Contains high-level classes encapsulating the overall Datalogic device configuration model.
A set of classes provides an interface to set-up and manage linear barcode families:
Class | Symbology |
Codabar |
Codabar |
Code39 |
Code 39, Code 32 and Tri-Optic |
Code93 |
Code 93 |
Code128 |
Code 128, GS1-128 and ISBT 128 |
Discrete25 |
Discrete 2 of 5 |
Ean8 |
EAN-8 |
Ean13 |
EAN-13 |
Gs1DataBar_14 |
GS1 DataBar 14 |
Gs1DataBar_Expanded |
GS1 DataBar Expanded |
Gs1DataBar_Limited |
GS1 DataBar Limited |
Interleaved25 |
Interleaved 2 of 5 |
Matrix25 |
Matrix 2 of 5 |
Msi |
UpcA |
UpcE |
UpcEanExtensions |
UPC/EAN extension configuration |
LinearQuietZones |
Linear barcode quiet zones configuration |
A set of classes provides an interface to set-up and manage 2D barcode families:
Class | Symbology |
Aztec |
Aztec |
Datamatrix |
Data Matrix |
DotCode |
DotCode |
HanXin |
HanXin |
Maxicode |
Maxicode |
Micropdf417 |
Micro PDF417 |
MicroQR |
Micro QR Code |
Pdf417 |
PDF417 |
QRCode |
QR Code |
A set of classes provides an interface to set-up and manage postal barcode families:
Class | Symbology |
PostalAustralian |
Australia Post |
PostalJapan |
Japan Post |
PostalKix |
PostalRoyalMail |
Royal Mail |
PostalUsPlanet |
PostalUsPostnet |
PostalUsps4State |
USPS 4-State |
A set of classes provides an interface to set-up and manage not barcode based identification tecnologies:
Class | Technology |
Digimarc |
Digimarc barcode ™ |
A set of classes provide an interface to set-up and manage Composite barcode families:
Class | Symbology |
Composite |
EAN.UCC Composite (CC-A, CC-B and CC-C) and GS1 Composite |
Tlc39 |
TLC 39 |
While a different set of classes provides an interface to set-up and manage specific barcode reader parameters:
Class | Usage |
BeamMode |
The operating beam mode |
DecodingNotification |
The generated notification on a successful read |
DisplayNotification |
A displaying message, containing the barcode result |
Formatting |
The different properties related to the barcodes text formatting. |
GoodRead |
The generated type of notification on a successful read. |
IntentDeliveryMode |
The method by which the IntentWedge is delivered. |
IntentWedge |
The decode wedge capability with the intent mode. |
KeyboardWedge |
The decode wedge capability with the keystroke mode. |
KeyWedgeMode |
The method by which the KeyboardWedge operates. |
ScannerOptions |
Contains access to serveral specific scanner functionalities. |
MultiScan |
A way to collect multiple labels in a single scanning operating session. |
ScannerProperties |
Contains all the different barcode classes. |
SendCodeID |
The type of identifier to be transmitted with the scanned data. |
WebWedge |
The class that enables direct web browsing through scanned labels. |
For information about using some the classes in this package, see the following
documents: BarcodeManager
and BarcodeDefaults
Aztec | Aztec is the class that configures the Aztec Code. |
CameraWedge | CameraWedge is the class that allows to configure the scanner
to act in place of the rear camera of the device. |
Codabar | Codabar is the class that configures the Codabar Symbology. |
Code128 | Code128 is the class that configures the Code 128, GS1-128 and ISBT 128 Symbologies. |
Code39 | Code39 is the class that configures the Code39, Code32 and TriOptic Symbologies. |
Code93 | Code93 is the class that configures the Code 93 Symbology. |
Composite | Composite is the class that configures the EAN.UCC Composite
and GS1 Composite Symbologies. |
Datamatrix | Datamatrix is the class that configures the Data Matrix
Symbology. |
DecodingNotification | DecodingNotification is the class that configures the
notification to produce on a successful read . |
Digimarc | Digimarc ® is the class that configures the Digimarc barcode ™ reading capability. |
Discrete25 | Discrete25 is the class that configures the Discrete 2/5
Symbology. |
DisplayNotification | DisplayNotification is the class that configures the Display Notification
capability via a displaying message. |
DotCode | DotCode is the class that configures the Dot Code. |
Ean13 | Ean13 is the class that configures the EAN-13 Symbology. |
Ean8 | Ean8 is the class that configures the EAN-8 Symbology. |
ExtScannerSource | ExtScannerSource is the class that configures the possibility to
receive barcode results from an external scanner. |
Formatting | Formatting is the class that configures the properties related
to barcode text formatting. |
FrameCaptureConfiguration | FrameCaptureConfiguration is the class responsible for configuring the scanner to capture,
