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Datalogic APIs
public final enum


extends Enum<E extends Enum<E>>
   ↳ java.lang.Enum<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>>
     ↳ com.datalogic.decode.configuration.ScanMode

Class Overview

The ScanMode is an enumeration defining the operating scan mode. The type is one of:

SINGLE When pressing the trigger or virtually starting the decoder, the device will scan until a barcode is read, the timeout has been reached, the trigger is released or the decoder has been virtually stopped.
HOLD_MULTIPLE When pressing the trigger or virtually starting the decoder, the device will scan continuously until the timeout from the last decoding result has been reached, the trigger is released or the decoder has been virtually stopped.
PULSE_MULTIPLE Works similarly to HOLD_MULTIPLE but the scan is stopped after releasing and pressing back the trigger. When virtually starting the decoder the behavior is the same as HOLD_MULTIPLE.
ALWAYS_ON Scanning is always enabled when this option is selected. In this case, scanner properties different from the ScanMode cannot be applied until the scan mode is set to a different value.


Enum Values
ScanMode  ALWAYS_ON  The scanner will be always enabled, scanning continuously. 
ScanMode  HOLD_MULTIPLE  Multiple scans by keeping the trigger pressed. 
ScanMode  PULSE_MULTIPLE  Multiple scans until the trigger is released and pressed again. 
ScanMode  SINGLE  Single scan. 
Public Methods
static ScanMode valueOf(String name)
final static ScanMode[] values()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Enum
From class java.lang.Object
From interface java.lang.Comparable

Enum Values

public static final ScanMode ALWAYS_ON

Added in revision 27

The scanner will be always enabled, scanning continuously.

public static final ScanMode HOLD_MULTIPLE

Added in revision 27

Multiple scans by keeping the trigger pressed.

public static final ScanMode PULSE_MULTIPLE

Added in revision 27

Multiple scans until the trigger is released and pressed again.

public static final ScanMode SINGLE

Added in revision 27

Single scan.

Public Methods

public static ScanMode valueOf (String name)

Added in revision 27

public static final ScanMode[] values ()

Added in revision 27