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Datalogic APIs
public class


extends Object
   ↳ com.datalogic.decode.PropertyID

Class Overview

PropertyID is the class that includes all the properties identifiers.


int AIM_ENABLE This parameter enables aim projection when capturing frames.
int AUSTRALIAN_CODE_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int AUSTRALIAN_POST_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int AZTEC_CHARACTER_SET_MODE This parameter controls the character set in use for the decoded label.
int AZTEC_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int AZTEC_LENGTH1 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int AZTEC_LENGTH2 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int AZTEC_LENGTH_CONTROL This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.
int AZTEC_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int CAMERA_WEDGE_BACKGROUND_COLOR This parameter represents the background color of the frames containing a barcode generated by the camera wedge.
int CAMERA_WEDGE_BARCODE_COLOR This parameter represents the barcode color of the frames containing a barcode generated by the camera wedge.
int CAMERA_WEDGE_BARCODE_CUSTOM_POSITION_X In case of custom positioning, this parameter represents the position of the barcode generated by the camera wedge on the X coordinate.
int CAMERA_WEDGE_BARCODE_CUSTOM_POSITION_Y In case of custom positioning, this parameter represents the position of the barcode generated by the camera wedge on the Y coordinate.
int CAMERA_WEDGE_BARCODE_ORIENTATION This parameter represents the orientation of the barcode generated by the camera wedge.
int CAMERA_WEDGE_BARCODE_POSITION This parameter represents the position of the barcode generated by the camera wedge.
int CAMERA_WEDGE_BARCODE_SIZE This parameter represents the size of the barcode generated by the camera wedge.
int CAMERA_WEDGE_BARCODE_TYPE This parameter represents the symbology of the barcode generated by the camera wedge.
int CAMERA_WEDGE_ENABLE This parameter enables the use of the scanner in place of the rear camera.
int CAMERA_WEDGE_MAX_BARCODE_PERSISTENCE This parameter represents the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) a generated barcode is shown in the camera frames.
int CAMERA_WEDGE_MIN_BARCODE_PERSISTENCE This parameter represents the minimum amount of time (in milliseconds) a generated barcode is shown in the camera frames.
int CODABAR_CLSI This parameter restricts the decoding to only read labels that conform to CLSI specifications.
int CODABAR_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int CODABAR_ENABLE_CHECK This parameter equires the use of checksum characters to verify a barcode.
int CODABAR_LENGTH1 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int CODABAR_LENGTH2 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int CODABAR_LENGTH_CONTROL This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.
int CODABAR_SEND_CHECK This parameter includes the checksum in the label transmission (if checksum is required with enableChecksum).
int CODABAR_SEND_START This parameter enables/disables the transmission of the decoded star and stop characters.
int CODABAR_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES This parameter enables the reading of Codabar barcode labels with short quiet zones.
int CODABAR_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int CODE128_AGGRESSIVENESS This parameter controls the aggressiveness for the Code128 symbology.
int CODE128_CHARACTER_SET_MODE This parameter controls the character set in use for the decoded label.
int CODE128_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int CODE128_EXTENDED_ASCII This parameter selects the support to the extended ASCII (ASCII code from 128 to 255).
int CODE128_GS1_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the GS1 Code128 symbology.
int CODE128_GS1_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int CODE128_LENGTH1 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int CODE128_LENGTH2 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int CODE128_LENGTH_CONTROL This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.
int CODE128_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES This parameter enables the reading of Code128 barcode labels with short quiet zones.
int CODE128_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int CODE32_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int CODE32_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int CODE39_AGGRESSIVENESS This parameter controls the aggressiveness for the Code 39 symbology.
int CODE39_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int CODE39_ENABLE_CHECK This parameter requires the use of checksum characters to verify a barcode.
int CODE39_FULL_ASCII This parameter enables or disables the Full Ascii conversion.
int CODE39_LENGTH1 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int CODE39_LENGTH2 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int CODE39_LENGTH_CONTROL This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.
int CODE39_SEND_CHECK This parameter includes the checksum in the label transmission (if checksum is required with enableChecksum).
int CODE39_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES This parameter enables the reading of Code 39 barcode labels with short quiet zones.
int CODE39_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int CODE93_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int CODE93_LENGTH1 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int CODE93_LENGTH2 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int CODE93_LENGTH_CONTROL This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.
int CODE93_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES This parameter enables the reading of Code 93 barcode labels with short quiet zones.
int CODE93_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int COMPOSITE_EAN_UPC_MODE This parameter controls UPC/EAN label recognition mode.
int COMPOSITE_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int COMPOSITE_GS1_128_MODE This parameter convert the Composite label to a sequence of one or more GS1-128 barcodes.
int COMPOSITE_LINEAR_TRANSMISSION_ENABLE This parameter enable linear code transmission.
int COMPOSITE_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int CUSTOM_IMAGE_CAPTURE_PROFILE This parameter allows to define a custom profile.
int D25_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int D25_LENGTH1 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int D25_LENGTH2 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int D25_LENGTH_CONTROL This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.
int D25_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int DATAMATRIX_AGGRESSIVENESS This parameter controls the aggressiveness for the Datamatrix symbology.
int DATAMATRIX_CHARACTER_SET_MODE This parameter controls the character set in use for the decoded label.
int DATAMATRIX_DMRE This parameter enables or disables DataMatrix Rectangular Extended dimensions (DMRE).
int DATAMATRIX_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int DATAMATRIX_GS1_DL_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the GS1-DIGITAL-LINK-DATAMATRIX symbology.
int DATAMATRIX_GS1_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int DATAMATRIX_LENGTH1 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int DATAMATRIX_LENGTH2 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int DATAMATRIX_LENGTH_CONTROL This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.
int DATAMATRIX_MIRROR This parameter controls the mirror mode.
int DATAMATRIX_OPERATING_MODE This parameter control the operating mode.
int DATAMATRIX_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int DECODE_TIMEOUT This parameter is the maximum time the scanner remains on without reading a barcode.
int DIGIMARC_DATAFORMAT This paramater configures which data format is used for Digimarc barcode.
int DIGIMARC_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int DIGIMARC_PRIORITY This parameter determines the frequency for attempting to decode using Digimarc.
int DIGIMARC_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int DISPLAY_MODE_ENABLE This parameter controls the barcode illumination for capturing frames from displays or reflective surfaces.
int DISPLAY_NOTIFICATION_ENABLE This parameter activates the notification mechanism.
int DOTCODE_CHARACTER_SET_MODE This parameter controls the character set in use for the decoded label.
int DOTCODE_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int DOTCODE_LENGTH1 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int DOTCODE_LENGTH2 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int DOTCODE_LENGTH_CONTROL This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.
int DOTCODE_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int DOUBLE_READ_TIMEOUT This parameter is the minimum time allowed between reads of the same barcode label.
int EAN13_COMPOSITE_ENABLE This parameter allows to use EAN-13 labels in composite barcode.
int EAN13_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int EAN13_SEND_CHECK This parameter includes the checksum in the label transmission.
int EAN13_SEND_SYS This parameter includes the system digit in the label transmission, it configures whether the first character should be transmitted.
int EAN13_TO_GTIN This parameter allows to convert EAN-13 labels to GTIN.
int EAN13_TO_ISBN This parameter allows to identify ISBN labels and append the check digit (per ISBN guidelines) to the end of the label.
int EAN13_TO_ISSN This parameter allows to identify ISSN labels and append the check digit (per ISSN guidelines) to the end of the label.
int EAN13_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int EAN8_COMPOSITE_ENABLE This parameter allows to use EAN-8 labels in composite barcode.
int EAN8_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int EAN8_SEND_CHECK This parameter includes the checksum in the label transmission.
int EAN8_TO_EAN13 This parameter allows to expand the EAN-8 labels to their EAN-13 equivalents.
int EAN8_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int EAN_EXT_ENABLE_2_DIGIT This parameter requires a 2 digit extension to be verified for a successful decode of a label.
int EAN_EXT_ENABLE_5_DIGIT This parameter requires a 5 digit extension to be verified for a successful decode of a label.
int EAN_EXT_REQUIRE This parameter indicates that are read only barcode with the supplemental label.
int ECI_POLICY This parameter selects the policy used to handle ECI.
int ENABLE_SCANNER This parameter enables scanner decoding.
int ENHANCE_DOF_ENABLE This parameter enhances the Depth of Field.
int EXT_SCANNER_SOURCE_ENABLE This parameter enables the injection of the barcodes from an external scanner source.
int EXT_SCANNER_SOURCE_STANDARD_FORMATTER_ENABLE This parameter allows using the standard formatter when the injection is enabled.
int FRAME_CAPTURE_ENABLE This parameter enable the feauture that configures the scanner to capture store and provide frames.
int FRAME_CAPTURE_FILE_PATH This parameter indicates the directory where will be stored the frames saved by the Scanner.
int FRAME_CAPTURE_FORMAT This parameter selects the format used for storing the frames captured by the Scanner.
int FRAME_CAPTURE_MODE This parameter selects the Scanner frame capture mode.
int FRAME_CAPTURE_STORAGE_ENABLE This parameter enables the Scanner to store captured frames.
int GOOD_READ_AUDIO_CHANNEL This parameter selects the audio channel to use for the scanner notification.
int GOOD_READ_AUDIO_FILE This parameter is the file used for the audio notification on a successfull read.
int GOOD_READ_AUDIO_MODE This parameter selects the scanner audio notification mode.
int GOOD_READ_AUDIO_VOLUME This parameter is the volume of the audio notification on a successfull read.
int GOOD_READ_COUNT This parameter indicates the number of notifications to produce on a successful read.
int GOOD_READ_DURATION This parameter indicates the duration of each notification on a successful read.
int GOOD_READ_ENABLE This parameter enables the use of the good read notification on a successful read.
int GOOD_READ_INTERVAL This parameter is the delay between notifications on a successful read.
int GOOD_READ_LED_ENABLE This parameter enables the use of the led notification on a successful read.
int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_BLACK_AS_TRANSPARENT This parameter specifies whether the black areas in the overlay should be treated as transparent.
int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_COLOR This parameter selects the color of the overlay.
int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_CUSTOM_SHAPE_NAME_PROFILE This parameter specifies the name of the custom overlay selected.
int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_ENABLE This parameter enables the ability to show an overlay in the case of a good read.
int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_LANDSCAPE_CUSTOM_POSITION_X This parameter specifies in which custom x coordinate of the screen (starting from the left) the overlay is shown, in landscape mode.
int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_LANDSCAPE_CUSTOM_POSITION_Y This parameter specifies in which custom y coordinate of the screen (starting from the top) the overlay is shown, in landscape mode.
int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_LANDSCAPE_CUSTOM_SIZE_MAX_HEIGHT This parameter specifies the custom max height used for the overlay, in landscape mode.
int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_LANDSCAPE_CUSTOM_SIZE_MAX_WIDTH This parameter specifies the custom max width used for the overlay, in landscape mode.
int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_LANDSCAPE_DISPLAY_POLICY This parameter specifies the mode used to shown the overlay, in landscape mode.
int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_LANDSCAPE_POSITION_POLICY This parameter specifies in which position of the screen the overlay is shown, in landscape mode.
int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_PORTRAIT_CUSTOM_POSITION_X This parameter specifies in which custom x coordinate of the screen (starting from the left) the overlay is shown, in portrait mode.
int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_PORTRAIT_CUSTOM_POSITION_Y This parameter specifies in which custom y coordinate of the screen (starting from the top) the overlay is shown, in portrait mode.
int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_PORTRAIT_CUSTOM_SIZE_MAX_HEIGHT This parameter specifies the custom max height used for the overlay, in portrait mode.
int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_PORTRAIT_CUSTOM_SIZE_MAX_WIDTH This parameter specifies the custom max width used for the overlay, in portrait mode.
int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_PORTRAIT_DISPLAY_POLICY This parameter specifies the mode used to shown the overlay, in portrait mode.
int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_PORTRAIT_POSITION_POLICY This parameter specifies in which position of the screen the overlay is shown, in portrait mode.
int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_PRESERVE_COLORS This parameter specifies whether the original colors of the overlay should be preserved.
int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_SHAPE_POLICY This parameter selects the shape of the overlay.
int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_TRANSPARENCY This parameter specifies the level of transparency applied to the overlay.
int GOOD_READ_TIMEOUT This parameter indicates the delay after which the good read LEDs are turned off.
int GOOD_READ_VIBRATE_ENABLE This parameter enables the use of the vibrator notification on a successful read.
int GREEN_SPOT_ENABLE This parameter enables the use of the green spot notification on a successful read.
int GS1_14_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int GS1_14_GS1_128_MODE This parameter convert the Gs1DataBar_14 label to a GS1-128 barcode.
int GS1_14_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int GS1_2D_CONVERSION This parameter is set to specify the conversion used for GS1 2D barcodes.
int GS1_CHECK This parameter enables a check to verify that the content of the barcode matches the GS1 AIs format (, so that GS1 codes not well formatted will not be decoded.
int GS1_EXP_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int GS1_EXP_GS1_128_MODE This parameter convert the Gs1DataBar_Expanded label to a sequence of one or more GS1-128 barcodes.
int GS1_EXP_LENGTH1 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int GS1_EXP_LENGTH2 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int GS1_EXP_LENGTH_CONTROL This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.
int GS1_EXP_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int GS1_LABEL_SET_PREFIX This parameter is set to specify the label set prefix to use when the label set mode is set to ALL_LABELS.
int GS1_LABEL_SET_TRANSMIT_MODE This parameter is set to specify the mode use to transmit GS1 label sets.
int GS1_LIMIT_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int GS1_LIMIT_GS1_128_MODE This parameter convert the Gs1DataBar_Limited label to a GS1-128 barcode.
