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Datalogic APIs
public static class


extends Object
   ↳ com.datalogic.decode.configuration.SnapOcrRoiSettings.InternalRoi

Class Overview

A single ROI inside of the reference ROI. This ROI is used the specify a portion of the frame inside of which the OCR text is decoded.


Public Constructors
InternalRoi(int percentageX, int percentageY, int percentageWidth, int percentageHeight, String regexFilter)
Default constructor.
Public Methods
int getPercentageHeight()
Gets the configured height.
int getPercentageWidth()
Gets the configured width.
int getPercentageX()
Gets the configured X position.
int getPercentageY()
Gets the configured Y position.
String getRegexFilter()
Gets the configured regular expression for filtering.
void setPercentageHeight(int percentageHeight)
Sets the desired height.
void setPercentageWidth(int percentageWidth)
Sets the desired width.
void setPercentageX(int percentageX)
Sets the desired X position.
void setPercentageY(int percentageY)
Sets the desired Y position.
void setRegexFilter(String regexFilter)
Sets the desired regular expression for filtering.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public InternalRoi (int percentageX, int percentageY, int percentageWidth, int percentageHeight, String regexFilter)

Added in revision 41

Default constructor.

percentageX X position of this internal ROI. This is expressed in percentage of the reference ROI width.
percentageY Y position of this internal ROI. This is expressed in percentage of the reference ROI height.
percentageWidth Width of this internal ROI. This is expressed in percentage of the reference ROI width.
percentageHeight Height of this internal ROI. This is expressed in percentage of the reference ROI height.
regexFilter Regular expression to filter the result of this ROI.

Public Methods

public int getPercentageHeight ()

Added in revision 41

Gets the configured height.

  • The height in percentage of the Reference ROI height.

public int getPercentageWidth ()

Added in revision 41

Gets the configured width.

  • The width in percentage of the Reference ROI width.

public int getPercentageX ()

Added in revision 41

Gets the configured X position.

  • The X position in percentage of the Reference ROI width.

public int getPercentageY ()

Added in revision 41

Gets the configured Y position.

  • The Y position in percentage of the Reference ROI height.

public String getRegexFilter ()

Added in revision 41

Gets the configured regular expression for filtering.

  • The regular expression used to filter the OCR result inside this ROI.

public void setPercentageHeight (int percentageHeight)

Added in revision 41

Sets the desired height.

percentageHeight The desired height in percentage of the Reference ROI height.

public void setPercentageWidth (int percentageWidth)

Added in revision 41

Sets the desired width.

percentageWidth The desired width in percentage of the Reference ROI width.

public void setPercentageX (int percentageX)

Added in revision 41

Sets the desired X position.

percentageX The desired X position in percentage of the Reference ROI width.

public void setPercentageY (int percentageY)

Added in revision 41

Sets the desired Y position.

percentageY The desired Y position in percentage of the Reference ROI height.

public void setRegexFilter (String regexFilter)

Added in revision 41

Sets the desired regular expression for filtering.

regexFilter The desired regular expression used to filter the OCR result inside this ROI.