Added in revision 16


Provides basic classes to interact with the cradle.


CradleFailureEventListener This interface allows an the application to be notified about occured on the Cradle.The Failure notifies the listener about Cradle failures among FAILURE_BAD_LEVER_POSITION, FAILURE_SOLENOID_OVERTEMPERATURE, FAILURE_WLC_EOC_TIMEOUT, FAILURE_WLC_FOD, FAILURE_WLC_TX, FAILURE_WRONG_DAISY_CHAIN_CONFIG, or FAILURE_UNKNOWN (in case of errors). 
CradleInsertionEventListener This interface allows an the application to be notified about insertion and extraction of the device from the Cradle. 
CradleUnlockEventListener This interface allows an the application to be notified about Cradle Lever open event (device unlocked from the Cradle) and Cradle Lever closed event (device locked into the Cradle). 
CradleUnlockKeyEventListener This interface allows an the application to be notified about insertion and extraction of the Unlock Key into/from the Cradle. 


DLCradleManager This class provides access to Cradle related methods of the device. 


AvailableSourcePower Enumerative representing the Cradle Available Source Power Level depending on the cradle configuration. 
Failure This enum lists failures managed by the Cradle. 
InsertionState Enumerative representing an insertion state depending on the device's position. 
LeverStatus Enumerative representing the Cradle Lever status. 
Type Enumerative representing the Cradle type. 
UnlockKeyStatus Enumerative representing the unlock key status.