this group, not in the whole subtree.
int getId()
Gets the integer value of the unique identifier PropertyGroupID of the group.
String getName()
Gets the name of the unique identifierPropertyGroupID of the group.
ArrayList<Property> getProperties()
Returns the properties contained in this group, not in the whole subtree.
Property getPropertyById(int id)
Gets the Property, belonging to this group's subtree, whose identifier has the given integer value in PropertyID.
Property getPropertyByName(String name)
Gets the Property, belonging to this group's subtree, whose identifier has the integer value defined by the given string in PropertyID.
PropertyGroup getPropertyGroupById(int id)
Gets the PropertyGroup, belonging to this group's subtree, whose identifier has the given integer value in PropertyGroupID.
PropertyGroup getPropertyGroupByName(String name)
Gets the PropertyGroup, belonging to this group's subtree, whose identifier has the integer value defined by the given string in PropertyGroupID.
boolean isFullySupported()
Tells if this property group is completely supported by the underling decoding hardware.
boolean isSupported()
Tells if this property group is supported by the underling decoding hardware.
int load(PropertyGetter from)
Load the properties values contained by this group from the PropertyGetter.
void setToDefault()
Resets to the default value all the properties contained in the subtree.
int store(PropertyEditor to, boolean persist)
Store the properties values contained by this property into the PropertyEditor persistently or not, depending from the persist parameter.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public ArrayList<PropertyGroup> getGroups ()

Added in revision 1

Returns the property groups contained in this group, not in the whole subtree.

  • ArrayList of property groups contained in the group.
    Empty if there are no other property groups in this group, not in the whole subtree.

public int getId ()

Added in revision 27

Gets the integer value of the unique identifier PropertyGroupID of the group. The method is meaningful only for propertyGroups of the ConfigurationManager tree not for the classes, derived from PropertyGroup, handled by BarcodeManager like for example Code39.

  • int.

public String getName ()

Added in revision 27

Gets the name of the unique identifierPropertyGroupID of the group. The method is meaningful only for propertyGroups of the ConfigurationManager tree not for the classes, derived from PropertyGroup, handled by BarcodeManager like for example Code39.

  • String.

public ArrayList<Property> getProperties ()

Added in revision 1

Returns the properties contained in this group, not in the whole subtree.

  • ArrayList of properties contained in the group.
    Empty if there are no properties in this group, not in the whole subtree.

public Property getPropertyById (int id)

Added in revision 27

Gets the Property, belonging to this group's subtree, whose identifier has the given integer value in PropertyID. If a property with the given id is not found NULL is returned. If the returned property is not supported, get and set on the property will fail. The method is meaningful only for propertyGroups of the ConfigurationManager tree not for the classes, derived from PropertyGroup, handled by BarcodeManager like for example Code39.

id int unique identifier of the requested property.

public Property getPropertyByName (String name)

Added in revision 27

Gets the Property, belonging to this group's subtree, whose identifier has the integer value defined by the given string in PropertyID. If a property with the given name is not found NULL is returned. If the returned property is not supported, get and set on the property will fail. The method is meaningful only for propertyGroups of the ConfigurationManager tree not for the classes, derived from PropertyGroup, handled by BarcodeManager like for example Code39.

name String defining string of the unique identifier of the requested property.

public PropertyGroup getPropertyGroupById (int id)

Added in revision 27

Gets the PropertyGroup, belonging to this group's subtree, whose identifier has the given integer value in PropertyGroupID. The method is meaningful only for propertyGroups of the ConfigurationManager tree not for the classes, derived from PropertyGroup, handled by BarcodeManager like for example Code39.

id int unique identifier of the requested group.

public PropertyGroup getPropertyGroupByName (String name)

Added in revision 27

Gets the PropertyGroup, belonging to this group's subtree, whose identifier has the integer value defined by the given string in PropertyGroupID. The method is meaningful only for propertyGroups of the ConfigurationManager tree not for the classes, derived from PropertyGroup, handled by BarcodeManager like for example Code39.

name String name of the requested group.

public boolean isFullySupported ()

Added in revision 4

Tells if this property group is completely supported by the underling decoding hardware.

  • true if all contained property are supported by the underling decoding hardware.
    If this property group doesn't contain any property, this method returns false.

public boolean isSupported ()

Added in revision 1

Tells if this property group is supported by the underling decoding hardware.

  • true if at least one contained property is supported by the underling decoding hardware.
    If this property group doesn't contain any property, this method returns false.

public int load (PropertyGetter from)

Added in revision 1

Load the properties values contained by this group from the PropertyGetter.

from The PropertyGetter called to synchronize the current values.
  • int SUCCESS in case of success, otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the ConfigException error constants.
ConfigException in case of error, when exceptions are enabled through the ErrorManager singleton.

public void setToDefault ()

Added in revision 27

Resets to the default value all the properties contained in the subtree. To make the change persistent the commit() must be called. The method is meaningful only for propertyGroups of the ConfigurationManager tree not for the classes, derived from PropertyGroup, handled by BarcodeManager like for example Code39.

public int store (PropertyEditor to, boolean persist)

Added in revision 1

Store the properties values contained by this property into the PropertyEditor persistently or not, depending from the persist parameter.

to The PropertyEditor in charge of applying the desired values.
persist boolean if true the configuration is saved in a persistent way across system reboots with an implicit call to commitProperties(); it could happens to persists properties not related to the property group and previously changed not persistently. See the BarcodeManager persistance note;
  • int SUCCESS in case of success, otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the ConfigException error constants.
ConfigException in case of error, when exceptions are enabled through the ErrorManager singleton.