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For definitive information regarding properties, including valid values, refer to the CODiScan™ HS7600 Product Reference Guide, which can be downloaded from the CODiScan Webpage


For the purpose of setting and getting configuration properties of a connected CODiScan™ HS7600, the PropertyID class contains constant integer values that correspond with a given property.

ABC_CODABAR_CONCATENATION_ENABLEIntegerEnables/Disables ability of reader to decode ABC Codabar labels.
ABC_CODABAR_CONCATENATION_MODEIntegerSpecifies the concatenation mode between Static and Dynamic.
ABC_CODABAR_DYNAMIC_CONCATENATION_TIMEOUTIntegerThis parameter specifies the timeout in 10-millisecond ticks used by the ABC Codabar Dynamic Concatenation Mode. The timeout can be set within a range of 5 to 255 in 10ms increments.
ABC_CODABAR_FORCE_CONCATENATION_ENABLEIntegerWhen ABC Codabar Concatenation is enabled and Force Concatenation is disabled, both Codabar stand alone labels and ABC Codabar concatenated labels are transmitted. When ABC Codabar Concatenation is enabled and Force Concatenation is enabled only ABC Codabar concatenated labels are transmitted while Codabar stand alone labels are not transmitted.
AZTEC_ENABLEIntegerEnables/disables the ability of the reader to decode Aztec Code labels.
AZTEC_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for this symbology.
AZTEC_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Characters can be set from 0001 to 3,832 characters.
AZTEC_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Characters can be set from 0001 to 3,832 characters.
BC412_ENABLEIntegerEnables/Disables ability of reader to decode BC412 labels.
BC412_CHECK_CHARACTER_CALCULATIONIntegerEnable this option to enable/disable calculation and verification of an optional BC412 check character. When disabled, any check character in the label is treated as a data character.
BC412_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the BC412 symbology.
BC412_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only. The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters.
BC412_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only. The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters.
COMPRESSED_2OF5_ENABLEIntegerWhen disabled, the reader will not read Compressed 2 of 5 bar codes.
COMPRESSED_2OF5_CHECK_CHARACTER_CALCULATIONIntegerThis option enables/disables calculation and verification of an optional Compressed 2 of 5 check character.
COMPRESSED_2OF5_CHECK_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerThis feature enables/disables transmission of an optional Compressed 2 of 5 check character.
COMPRESSED_2OF5_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the Compressed 2 of 5 symbology.
COMPRESSED_2OF5_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. The length includes the bar code’s check and data characters. The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters.
COMPRESSED_2OF5_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. The length includes the bar code’s check and data characters. The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters.
CHINA_SENSIBLE_CODE_ENABLEIntegerEnables/disables the ability of the reader to decode China Sensible Code labels.
CHINA_SENSIBLE_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for this symbology.
CHINA_SENSIBLE_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Characters can be set from 1 to 7,827 characters.
CHINA_SENSIBLE_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Characters can be set from 1 to 7,827 characters.
CODABAR_ENABLEIntegerWhen disabled, the reader will not read Codabar bar codes.
CODABAR_CHECK_CHARACTER_CALCULATIONIntegerThis option enables/disables calculation and verification of an optional Codabar check character. When disabled, any check characters in the label are treated as data characters.
CODABAR_CHECK_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerEnable this option to transmit the check character along with Codabar bar code data.
CODABAR_START_STOP_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerThis option enables/disables transmission of Codabar start and stop characters.
CODABAR_START_STOP_CHARACTER_SETIntegerThis option specifies the format of transmitted Codabar start/stop characters.
CODABAR_START_STOP_CHAR_MATCHIntegerWhen enabled, this option requires that start and stop characters match.
CODABAR_QUIET_ZONEIntegerThis feature specifies the number of quiet zones for Codabar labels. Quiet zones are blank areas at the ends of a bar code and are typically 10 times the width of the narrowest bar or space in the label.
CODABAR_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the Codabar symbology.
CODABAR_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s start, stop, check and data characters. The length must include at least one data character. The length can be set from 3 to 50 characters.
CODABAR_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s start, stop, check and data characters. The length must include at least one data character. The length can be set from 3 to 50 characters.
CODE128_ENABLEIntegerEnables/Disables ability of the reader to decode Code 128 labels.
EXPAND_CODE128_TO_CODE39IntegerThis feature enables/disables expansion of Code 128 labels to Code 39 labels. When enabled, the label identifier for a Code 128 label shall be set to Code 39 and all Code 39 formatting control shall be applied to the label.
