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Datalogic APIs
public class


extends PropertyGroup
   ↳ com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGroup
     ↳ com.datalogic.decode.configuration.FrameCaptureConfiguration

Class Overview

FrameCaptureConfiguration is the class responsible for configuring the scanner to capture, store, and provide frames during barcode scanning operations. This configuration allows to specify how the scanner should handle frame capture, including the format, storage options, and the location where captured frames will be saved.

The frame capture can be monitored using two types of listeners:

  • FrameCaptureListener: This listener is used to receive frames captured by the scanner in real time. It is added using the addFrameCaptureListener method of the BarcodeManager.
  • FrameSaveListener: This listener is used to monitor when frames are saved to the file system. It is added using the addFrameSaveListener method of the BarcodeManager.


public BooleanProperty enable enable actives the capture of the frames.
public TextProperty filePath filePath indicates the directory where will be stored the frames saved by the Scanner.
public EnumProperty<FrameCaptureFormat> format format selects the format used for storing the frames captured by the Scanner.
public EnumProperty<FrameCaptureMode> mode mode selects the Scanner frame capture mode.
public BooleanProperty storage storage enables the Scanner to store captured frames.
Public Constructors
FrameCaptureConfiguration(PropertyGetter editor)
This is the constructor of FrameCaptureConfiguration.
Inherited Methods
From class com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGroup
From class java.lang.Object


public BooleanProperty enable

Added in revision 22

enable actives the capture of the frames.

public TextProperty filePath

Added in revision 22

filePath indicates the directory where will be stored the frames saved by the Scanner. Only directories under getExternalStorageDirectory() are supported (eg. /storage/emulated/0/).

public EnumProperty<FrameCaptureFormat> format

Added in revision 22

format selects the format used for storing the frames captured by the Scanner.

public EnumProperty<FrameCaptureMode> mode

Added in revision 22

mode selects the Scanner frame capture mode.

public BooleanProperty storage

Added in revision 22

storage enables the Scanner to store captured frames. If enable and storage are both set to true, the frame are saved in the location defined by filePath (even if no FrameSaveListener is registered).

Public Constructors

public FrameCaptureConfiguration (PropertyGetter editor)

Added in revision 22

This is the constructor of FrameCaptureConfiguration.