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Scan2Deploy Studio

Downloading Scan2Deploy

Scan2Deploy Studio can be downloaded from the Datalogic GitHub site.


Scan2Deploy Studio can be used to stage Datalogic Mobile Computers running Android 8 and above. It is installable on 64-bit Windows 7/8/10 PCs.

Some notable features include:

  • Configuring the device Wi-Fi network
  • Setting device & scanner settings (e.g. the lock-screen enabled state)
  • Downloading a data archive from a HTTP/HTTPS server and unpacking it to the device
  • Installing/updating applications or firmware

This document reflects the features and settings available in the latest Scan2Deploy Studio release.


  • Scan2Deploy Studio requires Scan2Deploy Android agent version 1.11 or higher running on the Android device. Depending on the features chosen within Studio, the required version may increase. The minimum required version can be seen within the next steps section, but it is recommended to include an update to the latest version within the profile whenever possible.


    For Android 8 devices that do not have at least version 1.11 of Agent on the device, it can be installed directly from the "Hi There!" setup screen as described here.

  • For more detail regarding what versions of Scan2Deploy Android agent support what associated Scan2Deploy Studio features, see the full list of Scan2Deploy Android releases.

Installation (Windows)

  1. Download installer
  2. Launch the installer (may require authorization if User Access Control (UAC) is enabled)
  3. Follow on-screen prompts to finish installing

Installation (Linux)


Linux installation is no longer being supported and will not receive any updates past Scan2Deploy Studio 1.7.2

Installation details

To install and add Scan2Deploy Studio to the applications launcher, use one of the following options:

Option 1

  1. Install the Scan2Deploy Studio .snap using snapcraft.
  2. Run snap install --dangerous <scan2deploy-snap-filename.snap>

Option 2

  1. Install the Scan2Deploy Studio .AppImage using AppImageLauncher.


    AppImageLauncher can be installed following these instructions

  2. Install/Run Studio
    a. Install by double clicking the Scan2Deploy Studio AppImage and choosing 'Integrate and run'
    b. Or, to simply run Scan2Deploy Studio without installing, execute the Scan2Deploy Studio .AppImage

Task tray

When Scan2Deploy studio is running, it displays a task tray icon on the Windows taskbar. Right-clicking on the Scan2Deploy Studio icon in the task tray will result in a menu being displayed. This gives you the option to fully exit Scan2Deploy Studio, check for updates or configure certain settings.

Task tray

Check for update

Choose Check for update, to immediately check for the latest version for your selected update channel.


  • Run at startup - If checked (default), Scan2Deploy Studio will start after booting into Windows. If unchecked, it will not do so.

  • Check for updates on startup - If checked (default), Scan2Deploy Studio will check for updates when it is started. If unchecked, Scan2Deploy Studio will only check for updates when the Check for update option is chosen.

  • Update channel - Choose if Scan2Deploy Studio should download Beta releases, or only Stable ones.

    • Stable - (Default option). Get the latest officially recommended version of Scan2Deploy Studio.

    • Beta - Get the latest release candidates for new stable versions. Updates received from this channel are still in the testing process and may contain features that aren't yet publicly documented. These releases should be considered mostly stable.

    • Alpha - Get the latest Scan2Deploy Studio features and bug fixes as early as possible. Updates received from this channel are under active development and may contain experimental features. These releases should be considered unstable.


      Each pre-release channel will still include updates from more stable channels. For example, Alpha will still receive Beta and Stable updates, whereas Beta will receive Stable but exclude Alpha.

    Task tray settings

  • Port configuration... - Choose the ports to use for Studio services (see Port Configuration section for more details)


When the Scan2Deploy Studio UI is closed, it continues running in the background. If you choose Exit, all Scan2Deploy Studio processes (including background) will be stopped.

Task tray exit


Carefully consider whether or not you want to completely stop Scan2Deploy Studio, particularly if you are relying on Scan2Deploy Studio to automatically host profiles for mobile devices

Additional Configuration

Additional configuration files beyond the main Studio settings can be found within the following directory: C:\Users\<username>\scan2deploy_uploads\config\


You can paste the following path in Windows File Explorer to get to the config directory:


Application Updates


It is recommended to use the default configuration file to receive the latest updates.

Application updates can be customized to target specific versions by adjusting the values found in the %userprofile%\scan2deploy_uploads\config\config.json file. In order to preserve any customizations through Scan2Deploy Studio installation updates, make sure to switch the overwrite-on-upgrade property to false:

"version": "2.2.0",
"overwrite-on-upgrade": true,
"overwrite-on-upgrade": false,

If there is a desire to return to the default configuration, individual properties can be deleted and Scan2Deploy will restore the property with the default value. Similarly, the file itself can be deleted and will be restored in its entirety by Scan2Deploy Studio with default values.

Port Configuration


Requires Scan2Deploy Studio v2.2.0 or higher

Manual method for v2.2.0 - v2.2.1

Port configuration can be modified by creating a .env file and placing it within the config directory. An example of the available configuration options can be seen below (any missing options will use their default values):


As of v2.3.0 of Scan2Deploy Studio, port configuration can be accessed through the task tray settings menu.

port configuration tray

When the option is selected, an additional window will appear with the following settings to configure (valid port range is 1025 to 65535):

  • Server Port - Select the port to be used for the main application server (default is 51010)
  • Redis Port - Select the port to be used for the redis server (default is 6379)
  • Generator Port - Select the port to be used for the Visual Formatter generator server (default is 51070)
  • Relaunch application on save - Immediately relaunch Scan2Deploy when save is clicked. If unchecked, changes won't be applied until application is restarted.

port configuration window