CODE128_CHECK_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerEnable this option to transmit the check character along with Code 128 bar code data.
CODE128_TRANSMIT_FUNCTION_CHARSIntegerEnables/disables transmission of Code128 function characters 1, 2, 3, and 4.
CODE128_QUIET_ZONEIntegerThis feature specifies the number of quiet zones for Code 128 labels. Quiet zones are blank areas at the ends of a bar code and are typically 10 times the width of the narrowest bar or space in the label.
CODE128_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for theCode 128 symbology.
CODE128_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only. The length can be set from 1 to 80 characters.
CODE128_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only. The length can be set from 1 to 80 characters.
CODE11_ENABLEIntegerWhen disabled, the reader will not read Code 11 bar codes.
CODE11_CHECK_CHARACTER_CALCULATIONIntegerThis option enables/disables calculation and verification of optional Code 11 check character.
CODE11_CHECK_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerThis feature enables/disables transmission of an optional Code 11 check character.
CODE11_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the Code 11 symbology.
CODE11_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s check and data characters. The length can be set from 2 to 50 characters.
CODE11_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s check and data characters. The length can be set from 2 to 50 characters.
CODE32_ENABLEIntegerWhen disabled, the reader will not read Code 32 bar codes.
CODE32_CHECK_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerEnable this option to transmit the check character along with Code 32 bar code data.
CODE32_START_STOP_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerEnable this option to enable/disable transmission of Code 32 start and stop characters.
CODE39_ENABLEIntegerWhen disabled, the reader will not read Code 39 bar codes.
CODE39_CHECK_CHARACTER_CALCULATIONIntegerEnable this option to enable/disable calculation and verification of an optional Code 39 check character. When disabled, any check character in the label is treated as a data character.
CODE39_CHECK_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerEnable this option to transmit the check character along with Code 39 bar code data.
CODE39_START_STOP_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerEnable this option to enable/disable transmission of Code 39 start and stop characters.
CODE39_FULL_ASCIIIntegerIn Code 39 decoding, this enables/disables the translation of Code 39 characters to Code 39 full-ASCII characters.
CODE39_QUIET_ZONEIntegerThis feature specifies the number of quiet zones for Code 39 labels. Quiet zones are blank areas at the ends of a bar code and are typically 10 times the width of the narrowest bar or space in the label.
CODE39_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the Code 39 symbology.
CODE39_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s check, data, and full-ASCII shift characters. The length does not include start/stop characters. The length can be set from 0 to 50 characters.
CODE39_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s check, data, and full-ASCII shift characters. The length does not include start/stop characters. The length can be set from 0 to 50 characters.
CODE39_DANISH_PPT_ENABLEIntegerWhen disabled, the reader will not read Code 39 Danish PPT bar codes.
CODE39_PZN_ENABLEIntegerWhen disabled, the reader will not read Code 39 PZN bar codes.
CODE39_LAPOSTE_ENABLEIntegerWhen disabled, the reader will not read Code 39 La Poste bar codes.
CIP_C39_ENABLEIntegerEnables/Disables ability of the reader to decode Code 39 CIP HR labels.
CODE93_ENABLEIntegerEnables/Disables ability of reader to decode Code 93 labels.
CODE93_CHECK_CHARACTER_CALCULATIONIntegerThis option enables/disables calculation and verification of optional Code 93 check character.
CODE93_CHECK_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerThis feature enables/disables transmission of an optional Code 93 check character.
CODE93_QUIET_ZONEIntegerThis feature specifies the number of quiet zones for Code 93 labels. Quiet zones are blank areas at the ends of a bar code and are typically 10 times the width of the narrowest bar or space in the label.
CODE93_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the Code 93 symbology.
CODE93_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s check and data characters. The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters.
CODE93_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s check and data characters. The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters.
DATALOGIC_2OF5_ENABLEIntegerWhen disabled, the reader will not read Datalogic 2 of 5 bar codes.
DATALOGIC_2OF5_CHECK_CHARACTER_CALCULATIONIntegerThis option enables/disables calculation and verification of an optional Datalogic 2 of 5 check character.
DATALOGIC_2OF5_CHECK_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerEnable this option to transmit the check character along with Datalogic 2 of 5 bar code data.
DATALOGIC_2OF5_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the Datalogic 2 of 5 symbology.
