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Datalogic APIs
Added in revision 1


Contains high-level classes encapsulating the overall Datalogic device configuration model.

A set of classes provides an interface to set-up and manage linear barcode families:

Class Symbology
Codabar Codabar
Code39 Code 39, Code 32 and Tri-Optic
Code93 Code 93
Code128 Code 128, GS1-128 and ISBT 128
Discrete25 Discrete 2 of 5
Ean8 EAN-8
Ean13 EAN-13
Gs1DataBar_14 GS1 DataBar 14
Gs1DataBar_Expanded GS1 DataBar Expanded
Gs1DataBar_Limited GS1 DataBar Limited
Interleaved25 Interleaved 2 of 5
Matrix25 Matrix 2 of 5
UpcEanExtensions UPC/EAN extension configuration
LinearQuietZones Linear barcode quiet zones configuration

A set of classes provides an interface to set-up and manage 2D barcode families:

Class Symbology
Aztec Aztec
Datamatrix Data Matrix
DotCode DotCode
HanXin HanXin
Maxicode Maxicode
Micropdf417 Micro PDF417
MicroQR Micro QR Code
Pdf417 PDF417
QRCode QR Code

A set of classes provides an interface to set-up and manage postal barcode families:

Class Symbology
PostalAustralian Australia Post
PostalJapan Japan Post
PostalKix KIX
PostalRoyalMail Royal Mail
PostalUsPlanet US PLANET
PostalUsPostnet US POSTNET
PostalUsps4State USPS 4-State

A set of classes provides an interface to set-up and manage not barcode based identification tecnologies:

Class Technology
Digimarc Digimarc barcode ™

A set of classes provide an interface to set-up and manage Composite barcode families:

Class Symbology
Composite EAN.UCC Composite (CC-A, CC-B and CC-C) and GS1 Composite
Tlc39 TLC 39

While a different set of classes provides an interface to set-up and manage specific barcode reader parameters:

Class Usage
BeamMode The operating beam mode
DecodingNotification The generated notification on a successful read
DisplayNotification A displaying message, containing the barcode result
Formatting The different properties related to the barcodes text formatting.
GoodRead The generated type of notification on a successful read.
IntentDeliveryMode The method by which the IntentWedge is delivered.
IntentWedge The decode wedge capability with the intent mode.
KeyboardWedge The decode wedge capability with the keystroke mode.
KeyWedgeMode The method by which the KeyboardWedge operates.
ScannerOptions Contains access to serveral specific scanner functionalities.
MultiScan A way to collect multiple labels in a single scanning operating session.
ScannerProperties Contains all the different barcode classes.
SendCodeID The type of identifier to be transmitted with the scanned data.
WebWedge The class that enables direct web browsing through scanned labels.

For information about using some the classes in this package, see the following documents: BarcodeManager and BarcodeDefaults.