store, and provide frames during barcode scanning operations. |
GoodRead | The GoodRead class configures various types of notifications that are triggered
upon a successful read. |
Gs1DataBar_14 | Gs1DataBar_14 is the class that configures the GS1 DataBar-14
Symbology. |
Gs1DataBar_Expanded | Gs1DataBar_Expanded is the class that configures the GS1 DataBar
Expanded Symbology. |
Gs1DataBar_Limited | Gs1DataBar_Limited is the class that configures the GS1 DataBar
Limited Symbology. |
HanXin | HanXin is the class that configures the Han Xin Symbology. |
IntentWedge | IntentWedge is the class that configures the Decode Wedge
capability with the intent mode. |
Interleaved25 | Interleaved25 is the class that configures the Interleaved 2/5
Symbology. |
Inverse | Inverse is the class that configures the inverse mode for the supported linear and 2D symbologies. |
KeyboardWedge | KeyboardWedge is the class that configures the Decode Wedge
capability with the keystroke mode. |
LinearQuietZones | LinearQuietZones is the class that configures the admitted quiet zones for the supported linear symbologies. |
Matrix25 | Matrix25 is the class that configures the Matrix 2/5 Symbology. |
Maxicode | Maxicode is the class that configures the Maxicode Symbology. |
Micropdf417 | Micropdf417 is the class that configures the MicroPDF-417
Symbology. |
MicroQR | MicroQR is the class that configures the Micro QR Code Symbology. |
Msi | Msi is the class that configures the MSI Symbology. |
MultiScan | MultiScan is the class that configures the Multi Scan functionality. |
OCR | OCR is the class that configure the MRZ reader. |
Pdf417 | Pdf417 is the class that configures the PDF 417 Symbology. |
PostalAustralian | PostalAustralian is the class that configures the Postal
Australian. |
PostalJapan | PostalJapan is the class that configures the Postal Japan. |
PostalKix | PostalKix is the class that configures the Postal Kix. |
PostalRoyalMail | PostalRoyalMail is the class that configures the Postal Royal
Mail. |
PostalUsPlanet | PostalUsPlanet is the class that configures the Postal US
Planet. |
PostalUsPostnet | PostalUsPostnet is the class that configures the Postal US
Postnet. |
PostalUsps4State | PostalUsps4State is the class that configures the Postal
USPS4State. |
PresentationMode | PresentationMode is the class that configures the presentation mode functionalities. |
QRCode | QRCode is the class that configures the QR Code Symbology. |
ScannerOptions | ScannerOptions is the class that configures the scanner target
beam and other scanner functionalities. |
ScannerProperties | ScannerProperties is the scanner property container class. |
SnapOcr | SnapOcr is the class that configures the Snap OCR feature, used to capture
and provide OCR text found in the scanner/camera frames. |
SnapOcrResultSettings | SnapOcrResultSettings is the class that configures the Snap OCR settings related to
the OCR results. |
SnapOcrRoiSettings | Class defining the ROI settings used in Snap OCR when the first selection mode is set to ROI_PROPOSE or ROI_SEND. |
SnapOcrRoiSettings.InternalRoi | A single ROI inside of the reference ROI. |
SnapOcrRoiSettings.ReferenceRoi | The reference ROI inside of which, all the ROIs are defined. |
SnapOcrUiCustomization | SnapOcrUiCustomization is the class that configures the Snap OCR settings related to
the UI customization. |
Tlc39 | Tlc39 is the class that configures the TLC 39 Symbology. |
UpcA | UpcA is the class that configures the UPC-A Symbology. |
UpcE | UpcE is the class that configures the UPC-E Symbology. |
UpcEanExtensions | UpcEanExtensions is the class that configures the UPC/EAN
Extensions. |
WebWedge | WebWedge is the class that configures the Decode Wedge
capability for direct web browsing. |
BeamMode | The BeamMode is an enumeration defining the operating beam
mode. |
CameraWedgeBarcodeOrientation | The CameraWedgeBarcodeOrientation is an enumeration defining the orientation
of the barcode generated by the camera wedge. |
CameraWedgeBarcodePosition | The CameraWedgeBarcodePosition is an enumeration defining the position
of the barcode generated by the camera wedge. |
CameraWedgeBarcodeType | The CameraWedgeBarcodeType is an enumeration defining the symbology
of the barcode generated by the camera wedge. |
CharacterSetMode | CharacterSetMode is an enumeration defining the different String encodings supported for certain symbologies of barcodes. |
Code128Aggressiveness | Code128Aggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for Code 128 barcodes. |