int GS1_LIMIT_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int GS1_STRING_FORMAT This parameter enables automatic formatting of the barcode content, based on the "GS1 Human Readable Interpretation (HRI)" rules (, by dividing the code into the different fields and marking each Application Identifier by enclosing it in parentheses.
int GS_SUBSTITUTION This parameter is s a string of Unicode characters that replaces each occurrence of GS (ASCII code 0x1D) in the scanned data.
int GTIN_FORMAT This parameter is set to specify the representation used for the GTIN format.
int HAN_XIN_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int HAN_XIN_LENGTH1 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int HAN_XIN_LENGTH2 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int HAN_XIN_LENGTH_CONTROL This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.
int HAN_XIN_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int HEX_FORMAT This parameter enables to format the read data as a readable hexadecimal string.
int I25_AGGRESSIVENESS This parameter controls the aggressiveness for the Interleaved 2/5 symbology.
int I25_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int I25_ENABLE_CHECK This parameter equires the use of checksum characters to verify a barcode.
int I25_LENGTH1 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int I25_LENGTH2 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int I25_LENGTH_CONTROL This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.
int I25_SEND_CHECK This parameter includes the checksum in the label transmission (if checksum is required with enableChecksum).
int I25_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES This parameter enables the reading of Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode labels with short quiet zones.
int I25_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int ILLUMINATION_ENABLE This parameter enables barcode illumination when capturing frames.
int ILLUMINATION_TIME This parameter selects the scanner illumination pulse length.
int ILLUMINATION_TYPE This parameter selects the scanner illuminator to be used for decoding.
int IMAGE_CAPTURE_PROFILE This parameter selects the scanner image capture profile.
int IMAGE_DECODE_TIMEOUT This parameter is the timeout to set during image decoding.
int INPUT_TYPE This parameter indicates the input type to use for decoding.
int INVERSE_1D_SYMBOLOGIES This parameter sets the inverse mode for linear barcode symbologies.
int INVERSE_2D_SYMBOLOGIES This parameter sets the inverse mode for 2D barcode symbologies.
int ISBT_128_COMMONLY_CONCATENATED_PAIRS This parameter allows the concatenation of common concatenated pairs.
int ISBT_128_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int ISBT_128_MODE This parameter defines the decoding mode for ISBT 128 barcodes.
int ISBT_128_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int ITF14_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the ITF14 symbology.
int JAPANESE_POST_CODE_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int JAPANESE_POST_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int KIX_CODE_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int KIX_CODE_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int LABEL_PREFIX This parameter is a string of Unicode characters sent immediatly before symbology identifier.
int LABEL_SUFFIX This parameter is a string of Unicode characters sent ent after the final character in data.
int M25_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int M25_LENGTH1 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int M25_LENGTH2 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int M25_LENGTH_CONTROL This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.
int M25_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES This parameter enables the reading of Matrix 2 of 5 barcode labels with short quiet zones.
int M25_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int MAXICODE_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int MAXICODE_LENGTH1 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int MAXICODE_LENGTH2 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int MAXICODE_LENGTH_CONTROL This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.
int MAXICODE_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int MICROPDF417_CHARACTER_SET_MODE This parameter controls the character set in use for the decoded label.
int MICROPDF417_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int MICROPDF417_LENGTH1 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int MICROPDF417_LENGTH2 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int MICROPDF417_LENGTH_CONTROL This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.
int MICROPDF417_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int MICRO_QR_CHARACTER_SET_MODE This parameter controls the character set in use for the decoded label.
int MICRO_QR_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int MICRO_QR_LENGTH1 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int MICRO_QR_LENGTH2 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int MICRO_QR_LENGTH_CONTROL This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.
int MICRO_QR_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int MSI_AGGRESSIVENESS This parameter controls the aggressiveness for the MSI symbology.
int MSI_CHECK_2_MOD_11 This parameter allows to interpret the second check digit as module 11 instead of module 10.
int MSI_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int MSI_LENGTH1 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int MSI_LENGTH2 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int MSI_LENGTH_CONTROL This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.
int MSI_REQUIRE_2_CHECK This parameter requires that a MSI label contains two check digits.
int MSI_SEND_CHECK This parameter includes the checksum in the label transmission.
int MSI_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES This parameter enables the reading of MSI barcode labels with short quiet zones.
int MSI_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int MULTISCAN_ENABLE This parameter enables the ability to collect a defined number of barcodes in a single session and transmit them at the same time.
int MULTISCAN_NOTIFICATION_ENABLE This parameter defines whether to notify each successfully read label during Multi Scan operation.
int MULTISCAN_PARTIAL_RESULT_MODE This parameter selects the behaviour when partial results are present.
int MULTISCAN_REQUIRED_LABELS This parameter defines the number of required labels to be read before automatically ending a good read transaction.
int OCR_CONFIDENCE This parameter allows to set minimum confidence used by the OCR algorithm.
int OCR_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int OCR_ID_ENABLE This parameter allows to read official travel document in TD1 size.
int OCR_MULTIFRAME This parameter specifies how many decoded frames must match before accepting OCR data.
int OCR_PASSPORT_ENABLE This parameter allows to read passport booklet in TD3 size.
int OCR_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int PDF417_CHARACTER_SET_MODE This parameter controls the character set in use for the decoded label.
int PDF417_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int PDF417_LENGTH1 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int PDF417_LENGTH2 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int PDF417_LENGTH_CONTROL This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.
int PDF417_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int PICKLIST_ENABLE This parameter limits reading to targeted selection.
int PRESENTATION_MODE_AIMER_ENABLE This parameter enables the use of the aimer in presentation mode.
int PRESENTATION_MODE_ENABLE This parameter enables the use of presentation mode.
int PRESENTATION_MODE_SENSITIVITY This parameter sets sensitivity in presentation mode.
int PREVIEW_DISPLAY_MODE This parameter indicates the display mode in which to show the camera preview in case the input type is set to camera.
int PREVIEW_DISPLAY_MODE_MANUAL_LANDSCAPE_HEIGHT This parameter indicates the height of the preview shown in case of manual display mode and camera input type, when the device is positioned in landscape.
int PREVIEW_DISPLAY_MODE_MANUAL_LANDSCAPE_WIDTH This parameter indicates the width of the preview shown in case of manual display mode and camera input type, when the device is positioned in landscape.
int PREVIEW_DISPLAY_MODE_MANUAL_LANDSCAPE_X This parameter indicates the X coordinate of the preview shown in case of manual display mode and camera input type, when the device is positioned in landscape.
int PREVIEW_DISPLAY_MODE_MANUAL_LANDSCAPE_Y This parameter indicates the Y coordinate of the preview shown in case of manual display mode and camera input type, when the device is positioned in landscape.
int PREVIEW_DISPLAY_MODE_MANUAL_PORTRAIT_HEIGHT This parameter indicates the height of the preview shown in case of manual display mode and camera input type, when the device is positioned in portrait.
int PREVIEW_DISPLAY_MODE_MANUAL_PORTRAIT_WIDTH This parameter indicates the width of the preview shown in case of manual display mode and camera input type, when the device is positioned in portrait.
int PREVIEW_DISPLAY_MODE_MANUAL_PORTRAIT_X This parameter indicates the Y coordinate of the preview shown in case of manual display mode and camera input type, when the device is positioned in portrait.
int PREVIEW_DISPLAY_MODE_MANUAL_PORTRAIT_Y This parameter indicates the Y coordinate of the preview shown in case of manual display mode and camera input type, when the device is positioned in portrait.
int PREVIEW_ZOOM_LEVEL This parameter indicates the zoom level applied to the camera preview.
int QRCODE_ABSOLUTE_GRID This parameter enables or disables Absolute Grid algorithm.
int QRCODE_CHARACTER_SET_MODE This parameter controls the character set in use for the decoded label.
int QRCODE_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int QRCODE_GS1_DL_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the GS1-DIGITAL-LINK-QR Code symbology.
int QRCODE_GS1_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the GS1-QR Code symbology.
int QRCODE_LENGTH1 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int QRCODE_LENGTH2 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int QRCODE_LENGTH_CONTROL This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.
int QRCODE_MIRROR This parameter controls the mirror mode.
int QRCODE_S2D_ENABLE This parameter enables device configuration through Scan2Deploy QR Codes.
int QRCODE_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int QRCODE_WIFI_ENABLE This parameter enables Wi-Fi configuration through Wi-Fi QR Code.
int REMOVE_NON_PRINTABLE_CHARS This parameter enables the removal of all characters in the range 0x00-0x1F and the single character 0x7F from the scanned data.
int ROYAL_MAIL_CODE_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int ROYAL_MAIL_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int ROYAL_MAIL_SEND_CHECK This parameter includes the Royal Mail checksum in the label transmission.
int SCANNER_CAMERA_INTEROPERABILITY This parameter enables the interoperability between scanner and other cameras, allowing to scan barcodes while another camera is previewing.
int SCAN_MODE This parameter selects the scan mode.
int SEND_CODE_ID This parameter selects the symbology identifier to be transmitted along with the scanned data.
int SNAP_OCR_COLOR_BLOCK This parameter is used to setup the background color in the OCR result dialog.
int SNAP_OCR_COLOR_TEXT This parameter is used to setup the text color in the OCR result dialog.
int SNAP_OCR_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the Snap Ocr feature.
int SNAP_OCR_FIRST_SELECTION_MODE This parameter specifies how the OCR text is selected.
int SNAP_OCR_REFERENCE_ROI_VISIBILITY This parameter is used to show or hide the reference ROI from the preview and from the OCR result dialog.
int SNAP_OCR_REGEX_FILTER This parameter is a regular expression used to filter any OCR text, excluding the values that don't match the filter.
int SNAP_OCR_RESULTS_COMBINATION This parameter specifies how to send the OCR results, if they are concatenated in the same result or divided in different results.
int SNAP_OCR_RESULT_SEPARATOR This parameter is a String providing the separator between results, only used in concatenated mode.
int SNAP_OCR_ROI_PREFIX_VISIBILITY This parameter allows to show the ROI number as prefix inside the OCR results, when enabled.
int SNAP_OCR_ROI_SETTINGS This parameter specifies the settings used to define ROIs on the image, inside of which the OCR text is decoded.
int SNAP_OCR_SCANNING_POLICY This parameter specifies the scanning policy.
int TARGET_MODE This parameter selects the scanner target beam mode.
int TARGET_MODE_ENABLE This parameter enables the use of a target beam mode.
int TARGET_RELEASE_TIMEOUT This parameter is the maximum time the scanner is on after trigger release when using Release Scan target beam mode.
int TARGET_TIMEOUT This parameter is the time the target beam is on before scanner attempts to read.
int TLC39_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int TLC39_LENGTH1 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int TLC39_LENGTH2 This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths.
int TLC39_LENGTH_CONTROL This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.
int TLC39_LINEAR_TRANSMISSION_ENABLE This parameter enables linear code transmission.
int TLC39_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int TRIOPTIC_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int TRIOPTIC_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int UPCA_COMPOSITE_ENABLE This parameter allows to use UPC-A labels in composite barcode.
int UPCA_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int UPCA_SEND_CHECK This parameter includes the checksum in the label transmission.
int UPCA_SEND_SYS This parameter includes the system digit in the label transmission.
int UPCA_TO_EAN13 This parameter allows to expand the UPC-A labels to their EAN-13 equivalents.
int UPCA_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int UPCE1_ENABLE This parameter enables decoding of the UPC-E1 Symbology variation of UPC-E code.
int UPCE_COMPOSITE_ENABLE This parameter allows to use UPC-E labels in composite barcode.
int UPCE_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int UPCE_SEND_CHECK This parameter includes the checksum in the label transmission.
int UPCE_SEND_SYS This parameter includes the system digit in the label transmission.
int UPCE_TO_UPCA This parameter allows to expand the UPC-E labels to their UPC-A equivalents.
int UPCE_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int UPC_EAN_AGGRESSIVENESS This parameter controls the aggressiveness for the UPC and EAN symbology.
int UPC_EAN_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES This parameter enables the reading of UPC and EAN barcode labels with short quiet zones.
int USPS_4STATE_CODE_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int USPS_4STATE_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int US_PLANET_CODE_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int US_PLANET_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int US_POSTNET_CODE_USER_ID This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).
int US_POSTNET_ENABLE This parameter enables or disables the symbology.
int WEDGE_INTENT_ACTION_NAME This parameter is the intent action name.
int WEDGE_INTENT_CATEGORY_NAME This parameter is the intent category name.
int WEDGE_INTENT_DELIVERY_MODE This parameter indicates the method by which the intent is delivered.
int WEDGE_INTENT_ENABLE This parameter enables the intent mode for the Decode Wedge capability.
int WEDGE_INTENT_EXCLUDE_EMPTY_VALUES This parameter indicates if the empty intent values have to be excluded.
int WEDGE_INTENT_EXTRA_BARCODE_AIM_ID This parameter indicates the corresponding intent extra tag, associated to a string containing the barcode aim ID.
int WEDGE_INTENT_EXTRA_BARCODE_DATA This parameter indicates the corresponding intent extra tag, associated to a byte array containing the read label.
int WEDGE_INTENT_EXTRA_BARCODE_STRING This parameter indicates the corresponding intent extra tag, associated to a string containing the read label.
int WEDGE_INTENT_EXTRA_BARCODE_TYPE This parameter indicates the corresponding intent extra tag, associated to a string containing the type of read label.
int WEDGE_INTENT_EXTRA_BARCODE_USER_ID This parameter indicates the corresponding intent extra tag, associated to a string containing the barcode user ID.
int WEDGE_KEYBOARD_DELIVERY_MODE This parameter indicates the method by which the KeyboardWedge operates.
int WEDGE_KEYBOARD_ENABLE This parameter enables the the keystroke mode for the Decode Wedge capability.
int WEDGE_KEYBOARD_NON_PRINTABLE_KEY_EVENT_DELAY Delay applied before and after every non printable character.
int WEDGE_KEYBOARD_ONLY_ON_FOCUS This parameter enables the input of the keystrokes only in input areas with active focus and an IME active, such as a touch keyboard.
int WEDGE_WEB_ENABLE This parameter enables the Decode Wedge capability for direct web browsing.
Public Constructors
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final int AIM_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables aim projection when capturing frames.