Aztec Aztec is the class that configures the Aztec Code. 
CameraWedge CameraWedge is the class that allows to configure the scanner to act in place of the rear camera of the device. 
Codabar Codabar is the class that configures the Codabar Symbology. 
Code128 Code128 is the class that configures the Code 128, GS1-128 and ISBT 128 Symbologies. 
Code39 Code39 is the class that configures the Code39, Code32 and TriOptic Symbologies. 
Code93 Code93 is the class that configures the Code 93 Symbology. 
Composite Composite is the class that configures the EAN.UCC Composite and GS1 Composite Symbologies. 
Datamatrix Datamatrix is the class that configures the Data Matrix Symbology. 
DecodingNotification DecodingNotification is the class that configures the notification to produce on a successful read . 
Digimarc Digimarc® is the class that configures the Digimarc barcode ™ reading capability. 
Discrete25 Discrete25 is the class that configures the Discrete 2/5 Symbology. 
DisplayNotification DisplayNotification is the class that configures the Display Notification capability via a displaying message. 
DotCode DotCode is the class that configures the Dot Code. 
Ean13 Ean13 is the class that configures the EAN-13 Symbology. 
Ean8 Ean8 is the class that configures the EAN-8 Symbology. 
ExtScannerSource ExtScannerSource is the class that configures the possibility to receive barcode results from an external scanner. 
Formatting Formatting is the class that configures the properties related to barcode text formatting. 
FrameCaptureConfiguration FrameCaptureConfiguration is the class responsible for configuring the scanner to capture, store, and provide frames during barcode scanning operations. 
GoodRead The GoodRead class configures various types of notifications that are triggered upon a successful read. 
Gs1DataBar_14 Gs1DataBar_14 is the class that configures the GS1 DataBar-14 Symbology. 
Gs1DataBar_Expanded Gs1DataBar_Expanded is the class that configures the GS1 DataBar Expanded Symbology. 
Gs1DataBar_Limited Gs1DataBar_Limited is the class that configures the GS1 DataBar Limited Symbology. 
HanXin HanXin is the class that configures the Han Xin Symbology. 
IntentWedge IntentWedge is the class that configures the Decode Wedge capability with the intent mode. 
Interleaved25 Interleaved25 is the class that configures the Interleaved 2/5 Symbology. 
Inverse Inverse is the class that configures the inverse mode for the supported linear and 2D symbologies. 
KeyboardWedge KeyboardWedge is the class that configures the Decode Wedge capability with the keystroke mode. 
LinearQuietZones LinearQuietZones is the class that configures the admitted quiet zones for the supported linear symbologies. 
Matrix25 Matrix25 is the class that configures the Matrix 2/5 Symbology. 
Maxicode Maxicode is the class that configures the Maxicode Symbology. 
Micropdf417 Micropdf417 is the class that configures the MicroPDF-417 Symbology. 
MicroQR MicroQR is the class that configures the Micro QR Code Symbology. 
Msi Msi is the class that configures the MSI Symbology. 
MultiScan MultiScan is the class that configures the Multi Scan functionality. 
OCR OCR is the class that configure the MRZ reader. 
Pdf417 Pdf417 is the class that configures the PDF 417 Symbology. 
PostalAustralian PostalAustralian is the class that configures the Postal Australian. 
PostalJapan PostalJapan is the class that configures the Postal Japan. 
PostalKix PostalKix is the class that configures the Postal Kix. 
PostalRoyalMail PostalRoyalMail is the class that configures the Postal Royal Mail. 
PostalUsPlanet PostalUsPlanet is the class that configures the Postal US Planet. 
PostalUsPostnet PostalUsPostnet is the class that configures the Postal US Postnet. 
PostalUsps4State PostalUsps4State is the class that configures the Postal USPS4State. 
PresentationMode PresentationMode is the class that configures the presentation mode functionalities. 
QRCode QRCode is the class that configures the QR Code Symbology. 
ScannerOptions ScannerOptions is the class that configures the scanner target beam and other scanner functionalities. 
ScannerProperties ScannerProperties is the scanner property container class. 
SnapOcr SnapOcr is the class that configures the Snap OCR feature, used to capture and provide OCR text found in the scanner/camera frames. 
SnapOcrResultSettings SnapOcrResultSettings is the class that configures the Snap OCR settings related to the OCR results. 
SnapOcrRoiSettings Class defining the ROI settings used in Snap OCR when the first selection mode is set to ROI_PROPOSE or ROI_SEND. 
SnapOcrRoiSettings.InternalRoi A single ROI inside of the reference ROI. 
SnapOcrRoiSettings.ReferenceRoi The reference ROI inside of which, all the ROIs are defined. 
SnapOcrUiCustomization SnapOcrUiCustomization is the class that configures the Snap OCR settings related to the UI customization. 
Tlc39 Tlc39 is the class that configures the TLC 39 Symbology. 
UpcA UpcA is the class that configures the UPC-A Symbology. 
UpcE UpcE is the class that configures the UPC-E Symbology. 
UpcEanExtensions UpcEanExtensions is the class that configures the UPC/EAN Extensions. 
WebWedge WebWedge is the class that configures the Decode Wedge capability for direct web browsing. 