Code128ExtendedAsciiMode | Code128ExtendedAsciiMode is an enumeration defining the Extended ASCII support for Code 128 barcodes. |
Code39Aggressiveness | Code39Aggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for Code39 barcodes. |
DatamatrixAggressiveness | DatamatrixAggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for Datamatrix barcodes. |
DatamatrixMirror | DatamatrixMirror is an enumeration defining the decoding mode for regular/mirror Data Matrix barcodes. |
DatamatrixOpMode | DatamatrixOpMode is an enumeration defining the allowed operating mode for datamatrix barcodes. |
DigimarcDataFormat | The DigimarcDataFormat is an enumeration defining the format
used for Digimarc barcode. |
ECIPolicy | The ECIPolicy is an enumeration defining the policy
for the ECI protocoll. |
FrameCaptureFormat | The FrameCaptureFileType is an enumeration defining the file type
for the frames captured by the Scanner. |
FrameCaptureMode | The FrameCaptureMode is an enumeration defining the operating frame
capture mode. |
GoodReadOverlayDisplayPolicy | The GoodReadOverlayDisplayPolicy is an enumeration defining how to display the
Good Read Overlay. |
GoodReadOverlayPositionPolicy | The GoodReadOverlayPositionPolicy is an enumeration defining which position to use for the
Good Read Overlay
GoodReadOverlayShapePolicy | The GoodReadOverlayShapePolicy is an enumeration defining which shape to use for the
Good Read Overlay
Gs1Conversion2d | Gs1Conversion2d is an enumeration defining the conversion used for GS1 2D barcodes. |
Gs1LabelSetTransmitMode | Gs1LabelSetTransmitMode is an enumeration defining the mode used to transmit GS1 label sets. |
GtinFormat | GtinFormat is an enumeration defining the format used when converting a barcode to its GTIN representation. |
IlluminationTime | IlluminationTime is an enumeration defining the allowed illumination time
can be used for scanning. |
IlluminationType | IlluminationType is an enumeration defining the allowed illumination type
can be used for scanning. |
ImageCaptureProfile | The ImageCaptureProfile is an enumeration defining the scanner profile
for image capture. |
InputType | The InputType is an enumeration defining the input device to use
for capturing frames. |
IntentDeliveryMode | IntentDeliveryMode is an enumeration defining the
method by which the intent is delivered. |
Interleaved25Aggressiveness | Interleaved25Aggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for Interleaved 2/5 barcodes. |
InverseMode | InverseMode is an enumeration defining the decoding mode for regular/reverse barcodes. |
Isbt128Mode | Isbt128Mode is an enumeration defining the decoding mode for ISBT 128 barcodes. |
KeyWedgeMode | KeyWedgeMode is an enumeration defining the
different KeyboardWedge input methodologies. |
LengthControlMode | LengthControlMode is an enumeration defining the operating length
control mode for each barcode family that has lengths. |
MsiAggressiveness | MsiAggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for MSI barcodes. |
PartialResultMode | PartialResultMode is an enumeration defining the allowed mode to manage partial results when
Multi Scan mode is enabled. |
PreviewDisplayMode | The PreviewDisplayMode is an enumeration defining the mode used
while showing the camera preview if the selected input device is a camera
(front or rear). |
QRMirror | QRMirror is an enumeration defining the decoding mode for regular/mirror QR barcodes. |
ScanMode | The ScanMode is an enumeration defining the operating scan
mode. |
SendCodeID | SendCodeID is an enumeration defining the type of
identifier to be transmitted with the scanned data. |
SnapOcrFirstSelectionMode | The SnapOcrFirstSelectionMode is an enumeration defining the first
selection mode for the Snap OCR. |
SnapOcrResultsCombination | The SnapOcrResultsCombination is an enumeration defining the way in which
the OCR results are combined. |
SnapOcrScanningPolicy | The SnapOcrScanningPolicy is an enumeration defining the scanning
policy used when the Snap OCR is enabled. |
ToneNotificationChannel | ToneNotificationChannel is an enumeration defining the audio channel to use for
the scanner notification, subject to Good read rules. |
ToneNotificationMode | ToneNotificationMode is an enumeration defining the audio notification mode, subject to Good read rules. |
UpcEanAggressiveness | UpcEanAggressiveness is an enumeration defining the allowed aggressive mode for UPC/EAN barcodes. |
UpcEanCompositeMode | UpcEanCompositeMode is an enumeration defining the type of transmission in use for GS1 Composite labels containing UPC/EAN barcodes. |