Constant Value: 8 (0x00000008)

public static final int AUSTRALIAN_CODE_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 2351 (0x0000092f)

public static final int AUSTRALIAN_POST_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 2327 (0x00000917)

public static final int AZTEC_CHARACTER_SET_MODE

Added in revision 8

This parameter controls the character set in use for the decoded label.

Constant Value: 2842 (0x00000b1a)

public static final int AZTEC_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 2840 (0x00000b18)

public static final int AZTEC_LENGTH1

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When AZTEC_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 2860 (0x00000b2c)

public static final int AZTEC_LENGTH2

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When AZTEC_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 2861 (0x00000b2d)

public static final int AZTEC_LENGTH_CONTROL

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.

Constant Value: 2862 (0x00000b2e)

public static final int AZTEC_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 2863 (0x00000b2f)

public static final int CAMERA_WEDGE_BACKGROUND_COLOR

Added in revision 43

This parameter represents the background color of the frames containing a barcode generated by the camera wedge.

Constant Value: 125 (0x0000007d)

public static final int CAMERA_WEDGE_BARCODE_COLOR

Added in revision 43

This parameter represents the barcode color of the frames containing a barcode generated by the camera wedge.

Constant Value: 126 (0x0000007e)


Added in revision 43

In case of custom positioning, this parameter represents the position of the barcode generated by the camera wedge on the X coordinate.
NOTE: The camera frame is considered as being rotated clockwise by 90 degrees, which means that the starting coordinate will be on the top right of the screen in portrait orientation. In this configuration, an increase of the X coordinate causes the barcode to move down on the vertical axis of the screen.

Constant Value: 123 (0x0000007b)


Added in revision 43

In case of custom positioning, this parameter represents the position of the barcode generated by the camera wedge on the Y coordinate. NOTE: The camera frame is considered as being rotated clockwise by 90 degrees, which means that the starting coordinate will be on the top right of the screen in portrait orientation. In this configuration, an increase of the Y coordinate causes the barcode to move left on the horizontal axis of the screen.