DATALOGIC_2OF5_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. The length includes the bar code’s check and data characters. The length can be set from 2 to 50 characters in increments of two.
DATALOGIC_2OF5_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. The length includes the bar code’s check and data characters. The length can be set from 2 to 50 characters in increments of two.
DATAMATRIX_ENABLEIntegerEnables/disables ability of reader to decode Data Matrix labels.
DATAMATRIX_DIMENSIONS_MASKIntegerSpecifies the options available when reading Data Matrix with different form factors. Choices are Square Style, Rectangular Style, Both Square and Rectangular Style. The configuration item can also be configured as a bit mask to filter one or more Data Matrix labels with different symbol size AND shape styles.
DATAMATRIX_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the Data Matrix symbology.
DATAMATRIX_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Characters can be set from 1 to 3,116 characters.
DATAMATRIX_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Characters can be set from 1 to 3,116 characters.
EAN13_ENABLEIntegerWhen disabled, the reader will not read EAN-13 bar codes.
EAN13_CHECK_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerEnable this option to transmit the check character along with EAN-13 bar code data.
EAN13_FLAG1_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerEnables/disables transmission of an EAN/JAN-13 Flag1 character. The Flag 1 character is the first character of the label
EAN13_ISBN_ENABLEIntegerThis option enables/disables conversion of EAN-13/JAN-13 Bookland labels starting with 978 to ISBN labels.
EAN13_ISSN_ENABLEIntegerEnables/disables conversion of EAN/JAN-13 Bookland labels starting with 977 to ISSN labels.
EAN8_ENABLEIntegerWhen disabled, the reader will not read EAN-8 bar codes.
EAN8_CHECK_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerEnable this option to transmit the check character along with EAN-8 bar code data.
EXPAND_EAN8_TO_EAN13IntegerEnable this option to expand EAN-8/JAN-8 labels to EAN-13/JAN-13.
FOLLETT_2OF5_ENABLEIntegerEnables/Disables ability of reader to decode Follett 2 of 5 labels.
EAN128_ENABLEIntegerEnables/Disables ability to translate GS1-128 labels to the GS1-128 data format.
DOTCODE_ENABLEIntegerThis options enables/disables the ability of the reader to decode DotCode barcodes.
DOTCODE_HIGH_SOLUTIONIntegerThis options improves the decoding performance for very small module size barcodes, e.g. tobacco products.
DOTCODE_CONST_POSITIONIntegerThis option can improve the decoding performance when the next barcode to be decoded is approximately shown in the same position as the previous one.
RSS_EXPANDED_ENABLEIntegerWhen disabled, the reader will not read GS1 DataBar Expanded bar codes.
RSS_EXPANDED_EAN128_EMULATIONIntegerWhen enabled, GS1 DataBar Expanded bar codes will be translated to the GS1-128 label data format.
RSS_EXPANDED_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the GS1 DataBar Expanded symbology.
RSS_EXPANDED_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only. The length can be set from 1 to 74 characters.
RSS_EXPANDED_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only. The length can be set from 1 to 74 characters.
RSS_14_ENABLEIntegerGS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Enable/Disable.
RSS_14_EAN128_EMULATIONIntegerWhen enabled, GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional bar codes will be translated to the GS1-128 label data format.
RSS_LIMITED_ENABLEIntegerEnables/Disables ability to decode GS1 DataBar Limited labels.
RSS_LIMITED_EAN128_EMULATIONIntegerEnables/Disables GS1-128 emulation for GS1 DataBar Limited.
I2OF5_ENABLEIntegerWhen disabled, the reader will not read I 2 of 5 bar codes.
I2OF5_CHECK_CHARACTER_CALCULATIONIntegerThis option enables/disables calculation and verification of an optional I 2 of 5 check character.
I2OF5_CHECK_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerEnable this option to transmit the check character along with I 2 of 5 bar code data.
I2OF5_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the I 2 of 5 symbology.
I2OF5_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. The length includes the bar code’s check and data characters. The length can be set from 2 to 50 characters.
I2OF5_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. The length includes the bar code’s check and data characters. The length can be set from 2 to 50 characters.
IATA_ENABLEIntegerEnables/Disables the ability of the reader to decode IATA labels.
IATA_CHECK_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerEnables/Disables calculation and verification of an optional IATA check character.
