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Datalogic APIs
public class


extends PropertyGroup
   ↳ com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGroup
     ↳ com.datalogic.decode.configuration.IntentWedge

Class Overview

IntentWedge is the class that configures the Decode Wedge capability with the intent mode. This means that the label is sent to the foreground application in the form of an implicit intent. In order to retrieve the label type string, "com.datalogic.decodewedge.label_type" is the name argument to be used with Intent.getStringExtra(). In order to retrieve the output data as string, "com.datalogic.decodewedge.data_string" is the name argument to be used with Intent.getStringExtra() . In case of concatenated barcodes, the decode data is concatenated and sent out as a single string. In order to retrieve the output data as a list of byte arrays, "com.datalogic.decodewedge.decode_data" is the name argument to be used with Intent.getSerializableExtra(). For barcode symbologies that support concatenation, the decode data is stored in multiple byte arrays (one byte array per bar code). Clients can get data in each byte array by passing an index.


String EXTRA_BARCODE_DATA When the IntentWedge is sent to a listening application, the decoded label is dispatched under a specific byte array extra with the following name, by default.
String EXTRA_BARCODE_STRING When the IntentWedge is sent to a listening application, the decoded label is dispatched under a specific String extra with the following name, by default.
String EXTRA_BARCODE_TYPE When the IntentWedge is sent to a listening application, the decoded label type is dispatched under a specific String extra with the following name, by default.
public TextProperty action action is the intent action name.
public TextProperty category category is the intent category name.
public EnumProperty<IntentDeliveryMode> deliveryMode deliveryMode indicates the method by which the intent is delivered.
public BooleanProperty enable enable sets the intent mode.
public TextProperty extraBarcodeData extraBarcodeData indicates the corresponding intent extra tag, associated to a byte array containing the read label.
public TextProperty extraBarcodeString extraBarcodeString indicates the corresponding intent extra tag, associated to a string containing the read label.
public TextProperty extraBarcodeType extraBarcodeType indicates the corresponding intent extra tag, associated to a string containing the type of read label.
Public Constructors
IntentWedge(PropertyGetter editor)
This is the constructor of IntentWedge.
Inherited Methods
From class com.datalogic.device.configuration.PropertyGroup
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String EXTRA_BARCODE_DATA

Added in revision 1

When the IntentWedge is sent to a listening application, the decoded label is dispatched under a specific byte array extra with the following name, by default.

Constant Value: "com.datalogic.decode.intentwedge.barcode_data"

public static final String EXTRA_BARCODE_STRING

Added in revision 1

When the IntentWedge is sent to a listening application, the decoded label is dispatched under a specific String extra with the following name, by default.

Constant Value: "com.datalogic.decode.intentwedge.barcode_string"

public static final String EXTRA_BARCODE_TYPE

Added in revision 1

When the IntentWedge is sent to a listening application, the decoded label type is dispatched under a specific String extra with the following name, by default.

Constant Value: "com.datalogic.decode.intentwedge.barcode_type"


public TextProperty action

Added in revision 1

action is the intent action name. The default value is "com.datalogic.decodewedge.decode_action".

public TextProperty category

Added in revision 1

category is the intent category name. The default value is "com.datalogic.decodewedge.decode_category".

public EnumProperty<IntentDeliveryMode> deliveryMode

Added in revision 1

deliveryMode indicates the method by which the intent is delivered. The default value is INTENT_DELIVERY_MODE_ENUM.BROADCAST.

public BooleanProperty enable

Added in revision 1

enable sets the intent mode.

public TextProperty extraBarcodeData

Added in revision 1

extraBarcodeData indicates the corresponding intent extra tag, associated to a byte array containing the read label. The default value is EXTRA_BARCODE_DATA.

public TextProperty extraBarcodeString

Added in revision 1

extraBarcodeString indicates the corresponding intent extra tag, associated to a string containing the read label. The default value is EXTRA_BARCODE_STRING.

public TextProperty extraBarcodeType

Added in revision 1

extraBarcodeType indicates the corresponding intent extra tag, associated to a string containing the type of read label. The default value is EXTRA_BARCODE_TYPE.

Public Constructors

public IntentWedge (PropertyGetter editor)

Added in revision 1

This is the constructor of IntentWedge. All options are initialized by editor.

editor A PropertyGetter used to load the current barcode family.