Constant Value: 124 (0x0000007c)


Added in revision 43

This parameter represents the orientation of the barcode generated by the camera wedge.

Constant Value: 120 (0x00000078)

public static final int CAMERA_WEDGE_BARCODE_POSITION

Added in revision 43

This parameter represents the position of the barcode generated by the camera wedge.

Constant Value: 122 (0x0000007a)

public static final int CAMERA_WEDGE_BARCODE_SIZE

Added in revision 43

This parameter represents the size of the barcode generated by the camera wedge. For barcodes that have different width and height, the size refers to the biggest value between them.

Constant Value: 121 (0x00000079)

public static final int CAMERA_WEDGE_BARCODE_TYPE

Added in revision 43

This parameter represents the symbology of the barcode generated by the camera wedge.

Constant Value: 117 (0x00000075)

public static final int CAMERA_WEDGE_ENABLE

Added in revision 43

This parameter enables the use of the scanner in place of the rear camera.

Constant Value: 116 (0x00000074)


Added in revision 43

This parameter represents the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) a generated barcode is shown in the camera frames. After this time has expired, the camera frames with come back to show only the background.

Constant Value: 118 (0x00000076)


Added in revision 43

This parameter represents the minimum amount of time (in milliseconds) a generated barcode is shown in the camera frames. If another barcode is decoded before the time has expired, it will be shown only after the expiration.

Constant Value: 119 (0x00000077)

public static final int CODABAR_CLSI

Added in revision 1

This parameter restricts the decoding to only read labels that conform to CLSI specifications. Label length must be 14 and the data is split into fields of 1, 4, 5 and 4 characters separated by spaces.

Constant Value: 774 (0x00000306)

public static final int CODABAR_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 768 (0x00000300)

public static final int CODABAR_ENABLE_CHECK

Added in revision 1

This parameter equires the use of checksum characters to verify a barcode.

Constant Value: 770 (0x00000302)

public static final int CODABAR_LENGTH1

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When CODABAR_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 800 (0x00000320)

public static final int CODABAR_LENGTH2

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When CODABAR_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 801 (0x00000321)

public static final int CODABAR_LENGTH_CONTROL

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.

Constant Value: 802 (0x00000322)

public static final int CODABAR_SEND_CHECK

Added in revision 1

This parameter includes the checksum in the label transmission (if checksum is required with enableChecksum).

Constant Value: 771 (0x00000303)

public static final int CODABAR_SEND_START

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables/disables the transmission of the decoded star and stop characters. The start and stop characters will both be translated as A, B, C or D.

Constant Value: 773 (0x00000305)

public static final int CODABAR_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES

Added in revision 30

This parameter enables the reading of Codabar barcode labels with short quiet zones.

Constant Value: 804 (0x00000324)

public static final int CODABAR_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 803 (0x00000323)

public static final int CODE128_AGGRESSIVENESS

Added in revision 20

This parameter controls the aggressiveness for the Code128 symbology.

Constant Value: 1065 (0x00000429)

public static final int CODE128_CHARACTER_SET_MODE

Added in revision 33

This parameter controls the character set in use for the decoded label.

Constant Value: 1069 (0x0000042d)

public static final int CODE128_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 1032 (0x00000408)

public static final int CODE128_EXTENDED_ASCII

Added in revision 33

This parameter selects the support to the extended ASCII (ASCII code from 128 to 255).

Constant Value: 1068 (0x0000042c)

public static final int CODE128_GS1_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the GS1 Code128 symbology.

Constant Value: 1036 (0x0000040c)

public static final int CODE128_GS1_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 1064 (0x00000428)

public static final int CODE128_LENGTH1

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When CODE128_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 1060 (0x00000424)

public static final int CODE128_LENGTH2

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When CODE128_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 1061 (0x00000425)

public static final int CODE128_LENGTH_CONTROL

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.

Constant Value: 1062 (0x00000426)

public static final int CODE128_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES

Added in revision 20

This parameter enables the reading of Code128 barcode labels with short quiet zones.

Constant Value: 1066 (0x0000042a)

public static final int CODE128_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 1063 (0x00000427)

public static final int CODE32_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 272 (0x00000110)

public static final int CODE32_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 295 (0x00000127)

public static final int CODE39_AGGRESSIVENESS

Added in revision 29

This parameter controls the aggressiveness for the Code 39 symbology.

Constant Value: 292 (0x00000124)

public static final int CODE39_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 256 (0x00000100)

public static final int CODE39_ENABLE_CHECK

Added in revision 1

This parameter requires the use of checksum characters to verify a barcode.

Constant Value: 258 (0x00000102)

public static final int CODE39_FULL_ASCII

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the Full Ascii conversion.

Constant Value: 261 (0x00000105)

public static final int CODE39_LENGTH1

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. It can be used as a single fixed accepted length, when CODE39_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to ONE_FIXED. When TWO_FIXED is enabled, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 288 (0x00000120)

public static final int CODE39_LENGTH2

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When CODE39_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 289 (0x00000121)

public static final int CODE39_LENGTH_CONTROL

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.

Constant Value: 290 (0x00000122)

public static final int CODE39_SEND_CHECK

Added in revision 1

This parameter includes the checksum in the label transmission (if checksum is required with enableChecksum).

Constant Value: 259 (0x00000103)

public static final int CODE39_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES

Added in revision 9

This parameter enables the reading of Code 39 barcode labels with short quiet zones.

Constant Value: 257 (0x00000101)

public static final int CODE39_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 291 (0x00000123)

public static final int CODE93_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 1024 (0x00000400)

public static final int CODE93_LENGTH1

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When CODE93_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 1056 (0x00000420)

public static final int CODE93_LENGTH2

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When CODE93_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 1057 (0x00000421)

public static final int CODE93_LENGTH_CONTROL

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.

Constant Value: 1058 (0x00000422)

public static final int CODE93_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES

Added in revision 30

This parameter enables the reading of Code 93 barcode labels with short quiet zones.

Constant Value: 1067 (0x0000042b)

public static final int CODE93_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 1059 (0x00000423)

public static final int COMPOSITE_EAN_UPC_MODE

Added in revision 7

This parameter controls UPC/EAN label recognition mode.

Constant Value: 2610 (0x00000a32)

public static final int COMPOSITE_ENABLE

Added in revision 7

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 2608 (0x00000a30)

public static final int COMPOSITE_GS1_128_MODE

Added in revision 7

This parameter convert the Composite label to a sequence of one or more GS1-128 barcodes.

Constant Value: 2611 (0x00000a33)


Added in revision 25

This parameter enable linear code transmission.

Constant Value: 2612 (0x00000a34)

public static final int COMPOSITE_USER_ID

Added in revision 7

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 2643 (0x00000a53)

public static final int CUSTOM_IMAGE_CAPTURE_PROFILE

Added in revision 20

This parameter allows to define a custom profile. It could be set with a number between 0-255.

Constant Value: 13 (0x0000000d)

public static final int D25_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 512 (0x00000200)

public static final int D25_LENGTH1

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When D25_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 544 (0x00000220)

public static final int D25_LENGTH2

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When D25_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 545 (0x00000221)

public static final int D25_LENGTH_CONTROL

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.

Constant Value: 546 (0x00000222)

public static final int D25_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 547 (0x00000223)

public static final int DATAMATRIX_AGGRESSIVENESS

Added in revision 29

This parameter controls the aggressiveness for the Datamatrix symbology.

Constant Value: 2822 (0x00000b06)

public static final int DATAMATRIX_CHARACTER_SET_MODE

Added in revision 8

This parameter controls the character set in use for the decoded label.

Constant Value: 2818 (0x00000b02)

public static final int DATAMATRIX_DMRE

Added in revision 32

This parameter enables or disables DataMatrix Rectangular Extended dimensions (DMRE). New AIM specs introduce new Datamatrix format: 8x48, 8x64, 12x48, 12x64, 16x64, 24x32, 24x36, 24x48, 24x64, 26x32, 26x40, 26x48, 26x64

Constant Value: 2826 (0x00000b0a)

public static final int DATAMATRIX_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 2816 (0x00000b00)

public static final int DATAMATRIX_GS1_DL_ENABLE

Added in revision 36

This parameter enables or disables the GS1-DIGITAL-LINK-DATAMATRIX symbology.

Constant Value: 2827 (0x00000b0b)

public static final int DATAMATRIX_GS1_ENABLE

Added in revision 28

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 2821 (0x00000b05)

public static final int DATAMATRIX_LENGTH1

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When DATAMATRIX_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 2848 (0x00000b20)

public static final int DATAMATRIX_LENGTH2

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When DATAMATRIX_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 2849 (0x00000b21)

public static final int DATAMATRIX_LENGTH_CONTROL

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.

Constant Value: 2850 (0x00000b22)

public static final int DATAMATRIX_MIRROR

Added in revision 26

This parameter controls the mirror mode. It controls the scanning capabilities of Data Matrix barcodes from mirror reflections.

Constant Value: 2820 (0x00000b04)

public static final int DATAMATRIX_OPERATING_MODE

Added in revision 18

This parameter control the operating mode.

Constant Value: 2819 (0x00000b03)

public static final int DATAMATRIX_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 2851 (0x00000b23)

public static final int DECODE_TIMEOUT

Added in revision 1

This parameter is the maximum time the scanner remains on without reading a barcode. If the value exceeds the range, the value is set at full scale. The amount of time is represented in milliseconds.

Constant Value: 45 (0x0000002d)

public static final int DIGIMARC_DATAFORMAT

Added in revision 37

This paramater configures which data format is used for Digimarc barcode.

Constant Value: 65537 (0x00010001)

public static final int DIGIMARC_ENABLE

Added in revision 5

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 65536 (0x00010000)

public static final int DIGIMARC_PRIORITY

Added in revision 37

This parameter determines the frequency for attempting to decode using Digimarc.

Constant Value: 65538 (0x00010002)

public static final int DIGIMARC_USER_ID

Added in revision 37

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any).

