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Datalogic APIs
public class


extends PropertyGroup
   ↳ com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGroup
     ↳ com.datalogic.decode.configuration.SnapOcrResultSettings

Class Overview

SnapOcrResultSettings is the class that configures the Snap OCR settings related to the OCR results.


public TextProperty regexFilter regexFilter is a regular expression used to filter any OCR text, excluding the values that don't match the filter.
public TextProperty resultSeparator resultSeparator is a String providing the separator between results, only used in concatenated mode.
public EnumProperty<SnapOcrResultsCombination> resultsCombination resultsCombination specifies how to send the OCR results, if they are concatenated in the same barcode result or divided in different results.
public BooleanProperty roiPrefixVisible roiPrefixVisible allows to show the ROI number as prefix inside the OCR results, when enabled.
Public Constructors
SnapOcrResultSettings(PropertyGetter editor)
This is the constructor of SnapOcrResultSettings.
Inherited Methods
From class com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGroup
From class java.lang.Object


public TextProperty regexFilter

Added in revision 41

regexFilter is a regular expression used to filter any OCR text, excluding the values that don't match the filter.

public TextProperty resultSeparator

Added in revision 41

resultSeparator is a String providing the separator between results, only used in concatenated mode.

public EnumProperty<SnapOcrResultsCombination> resultsCombination

Added in revision 41

resultsCombination specifies how to send the OCR results, if they are concatenated in the same barcode result or divided in different results.

public BooleanProperty roiPrefixVisible

Added in revision 41

roiPrefixVisible allows to show the ROI number as prefix inside the OCR results, when enabled. The prefix is set in the format ROI_NUMBER:OCR_TEXT, where ROI_NUMBER indicates the index of the ROI inside the ROI settings (starting from 1) and OCR_TEXT is the original result.

Public Constructors

public SnapOcrResultSettings (PropertyGetter editor)

Added in revision 41

This is the constructor of SnapOcrResultSettings.