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Datalogic APIs
Added in revision 1
public interface


Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

PropertyGetter is the interface to get properties from/to the underlying subsystem.


Public Methods
abstract int getPropertyAvailability(int[] id_buffer, boolean[] availability_buffer)
Retrieves the availability, the support, for the passed programming parameters.
abstract int getPropertyInts(int[] id_buffer, int[] value_buffer)
Gets one or more label programming parameters of type Integer.
abstract int getPropertyRanges(int[] id_buffer, int[][] property_ranges)
Gets one or more property ranges for the passed programming parameters.
abstract int getPropertyStrings(int[] id_buffer, String[] value_buffer)
Gets one or more label programming parameters of type String.

Public Methods

public abstract int getPropertyAvailability (int[] id_buffer, boolean[] availability_buffer)

Added in revision 4

Retrieves the availability, the support, for the passed programming parameters.

id_buffer The int[] of identifiers for parameters to look for.
availability_buffer The boolean[] of the passed IDs' availability, that will be filled in.
  • int SUCCESS in case of success, otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the ConfigException error constants.
ConfigException in case of error, when exceptions are enabled through the ErrorManager singleton.

public abstract int getPropertyInts (int[] id_buffer, int[] value_buffer)

Added in revision 1

Gets one or more label programming parameters of type Integer.

id_buffer The int[] of identifiers for parameters to get.
value_buffer The int[] of values associated to the passed IDs to get.
  • int SUCCESS in case of success, otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the ConfigException error constants.
ConfigException in case of error, when exceptions are enabled through the ErrorManager singleton.

public abstract int getPropertyRanges (int[] id_buffer, int[][] property_ranges)

Added in revision 4

Gets one or more property ranges for the passed programming parameters.

id_buffer The int[] of identifiers for parameters to look for.
property_ranges The int[][] array of ranges associated to the passed IDs, that will be filled in.
  • int SUCCESS in case of success, otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the ConfigException error constants.
ConfigException in case of error, when exceptions are enabled through the ErrorManager singleton.

public abstract int getPropertyStrings (int[] id_buffer, String[] value_buffer)

Added in revision 1

Gets one or more label programming parameters of type String.

id_buffer The int[] of identifiers for parameters to get.
value_buffer The String[] of values associated to the passed IDs to get.
  • int SUCCESS in case of success, otherwise a possible error code, matching one of the ConfigException error constants.
ConfigException in case of error, when exceptions are enabled through the ErrorManager singleton.