Constant Value: 65539 (0x00010003)

public static final int DISPLAY_MODE_ENABLE

Added in revision 10

This parameter controls the barcode illumination for capturing frames from displays or reflective surfaces. The possibile configurations are:

  • feature disabled that means "Illuminator alwayas enabled"
  • feature enabled that means "Illuminator adjusted according" to reflection in the previous acquired frames

Constant Value: 6 (0x00000006)

public static final int DISPLAY_NOTIFICATION_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter activates the notification mechanism. It enables the Display Notification capability via a displaying message. This means that the decoded label is displayed through a pop-up message, an Android Toast, on the device's screen.

Constant Value: 49 (0x00000031)

public static final int DOTCODE_CHARACTER_SET_MODE

Added in revision 10

This parameter controls the character set in use for the decoded label.

Constant Value: 3074 (0x00000c02)

public static final int DOTCODE_ENABLE

Added in revision 10

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 3072 (0x00000c00)

public static final int DOTCODE_LENGTH1

Added in revision 10

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When DOTCODE_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 3104 (0x00000c20)

public static final int DOTCODE_LENGTH2

Added in revision 10

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When DOTCODE_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 3105 (0x00000c21)

public static final int DOTCODE_LENGTH_CONTROL

Added in revision 10

This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.

Constant Value: 3106 (0x00000c22)

public static final int DOTCODE_USER_ID

Added in revision 10

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 3107 (0x00000c23)

public static final int DOUBLE_READ_TIMEOUT

Added in revision 27

This parameter is the minimum time allowed between reads of the same barcode label.

Constant Value: 102 (0x00000066)

public static final int EAN13_COMPOSITE_ENABLE

Added in revision 25

This parameter allows to use EAN-13 labels in composite barcode.

Constant Value: 1302 (0x00000516)

public static final int EAN13_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 1296 (0x00000510)

public static final int EAN13_SEND_CHECK

Added in revision 1

This parameter includes the checksum in the label transmission.

Constant Value: 1298 (0x00000512)

public static final int EAN13_SEND_SYS

Added in revision 6

This parameter includes the system digit in the label transmission, it configures whether the first character should be transmitted.

Constant Value: 1299 (0x00000513)

public static final int EAN13_TO_GTIN

Added in revision 36

This parameter allows to convert EAN-13 labels to GTIN.

Constant Value: 1303 (0x00000517)

public static final int EAN13_TO_ISBN

Added in revision 1

This parameter allows to identify ISBN labels and append the check digit (per ISBN guidelines) to the end of the label.

Constant Value: 1300 (0x00000514)

public static final int EAN13_TO_ISSN

Added in revision 1

This parameter allows to identify ISSN labels and append the check digit (per ISSN guidelines) to the end of the label.

Constant Value: 1301 (0x00000515)

public static final int EAN13_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 1317 (0x00000525)

public static final int EAN8_COMPOSITE_ENABLE

Added in revision 25

This parameter allows to use EAN-8 labels in composite barcode.

Constant Value: 1320 (0x00000528)

public static final int EAN8_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 1304 (0x00000518)

public static final int EAN8_SEND_CHECK

Added in revision 1

This parameter includes the checksum in the label transmission.

Constant Value: 1306 (0x0000051a)

public static final int EAN8_TO_EAN13

Added in revision 1

This parameter allows to expand the EAN-8 labels to their EAN-13 equivalents. Any EAN-13 parameters will then apply to the result.

Constant Value: 1307 (0x0000051b)

public static final int EAN8_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 1319 (0x00000527)

public static final int EAN_EXT_ENABLE_2_DIGIT

Added in revision 1

This parameter requires a 2 digit extension to be verified for a successful decode of a label.

Constant Value: 1308 (0x0000051c)

public static final int EAN_EXT_ENABLE_5_DIGIT

Added in revision 1

This parameter requires a 5 digit extension to be verified for a successful decode of a label.

Constant Value: 1309 (0x0000051d)

public static final int EAN_EXT_REQUIRE

Added in revision 1

This parameter indicates that are read only barcode with the supplemental label. If the parameter is false are read barcodes with or without the supplemental labels.

Constant Value: 1311 (0x0000051f)

public static final int ECI_POLICY

Added in revision 23

This parameter selects the policy used to handle ECI.

Constant Value: 262656 (0x00040200)

public static final int ENABLE_SCANNER

Added in revision 39

This parameter enables scanner decoding.

Constant Value: 114 (0x00000072)

public static final int ENHANCE_DOF_ENABLE

Added in revision 32

This parameter enhances the Depth of Field.

Constant Value: 106 (0x0000006a)

public static final int EXT_SCANNER_SOURCE_ENABLE

Added in revision 38

This parameter enables the injection of the barcodes from an external scanner source.

Constant Value: 111 (0x0000006f)


Added in revision 38

This parameter allows using the standard formatter when the injection is enabled.

Constant Value: 112 (0x00000070)

public static final int FRAME_CAPTURE_ENABLE

Added in revision 22

This parameter enable the feauture that configures the scanner to capture store and provide frames.

Constant Value: 327680 (0x00050000)

public static final int FRAME_CAPTURE_FILE_PATH

Added in revision 22

This parameter indicates the directory where will be stored the frames saved by the Scanner. Only directory under getExternalStorageDirectory() are supported (eg. /storage/emulated/0/).

Constant Value: 327681 (0x00050001)

public static final int FRAME_CAPTURE_FORMAT

Added in revision 22

This parameter selects the format used for storing the frames captured by the Scanner.

Constant Value: 327682 (0x00050002)

public static final int FRAME_CAPTURE_MODE

Added in revision 22

This parameter selects the Scanner frame capture mode.

Constant Value: 327683 (0x00050003)

public static final int FRAME_CAPTURE_STORAGE_ENABLE

Added in revision 22

This parameter enables the Scanner to store captured frames.

Constant Value: 327684 (0x00050004)

public static final int GOOD_READ_AUDIO_CHANNEL

Added in revision 26

This parameter selects the audio channel to use for the scanner notification.

Constant Value: 52 (0x00000034)

public static final int GOOD_READ_AUDIO_FILE

Added in revision 1

This parameter is the file used for the audio notification on a successfull read.

Constant Value: 48 (0x00000030)

public static final int GOOD_READ_AUDIO_MODE

Added in revision 1

This parameter selects the scanner audio notification mode.

Constant Value: 51 (0x00000033)

public static final int GOOD_READ_AUDIO_VOLUME

Added in revision 1

This parameter is the volume of the audio notification on a successfull read.

Constant Value: 47 (0x0000002f)

public static final int GOOD_READ_COUNT

Added in revision 1

This parameter indicates the number of notifications to produce on a successful read.

Constant Value: 32 (0x00000020)

public static final int GOOD_READ_DURATION

Added in revision 1

This parameter indicates the duration of each notification on a successful read.

Constant Value: 34 (0x00000022)

public static final int GOOD_READ_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables the use of the good read notification on a successful read.

Constant Value: 16 (0x00000010)

public static final int GOOD_READ_INTERVAL

Added in revision 1

This parameter is the delay between notifications on a successful read.

Constant Value: 46 (0x0000002e)

public static final int GOOD_READ_LED_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables the use of the led notification on a successful read.

Constant Value: 19 (0x00000013)


Added in revision 43

This parameter specifies whether the black areas in the overlay should be treated as transparent.

Constant Value: 75 (0x0000004b)

public static final int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_COLOR

Added in revision 41

This parameter selects the color of the overlay.

Constant Value: 58 (0x0000003a)


Added in revision 41

This parameter specifies the name of the custom overlay selected.

Constant Value: 60 (0x0000003c)

public static final int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_ENABLE

Added in revision 41

This parameter enables the ability to show an overlay in the case of a good read.

Constant Value: 57 (0x00000039)


Added in revision 41

This parameter specifies in which custom x coordinate of the screen (starting from the left) the overlay is shown, in landscape mode.

Constant Value: 68 (0x00000044)


Added in revision 41

This parameter specifies in which custom y coordinate of the screen (starting from the top) the overlay is shown, in landscape mode.

Constant Value: 69 (0x00000045)


Added in revision 41

This parameter specifies the custom max height used for the overlay, in landscape mode.

Constant Value: 72 (0x00000048)


Added in revision 41

This parameter specifies the custom max width used for the overlay, in landscape mode.

Constant Value: 71 (0x00000047)


Added in revision 41

This parameter specifies the mode used to shown the overlay, in landscape mode.

Constant Value: 70 (0x00000046)


Added in revision 41

This parameter specifies in which position of the screen the overlay is shown, in landscape mode.

Constant Value: 67 (0x00000043)


Added in revision 41

This parameter specifies in which custom x coordinate of the screen (starting from the left) the overlay is shown, in portrait mode.

Constant Value: 62 (0x0000003e)


Added in revision 41

This parameter specifies in which custom y coordinate of the screen (starting from the top) the overlay is shown, in portrait mode.

Constant Value: 63 (0x0000003f)


Added in revision 41

This parameter specifies the custom max height used for the overlay, in portrait mode.

Constant Value: 66 (0x00000042)


Added in revision 41

This parameter specifies the custom max width used for the overlay, in portrait mode.

Constant Value: 65 (0x00000041)


Added in revision 41

This parameter specifies the mode used to shown the overlay, in portrait mode.

Constant Value: 64 (0x00000040)


Added in revision 41

This parameter specifies in which position of the screen the overlay is shown, in portrait mode.

Constant Value: 61 (0x0000003d)


Added in revision 43

This parameter specifies whether the original colors of the overlay should be preserved.

Constant Value: 74 (0x0000004a)

public static final int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_SHAPE_POLICY

Added in revision 41

This parameter selects the shape of the overlay.

Constant Value: 59 (0x0000003b)

public static final int GOOD_READ_OVERLAY_TRANSPARENCY

Added in revision 43

This parameter specifies the level of transparency applied to the overlay.