BeamMode The BeamMode is an enumeration defining the operating beam mode. 
CameraWedgeBarcodeOrientation The CameraWedgeBarcodeOrientation is an enumeration defining the orientation of the barcode generated by the camera wedge. 
CameraWedgeBarcodePosition The CameraWedgeBarcodePosition is an enumeration defining the position of the barcode generated by the camera wedge. 
CameraWedgeBarcodeType The CameraWedgeBarcodeType is an enumeration defining the symbology of the barcode generated by the camera wedge. 
CharacterSetMode CharacterSetMode is an enumeration defining the different String encodings supported for certain symbologies of barcodes. 
Code128Aggressiveness Code128Aggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for Code 128 barcodes. 
Code128ExtendedAsciiMode Code128ExtendedAsciiMode is an enumeration defining the Extended ASCII support for Code 128 barcodes. 
Code39Aggressiveness Code39Aggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for Code39 barcodes. 
DatamatrixAggressiveness DatamatrixAggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for Datamatrix barcodes. 
DatamatrixMirror DatamatrixMirror is an enumeration defining the decoding mode for regular/mirror Data Matrix barcodes. 
DatamatrixOpMode DatamatrixOpMode is an enumeration defining the allowed operating mode for datamatrix barcodes. 
DigimarcDataFormat The DigimarcDataFormat is an enumeration defining the format used for Digimarc barcode. 
ECIPolicy The ECIPolicy is an enumeration defining the policy for the ECI protocoll. 
FrameCaptureFormat The FrameCaptureFileType is an enumeration defining the file type for the frames captured by the Scanner. 
FrameCaptureMode The FrameCaptureMode is an enumeration defining the operating frame capture mode. 
GoodReadOverlayDisplayPolicy The GoodReadOverlayDisplayPolicy is an enumeration defining how to display the Good Read Overlay. 
GoodReadOverlayPositionPolicy The GoodReadOverlayPositionPolicy is an enumeration defining which position to use for the Good Read Overlay  
GoodReadOverlayShapePolicy The GoodReadOverlayShapePolicy is an enumeration defining which shape to use for the Good Read Overlay  
Gs1Conversion2d Gs1Conversion2d is an enumeration defining the conversion used for GS1 2D barcodes. 
Gs1LabelSetTransmitMode Gs1LabelSetTransmitMode is an enumeration defining the mode used to transmit GS1 label sets. 
GtinFormat GtinFormat is an enumeration defining the format used when converting a barcode to its GTIN representation. 
IlluminationTime IlluminationTime is an enumeration defining the allowed illumination time can be used for scanning. 
IlluminationType IlluminationType is an enumeration defining the allowed illumination type can be used for scanning. 
ImageCaptureProfile The ImageCaptureProfile is an enumeration defining the scanner profile for image capture. 
InputType The InputType is an enumeration defining the input device to use for capturing frames. 
IntentDeliveryMode IntentDeliveryMode is an enumeration defining the method by which the intent is delivered. 
Interleaved25Aggressiveness Interleaved25Aggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for Interleaved 2/5 barcodes. 
InverseMode InverseMode is an enumeration defining the decoding mode for regular/reverse barcodes. 
Isbt128Mode Isbt128Mode is an enumeration defining the decoding mode for ISBT 128 barcodes. 
KeyWedgeMode KeyWedgeMode is an enumeration defining the different KeyboardWedge input methodologies. 
LengthControlMode LengthControlMode is an enumeration defining the operating length control mode for each barcode family that has lengths. 
MsiAggressiveness MsiAggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for MSI barcodes. 
PartialResultMode PartialResultMode is an enumeration defining the allowed mode to manage partial results when Multi Scan mode is enabled. 
PreviewDisplayMode The PreviewDisplayMode is an enumeration defining the mode used while showing the camera preview if the selected input device is a camera (front or rear). 
QRMirror QRMirror is an enumeration defining the decoding mode for regular/mirror QR barcodes. 
ScanMode The ScanMode is an enumeration defining the operating scan mode. 
SendCodeID SendCodeID is an enumeration defining the type of identifier to be transmitted with the scanned data. 
SnapOcrFirstSelectionMode The SnapOcrFirstSelectionMode is an enumeration defining the first selection mode for the Snap OCR. 
SnapOcrResultsCombination The SnapOcrResultsCombination is an enumeration defining the way in which the OCR results are combined. 
SnapOcrScanningPolicy The SnapOcrScanningPolicy is an enumeration defining the scanning policy used when the Snap OCR is enabled. 
ToneNotificationChannel ToneNotificationChannel is an enumeration defining the audio channel to use for the scanner notification, subject to Good read rules. 
ToneNotificationMode ToneNotificationMode is an enumeration defining the audio notification mode, subject to Good read rules. 
UpcEanAggressiveness UpcEanAggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for UPC/EAN barcodes. 
UpcEanCompositeMode UpcEanCompositeMode is an enumeration defining the type of transmission in use for GS1 Composite labels containing UPC/EAN barcodes.