Constant Value: 73 (0x00000049)

public static final int GOOD_READ_TIMEOUT

Added in revision 32

This parameter indicates the delay after which the good read LEDs are turned off. This is valid only in case of a single good read. The value range is between 20 and 5000 for normal scanning sessions. The maximum value is lowered to 500 in case of a scan mode different from SINGLE or when the target mode is set to RELEASE_SCAN.

Constant Value: 56 (0x00000038)

public static final int GOOD_READ_VIBRATE_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables the use of the vibrator notification on a successful read.

Constant Value: 18 (0x00000012)

public static final int GREEN_SPOT_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables the use of the green spot notification on a successful read.

Constant Value: 17 (0x00000011)

public static final int GS1_14_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 2048 (0x00000800)

public static final int GS1_14_GS1_128_MODE

Added in revision 7

This parameter convert the Gs1DataBar_14 label to a GS1-128 barcode.

Constant Value: 2051 (0x00000803)

public static final int GS1_14_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 2081 (0x00000821)

public static final int GS1_2D_CONVERSION

Added in revision 36

This parameter is set to specify the conversion used for GS1 2D barcodes.

Constant Value: 110 (0x0000006e)

public static final int GS1_CHECK

Added in revision 32

This parameter enables a check to verify that the content of the barcode matches the GS1 AIs format (, so that GS1 codes not well formatted will not be decoded.

Constant Value: 54 (0x00000036)

public static final int GS1_EXP_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 2064 (0x00000810)

public static final int GS1_EXP_GS1_128_MODE

Added in revision 7

This parameter convert the Gs1DataBar_Expanded label to a sequence of one or more GS1-128 barcodes.

Constant Value: 2067 (0x00000813)

public static final int GS1_EXP_LENGTH1

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When GS1_EXP_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 2084 (0x00000824)

public static final int GS1_EXP_LENGTH2

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When GS1_EXP_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 2085 (0x00000825)

public static final int GS1_EXP_LENGTH_CONTROL

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.

Constant Value: 2086 (0x00000826)

public static final int GS1_EXP_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 2087 (0x00000827)

public static final int GS1_LABEL_SET_PREFIX

Added in revision 36

This parameter is set to specify the label set prefix to use when the label set mode is set to ALL_LABELS.

Constant Value: 109 (0x0000006d)

public static final int GS1_LABEL_SET_TRANSMIT_MODE

Added in revision 36

This parameter is set to specify the mode use to transmit GS1 label sets. A label set consists of all the GS1 barcodes that have the same GTIN value.

Constant Value: 108 (0x0000006c)

public static final int GS1_LIMIT_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 2056 (0x00000808)

public static final int GS1_LIMIT_GS1_128_MODE

Added in revision 7

This parameter convert the Gs1DataBar_Limited label to a GS1-128 barcode.

Constant Value: 2059 (0x0000080b)

public static final int GS1_LIMIT_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 2083 (0x00000823)

public static final int GS1_STRING_FORMAT

Added in revision 32

This parameter enables automatic formatting of the barcode content, based on the "GS1 Human Readable Interpretation (HRI)" rules (, by dividing the code into the different fields and marking each Application Identifier by enclosing it in parentheses. Example: "(01)195001101530000(17)140704(10)AB-123" It is used only if GS1_CHECK is set to true.

Constant Value: 55 (0x00000037)

public static final int GS_SUBSTITUTION

Added in revision 1

This parameter is s a string of Unicode characters that replaces each occurrence of GS (ASCII code 0x1D) in the scanned data.

Constant Value: 44 (0x0000002c)

public static final int GTIN_FORMAT

Added in revision 36

This parameter is set to specify the representation used for the GTIN format.

Constant Value: 107 (0x0000006b)

public static final int HAN_XIN_ENABLE

Added in revision 32

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 263424 (0x00040500)

public static final int HAN_XIN_LENGTH1

Added in revision 32

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When HAN_XIN_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 263425 (0x00040501)

public static final int HAN_XIN_LENGTH2

Added in revision 32

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When HAN_XIN_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 263426 (0x00040502)

public static final int HAN_XIN_LENGTH_CONTROL

Added in revision 32

This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.

Constant Value: 263427 (0x00040503)

public static final int HAN_XIN_USER_ID

Added in revision 32

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 263428 (0x00040504)

public static final int HEX_FORMAT

Added in revision 38

This parameter enables to format the read data as a readable hexadecimal string. Ignores other formatting options.

Constant Value: 113 (0x00000071)

public static final int I25_AGGRESSIVENESS

Added in revision 29

This parameter controls the aggressiveness for the Interleaved 2/5 symbology.

Constant Value: 557 (0x0000022d)

public static final int I25_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 528 (0x00000210)

public static final int I25_ENABLE_CHECK

Added in revision 1

This parameter equires the use of checksum characters to verify a barcode.

Constant Value: 530 (0x00000212)

public static final int I25_LENGTH1

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When I25_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 552 (0x00000228)

public static final int I25_LENGTH2

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When I25_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 553 (0x00000229)

public static final int I25_LENGTH_CONTROL

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.

Constant Value: 554 (0x0000022a)

public static final int I25_SEND_CHECK

Added in revision 1

This parameter includes the checksum in the label transmission (if checksum is required with enableChecksum).

Constant Value: 531 (0x00000213)

public static final int I25_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES

Added in revision 30

This parameter enables the reading of Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode labels with short quiet zones.

Constant Value: 558 (0x0000022e)

public static final int I25_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 555 (0x0000022b)

public static final int ILLUMINATION_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables barcode illumination when capturing frames.

Constant Value: 7 (0x00000007)

public static final int ILLUMINATION_TIME

Added in revision 28

This parameter selects the scanner illumination pulse length.

Constant Value: 103 (0x00000067)

public static final int ILLUMINATION_TYPE

Added in revision 20

This parameter selects the scanner illuminator to be used for decoding.

Constant Value: 14 (0x0000000e)

public static final int IMAGE_CAPTURE_PROFILE

Added in revision 19

This parameter selects the scanner image capture profile.

Constant Value: 12 (0x0000000c)

public static final int IMAGE_DECODE_TIMEOUT

Added in revision 32

This parameter is the timeout to set during image decoding. The amount of time is represented in milliseconds.

Constant Value: 53 (0x00000035)

public static final int INPUT_TYPE

Added in revision 33

This parameter indicates the input type to use for decoding.
NOTE: After changing this parameter, the scanner will take a few seconds to reconfigure (generally around 2 or 3 seconds). During this time, any subsequent property change might fail and needs to be applied again.

Constant Value: 263169 (0x00040401)

public static final int INVERSE_1D_SYMBOLOGIES

Added in revision 17

This parameter sets the inverse mode for linear barcode symbologies.

Constant Value: 96 (0x00000060)

public static final int INVERSE_2D_SYMBOLOGIES

Added in revision 17

This parameter sets the inverse mode for 2D barcode symbologies.

Constant Value: 97 (0x00000061)

public static final int ISBT_128_COMMONLY_CONCATENATED_PAIRS

Added in revision 17

This parameter allows the concatenation of common concatenated pairs.

Constant Value: 3330 (0x00000d02)

public static final int ISBT_128_ENABLE

Added in revision 17

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 3328 (0x00000d00)

public static final int ISBT_128_MODE

Added in revision 17

This parameter defines the decoding mode for ISBT 128 barcodes.

Constant Value: 3331 (0x00000d03)

public static final int ISBT_128_USER_ID

Added in revision 17

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 3329 (0x00000d01)

public static final int ITF14_ENABLE

Added in revision 29

This parameter enables or disables the ITF14 symbology. It could be used to include a GTIN. It always checks and transmits the checksum character.

Constant Value: 556 (0x0000022c)

public static final int JAPANESE_POST_CODE_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 2353 (0x00000931)

public static final int JAPANESE_POST_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 2329 (0x00000919)

public static final int KIX_CODE_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 2328 (0x00000918)

public static final int KIX_CODE_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 2352 (0x00000930)

public static final int LABEL_PREFIX

Added in revision 1

This parameter is a string of Unicode characters sent immediatly before symbology identifier.

Constant Value: 38 (0x00000026)

public static final int LABEL_SUFFIX

Added in revision 1

This parameter is a string of Unicode characters sent ent after the final character in data.

Constant Value: 39 (0x00000027)

public static final int M25_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 520 (0x00000208)

public static final int M25_LENGTH1

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When M25_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 548 (0x00000224)

public static final int M25_LENGTH2

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When D25_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 549 (0x00000225)

public static final int M25_LENGTH_CONTROL

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.

Constant Value: 550 (0x00000226)

public static final int M25_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES

Added in revision 30

This parameter enables the reading of Matrix 2 of 5 barcode labels with short quiet zones.

Constant Value: 559 (0x0000022f)

public static final int M25_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 551 (0x00000227)

public static final int MAXICODE_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 2824 (0x00000b08)

public static final int MAXICODE_LENGTH1

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When MAXICODE_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 2852 (0x00000b24)

public static final int MAXICODE_LENGTH2

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When MAXICODE_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 2853 (0x00000b25)

public static final int MAXICODE_LENGTH_CONTROL

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.

Constant Value: 2854 (0x00000b26)

public static final int MAXICODE_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 2855 (0x00000b27)

public static final int MICROPDF417_CHARACTER_SET_MODE

Added in revision 8

This parameter controls the character set in use for the decoded label.

Constant Value: 2570 (0x00000a0a)

public static final int MICROPDF417_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 2568 (0x00000a08)

public static final int MICROPDF417_LENGTH1

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When MICROPDF417_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 2596 (0x00000a24)

public static final int MICROPDF417_LENGTH2

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When MICROPDF417_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 2597 (0x00000a25)

public static final int MICROPDF417_LENGTH_CONTROL

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.

Constant Value: 2598 (0x00000a26)

public static final int MICROPDF417_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 2599 (0x00000a27)

public static final int MICRO_QR_CHARACTER_SET_MODE

Added in revision 8

This parameter controls the character set in use for the decoded label.

Constant Value: 2838 (0x00000b16)

public static final int MICRO_QR_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 2836 (0x00000b14)

public static final int MICRO_QR_LENGTH1

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When MICRO_QR_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 2864 (0x00000b30)

public static final int MICRO_QR_LENGTH2

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When MICRO_QR_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 2865 (0x00000b31)

public static final int MICRO_QR_LENGTH_CONTROL

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.

Constant Value: 2866 (0x00000b32)

public static final int MICRO_QR_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 2867 (0x00000b33)

public static final int MSI_AGGRESSIVENESS

Added in revision 20

This parameter controls the aggressiveness for the MSI symbology.

Constant Value: 1576 (0x00000628)

public static final int MSI_CHECK_2_MOD_11

Added in revision 1

This parameter allows to interpret the second check digit as module 11 instead of module 10.

Constant Value: 1548 (0x0000060c)

public static final int MSI_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 1544 (0x00000608)

public static final int MSI_LENGTH1

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When MSI_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 1572 (0x00000624)

public static final int MSI_LENGTH2

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When MSI_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 1573 (0x00000625)

public static final int MSI_LENGTH_CONTROL

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.

Constant Value: 1574 (0x00000626)

public static final int MSI_REQUIRE_2_CHECK

Added in revision 1

This parameter requires that a MSI label contains two check digits.

Constant Value: 1546 (0x0000060a)

public static final int MSI_SEND_CHECK

Added in revision 1

This parameter includes the checksum in the label transmission.

Constant Value: 1547 (0x0000060b)

public static final int MSI_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES

Added in revision 22

This parameter enables the reading of MSI barcode labels with short quiet zones.

Constant Value: 1577 (0x00000629)

public static final int MSI_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 1575 (0x00000627)

public static final int MULTISCAN_ENABLE

Added in revision 8

This parameter enables the ability to collect a defined number of barcodes in a single session and transmit them at the same time.

Constant Value: 80 (0x00000050)


Added in revision 8

This parameter defines whether to notify each successfully read label during Multi Scan operation.

Constant Value: 82 (0x00000052)

public static final int MULTISCAN_PARTIAL_RESULT_MODE

Added in revision 29

This parameter selects the behaviour when partial results are present.

Constant Value: 83 (0x00000053)

public static final int MULTISCAN_REQUIRED_LABELS

Added in revision 8

This parameter defines the number of required labels to be read before automatically ending a good read transaction.

Constant Value: 81 (0x00000051)

public static final int OCR_CONFIDENCE

Added in revision 29

This parameter allows to set minimum confidence used by the OCR algorithm. An higher confidence decreases misdecoding probabilities.

Constant Value: 262916 (0x00040304)

public static final int OCR_ENABLE

Added in revision 29

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 262912 (0x00040300)

public static final int OCR_ID_ENABLE

Added in revision 29

This parameter allows to read official travel document in TD1 size. The data of the machine-readable zone consists of three rows of 30 characters each.

Constant Value: 262915 (0x00040303)

public static final int OCR_MULTIFRAME

Added in revision 30

This parameter specifies how many decoded frames must match before accepting OCR data.

Constant Value: 262917 (0x00040305)

public static final int OCR_PASSPORT_ENABLE

Added in revision 29

This parameter allows to read passport booklet in TD3 size. The data of the machine-readable zone consists of two rows of 44 characters each.

Constant Value: 262914 (0x00040302)

public static final int OCR_USER_ID

Added in revision 29

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 262913 (0x00040301)

public static final int PDF417_CHARACTER_SET_MODE

Added in revision 8

This parameter controls the character set in use for the decoded label.

Constant Value: 2562 (0x00000a02)

public static final int PDF417_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 2560 (0x00000a00)

public static final int PDF417_LENGTH1

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When PDF417_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 2592 (0x00000a20)

public static final int PDF417_LENGTH2

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When PDF417_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 2593 (0x00000a21)

public static final int PDF417_LENGTH_CONTROL

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.

Constant Value: 2594 (0x00000a22)

public static final int PDF417_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 2595 (0x00000a23)

public static final int PICKLIST_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter limits reading to targeted selection.

Constant Value: 10 (0x0000000a)

public static final int PRESENTATION_MODE_AIMER_ENABLE

Added in revision 26

This parameter enables the use of the aimer in presentation mode.

Constant Value: 99 (0x00000063)

public static final int PRESENTATION_MODE_ENABLE

Added in revision 26

This parameter enables the use of presentation mode.

Constant Value: 98 (0x00000062)


Added in revision 26

This parameter sets sensitivity in presentation mode.

Constant Value: 100 (0x00000064)

public static final int PREVIEW_DISPLAY_MODE

Added in revision 33

This parameter indicates the display mode in which to show the camera preview in case the input type is set to camera.

Constant Value: 263170 (0x00040402)


Added in revision 33

This parameter indicates the height of the preview shown in case of manual display mode and camera input type, when the device is positioned in landscape. The camera frames will retain their original aspect ratio but they will resize in order to fit inside the perview box specified by the width and height parameters.

Constant Value: 263178 (0x0004040a)


Added in revision 33

This parameter indicates the width of the preview shown in case of manual display mode and camera input type, when the device is positioned in landscape. The camera frames will retain their original aspect ratio but they will resize in order to fit inside the perview box specified by the width and height parameters.

Constant Value: 263177 (0x00040409)


Added in revision 33

This parameter indicates the X coordinate of the preview shown in case of manual display mode and camera input type, when the device is positioned in landscape.

Constant Value: 263175 (0x00040407)


Added in revision 33

This parameter indicates the Y coordinate of the preview shown in case of manual display mode and camera input type, when the device is positioned in landscape.

Constant Value: 263176 (0x00040408)


Added in revision 33

This parameter indicates the height of the preview shown in case of manual display mode and camera input type, when the device is positioned in portrait. The camera frames will retain their original aspect ratio but they will resize in order to fit inside the perview box specified by the width and height parameters.

Constant Value: 263174 (0x00040406)


Added in revision 33

This parameter indicates the width of the preview shown in case of manual display mode and camera input type, when the device is positioned in portrait. The camera frames will retain their original aspect ratio but they will resize in order to fit inside the perview box specified by the width and height parameters.

Constant Value: 263173 (0x00040405)


Added in revision 33

This parameter indicates the Y coordinate of the preview shown in case of manual display mode and camera input type, when the device is positioned in portrait.

Constant Value: 263171 (0x00040403)


Added in revision 33

This parameter indicates the Y coordinate of the preview shown in case of manual display mode and camera input type, when the device is positioned in portrait.

Constant Value: 263172 (0x00040404)

public static final int PREVIEW_ZOOM_LEVEL

Added in revision 41

This parameter indicates the zoom level applied to the camera preview.

Constant Value: 263179 (0x0004040b)

public static final int QRCODE_ABSOLUTE_GRID

Added in revision 32

This parameter enables or disables Absolute Grid algorithm. It performs a geometric reconstruction of the QR Code grid by regularizing it. This algorithm is executed only when the standard one fails. It may slow down decoding rate.

Constant Value: 2825 (0x00000b09)

public static final int QRCODE_CHARACTER_SET_MODE

Added in revision 8

This parameter controls the character set in use for the decoded label.

Constant Value: 2834 (0x00000b12)

public static final int QRCODE_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 2832 (0x00000b10)

public static final int QRCODE_GS1_DL_ENABLE

Added in revision 36

This parameter enables or disables the GS1-DIGITAL-LINK-QR Code symbology.

Constant Value: 2837 (0x00000b15)

public static final int QRCODE_GS1_ENABLE

Added in revision 29

This parameter enables or disables the GS1-QR Code symbology.

Constant Value: 2835 (0x00000b13)

public static final int QRCODE_LENGTH1

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When QRCODE_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 2856 (0x00000b28)

public static final int QRCODE_LENGTH2

Added in revision 1

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When QRCODE_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 2857 (0x00000b29)

public static final int QRCODE_LENGTH_CONTROL

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.

Constant Value: 2858 (0x00000b2a)

public static final int QRCODE_MIRROR

Added in revision 32

This parameter controls the mirror mode.

Constant Value: 2823 (0x00000b07)

public static final int QRCODE_S2D_ENABLE

Added in revision 29

This parameter enables device configuration through Scan2Deploy QR Codes.

Constant Value: 200258 (0x00030e42)

public static final int QRCODE_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 2859 (0x00000b2b)

public static final int QRCODE_WIFI_ENABLE

Added in revision 16

This parameter enables Wi-Fi configuration through Wi-Fi QR Code.

Constant Value: 200257 (0x00030e41)

public static final int REMOVE_NON_PRINTABLE_CHARS

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables the removal of all characters in the range 0x00-0x1F and the single character 0x7F from the scanned data. The length check for each symbology is evaluated before any characters are removed. Characters in the code ID, prefix, suffix, or separator won't be removed.

Constant Value: 24 (0x00000018)

public static final int ROYAL_MAIL_CODE_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 2350 (0x0000092e)

public static final int ROYAL_MAIL_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 2325 (0x00000915)

public static final int ROYAL_MAIL_SEND_CHECK

Added in revision 1

This parameter includes the Royal Mail checksum in the label transmission.

Constant Value: 2326 (0x00000916)


Added in revision 43

This parameter enables the interoperability between scanner and other cameras, allowing to scan barcodes while another camera is previewing.

Constant Value: 127 (0x0000007f)

public static final int SCAN_MODE

Added in revision 27

This parameter selects the scan mode.

Constant Value: 101 (0x00000065)

public static final int SEND_CODE_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter selects the symbology identifier to be transmitted along with the scanned data.

Constant Value: 37 (0x00000025)

public static final int SNAP_OCR_COLOR_BLOCK

Added in revision 41

This parameter is used to setup the background color in the OCR result dialog.

Constant Value: 263943 (0x00040707)

public static final int SNAP_OCR_COLOR_TEXT

Added in revision 41

This parameter is used to setup the text color in the OCR result dialog.

Constant Value: 263944 (0x00040708)

public static final int SNAP_OCR_ENABLE

Added in revision 41

This parameter enables or disables the Snap Ocr feature.

Constant Value: 263936 (0x00040700)

public static final int SNAP_OCR_FIRST_SELECTION_MODE

Added in revision 41

This parameter specifies how the OCR text is selected.

Constant Value: 263937 (0x00040701)


Added in revision 41

This parameter is used to show or hide the reference ROI from the preview and from the OCR result dialog.

Constant Value: 263945 (0x00040709)

public static final int SNAP_OCR_REGEX_FILTER

Added in revision 41

This parameter is a regular expression used to filter any OCR text, excluding the values that don't match the filter.

Constant Value: 263942 (0x00040706)

public static final int SNAP_OCR_RESULTS_COMBINATION

Added in revision 41

This parameter specifies how to send the OCR results, if they are concatenated in the same result or divided in different results.

Constant Value: 263938 (0x00040702)

public static final int SNAP_OCR_RESULT_SEPARATOR

Added in revision 41

This parameter is a String providing the separator between results, only used in concatenated mode.

Constant Value: 263939 (0x00040703)

public static final int SNAP_OCR_ROI_PREFIX_VISIBILITY

Added in revision 41

This parameter allows to show the ROI number as prefix inside the OCR results, when enabled. The prefix is set in the format ROI_NUMBER:OCR_TEXT, where ROI_NUMBER indicates the index of the ROI inside the ROI settings (starting from 1) and OCR_TEXT is the original result.

Constant Value: 263946 (0x0004070a)

public static final int SNAP_OCR_ROI_SETTINGS

Added in revision 41

This parameter specifies the settings used to define ROIs on the image, inside of which the OCR text is decoded. These settings are used only when the first selection mode is set to ROI_PROPOSE or ROI_SEND.

Constant Value: 263940 (0x00040704)

public static final int SNAP_OCR_SCANNING_POLICY

Added in revision 41

This parameter specifies the scanning policy.

Constant Value: 263941 (0x00040705)

public static final int TARGET_MODE

Added in revision 1

This parameter selects the scanner target beam mode.

Constant Value: 9 (0x00000009)

public static final int TARGET_MODE_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables the use of a target beam mode.

Constant Value: 11 (0x0000000b)

public static final int TARGET_RELEASE_TIMEOUT

Added in revision 1

This parameter is the maximum time the scanner is on after trigger release when using Release Scan target beam mode. If the value exceeds the range, the value is set at full scale.

Constant Value: 42 (0x0000002a)

public static final int TARGET_TIMEOUT

Added in revision 1

This parameter is the time the target beam is on before scanner attempts to read.

  • 0 = 0.25 seconds
  • 1 = 0.5 seconds
  • 2 = 1 seconds
  • 3 = 15 seconds
  • 4 = 2 seconds

Constant Value: 41 (0x00000029)

public static final int TLC39_ENABLE

Added in revision 36

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 263680 (0x00040600)

public static final int TLC39_LENGTH1

Added in revision 36

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When TLC39_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 263681 (0x00040601)

public static final int TLC39_LENGTH2

Added in revision 36

This parameter is one of the two configurable label lengths. When TLC39_LENGTH_CONTROL is set to TWO_FIXED, its value is one of the two possible accepted fixed lengths for a specific label. It can also represent the minor or major length value whenever RANGE is selected. If is set below the accepted minimum, the smallest accepted length will be used; instead it the set value exceed the maximum value, the biggest accepted length will be used.

Constant Value: 263682 (0x00040602)

public static final int TLC39_LENGTH_CONTROL

Added in revision 36

This parameter specifies how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label.

Constant Value: 263683 (0x00040603)

public static final int TLC39_LINEAR_TRANSMISSION_ENABLE

Added in revision 36

This parameter enables linear code transmission.

Constant Value: 263685 (0x00040605)

public static final int TLC39_USER_ID

Added in revision 36

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 263684 (0x00040604)

public static final int TRIOPTIC_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 264 (0x00000108)

public static final int TRIOPTIC_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 293 (0x00000125)

public static final int UPCA_COMPOSITE_ENABLE

Added in revision 25

This parameter allows to use UPC-A labels in composite barcode.

Constant Value: 1285 (0x00000505)

public static final int UPCA_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 1280 (0x00000500)

public static final int UPCA_SEND_CHECK

Added in revision 1

This parameter includes the checksum in the label transmission.

Constant Value: 1282 (0x00000502)

public static final int UPCA_SEND_SYS

Added in revision 1

This parameter includes the system digit in the label transmission. For UPC-A the system digit is always zero.

Constant Value: 1283 (0x00000503)

public static final int UPCA_TO_EAN13

Added in revision 1

This parameter allows to expand the UPC-A labels to their EAN-13 equivalents. Any EAN-13 parameters will then apply to the result.

Constant Value: 1284 (0x00000504)

public static final int UPCA_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 1313 (0x00000521)

public static final int UPCE1_ENABLE

Added in revision 11

This parameter enables decoding of the UPC-E1 Symbology variation of UPC-E code.

Constant Value: 1289 (0x00000509)

public static final int UPCE_COMPOSITE_ENABLE

Added in revision 25

This parameter allows to use UPC-E labels in composite barcode.

Constant Value: 1293 (0x0000050d)

public static final int UPCE_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 1288 (0x00000508)

public static final int UPCE_SEND_CHECK

Added in revision 1

This parameter includes the checksum in the label transmission.

Constant Value: 1290 (0x0000050a)

public static final int UPCE_SEND_SYS

Added in revision 1

This parameter includes the system digit in the label transmission. For UPC-E the system digit is always zero.

Constant Value: 1291 (0x0000050b)

public static final int UPCE_TO_UPCA

Added in revision 1

This parameter allows to expand the UPC-E labels to their UPC-A equivalents. Any UPC-A parameters will then apply to the result.

Constant Value: 1292 (0x0000050c)

public static final int UPCE_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 1315 (0x00000523)

public static final int UPC_EAN_AGGRESSIVENESS

Added in revision 29

This parameter controls the aggressiveness for the UPC and EAN symbology.

Constant Value: 1318 (0x00000526)

public static final int UPC_EAN_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES

Added in revision 6

This parameter enables the reading of UPC and EAN barcode labels with short quiet zones.

Constant Value: 1312 (0x00000520)

public static final int USPS_4STATE_CODE_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 2348 (0x0000092c)

public static final int USPS_4STATE_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 2323 (0x00000913)

public static final int US_PLANET_CODE_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 2346 (0x0000092a)

public static final int US_PLANET_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 2321 (0x00000911)

public static final int US_POSTNET_CODE_USER_ID

Added in revision 1

This parameter specifies the symbology identifier (if any). The symbology identifier is sent with the label when the global decode property SEND_CODE_ID is set to USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL or USERDEFINED_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL.

Constant Value: 2347 (0x0000092b)

public static final int US_POSTNET_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables or disables the symbology.

Constant Value: 2320 (0x00000910)

public static final int WEDGE_INTENT_ACTION_NAME

Added in revision 1

This parameter is the intent action name. The default value is "com.datalogic.decodewedge.decode_action".

Constant Value: 200001 (0x00030d41)

public static final int WEDGE_INTENT_CATEGORY_NAME

Added in revision 1

This parameter is the intent category name. The default value is "com.datalogic.decodewedge.decode_category".

Constant Value: 200002 (0x00030d42)

public static final int WEDGE_INTENT_DELIVERY_MODE

Added in revision 1

This parameter indicates the method by which the intent is delivered.

Constant Value: 200003 (0x00030d43)

public static final int WEDGE_INTENT_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables the intent mode for the Decode Wedge capability.

Constant Value: 200000 (0x00030d40)


Added in revision 40

This parameter indicates if the empty intent values have to be excluded.

Constant Value: 200007 (0x00030d47)

public static final int WEDGE_INTENT_EXTRA_BARCODE_AIM_ID

Added in revision 40

This parameter indicates the corresponding intent extra tag, associated to a string containing the barcode aim ID. The default value is EXTRA_BARCODE_AIM_ID.

Constant Value: 200009 (0x00030d49)

public static final int WEDGE_INTENT_EXTRA_BARCODE_DATA

Added in revision 1

This parameter indicates the corresponding intent extra tag, associated to a byte array containing the read label. The default value is EXTRA_BARCODE_DATA.

Constant Value: 200004 (0x00030d44)


Added in revision 1

This parameter indicates the corresponding intent extra tag, associated to a string containing the read label. The default value is EXTRA_BARCODE_STRING.

Constant Value: 200006 (0x00030d46)

public static final int WEDGE_INTENT_EXTRA_BARCODE_TYPE

Added in revision 1

This parameter indicates the corresponding intent extra tag, associated to a string containing the type of read label. The default value is EXTRA_BARCODE_TYPE.

Constant Value: 200005 (0x00030d45)

public static final int WEDGE_INTENT_EXTRA_BARCODE_USER_ID

Added in revision 40

This parameter indicates the corresponding intent extra tag, associated to a string containing the barcode user ID. The default value is EXTRA_BARCODE_USER_ID.

Constant Value: 200008 (0x00030d48)

public static final int WEDGE_KEYBOARD_DELIVERY_MODE

Added in revision 3

This parameter indicates the method by which the KeyboardWedge operates.

Constant Value: 70002 (0x00011172)

public static final int WEDGE_KEYBOARD_ENABLE

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables the the keystroke mode for the Decode Wedge capability.

Constant Value: 70000 (0x00011170)


Added in revision 43

Delay applied before and after every non printable character. This is valid only for the commit text and the text injection modes of the keyboard wedge.

Constant Value: 70004 (0x00011174)

public static final int WEDGE_KEYBOARD_ONLY_ON_FOCUS

Added in revision 1

This parameter enables the input of the keystrokes only in input areas with active focus and an IME active, such as a touch keyboard.

Constant Value: 70001 (0x00011171)

public static final int WEDGE_WEB_ENABLE

Added in revision 7

This parameter enables the Decode Wedge capability for direct web browsing.

Constant Value: 200256 (0x00030e40)

Public Constructors

public PropertyID ()

Added in revision 1