INDUSTRIAL_2OF5_ENABLEIntegerWhen disabled, the reader will not read Industrial 2 of 5 bar codes.
INDUSTRIAL_2OF5_CHECK_CHARACTER_CALCULATIONIntegerEnables/Disables calculation and verification of an optional Industrial 2 of 5 check character.
INDUSTRIAL_2OF5_CHECK_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerEnables/disables transmission of an Industrial 2 of 5 check character.
INDUSTRIAL_2OF5_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the Industrial 2 of 5 symbology.
INDUSTRIAL_2OF5_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. The length includes the bar code’s check and data characters. The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters.
INDUSTRIAL_2OF5_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. The length includes the bar code’s check and data characters. The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters.
ISBT128_CONCATENATE_ENABLEIntegerEnables/disables ISBT 128 concatenation of 2 labels.
ISBT128_CONCATENATION_MODEIntegerSpecifies the concatenation mode between Static and Dynamic.
ISBT128_DYNAMIC_CONCATENATION_TIMEOUTIntegerSpecifies the timeout used by the ISBT 128 Dynamic Concatenation Mode.
ISBT128_FORCE_CONCATENATIONIntegerWhen enabled, this feature forces all ISBT 128 labels to be concatenated.
MATRIX_2OF5_ENABLEIntegerWhen disabled, the reader will not read Matrix 2 of 5 bar codes.
MATRIX_2OF5_CHECK_CHARACTER_CALCULATIONIntegerThis option enables/disables calculation and verification of an optional Matrix 2 of 5 check character.
MATRIX_2OF5_CHECK_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerThis feature enables/disables transmission of an optional Matrix 2 of 5 check character.
MATRIX_2OF5_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the Matrix 2 of 5 symbology.
MATRIX_2OF5_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. The length includes the bar code’s check and data characters. The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters.
MATRIX_2OF5_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. The length includes the bar code’s check and data characters. The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters.
MAXICODE_ENABLEIntegerEnables/disables ability of reader to decode Maxicode labels.
MAXICODE_PRIMARY_MESSAGE_TRANSMISSIONIntegerEnables/disables the transmission of only the Primary Message when the Secondary Message is not readable.
MAXICODE_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for this symbology.
MAXICODE_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Characters can be set from 1 to 145 characters.
MAXICODE_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Characters can be set from 1 to 145 characters.
MICRO_PDF_ENABLEIntegerEnables/disables the ability of the reader to decode Micro PDF417 labels.
MICROPDF_128_EMULATIONIntegerSpecifies which AIM ID to use for Micro PDF labels when doing Code 128 or GS1-128 emulation. Emulation choices are: Micro PDF AIM ID and label type, Code 128 / EAN128 AIM Id and label type.
MICROPDF_128_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for this symbology.
MICROPDF_128_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only. Characters can be set from 1 to 366 characters.
MICROPDF_128_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only. Characters can be set from 1 to 366 characters.
MICROQR_ENABLEIntegerEnables/disables the ability of the reader to decode Micro QR Code labels.
MICROQR_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for this symbology.
MICROQR_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Characters can be set from 1 to 35 characters.
MICROQR_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Characters can be set from 1 to 35 characters.
MSI_ENABLEIntegerEnables/Disables ability of reader to decode MSI labels.
MSI_CHECK_CHARACTER_CALCULATIONIntegerEnables/Disables calculation and verification of an optional MSI check character.
MSI_CHECK_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerEnables/disables transmission of an MSI check character.
MSI_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the MSI symbology.
MSI_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only. The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters.
MSI_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only. The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters.
PDF417_ENABLEIntegerEnables/disables the ability of the reader to decode PDF417 labels.
PDF417_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for this symbology.
PDF417_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only. Characters can be set from 1 to 2,710 characters.
PDF417_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Length includes the bar code’s data characters only. Characters can be set from 1 to 2,710 characters.
PLESSEY_ENABLEIntegerEnables/Disables ability of reader to decode Plessey labels.
PLESSEY_CHECK_CHARACTER_CALCULATIONIntegerEnables/Disables calculation and verification of a Plessey check character.
PLESSEY_CHECK_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerEnables/disables transmission of a Plessey check character.
PLESSEY_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the Plessey symbology.
PLESSEY_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. The length includes the bar code’s check and data characters. The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters.
PLESSEY_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. The length includes the bar code’s check and data characters. The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters.
QRCODE_ENABLEIntegerEnables/disables the ability of the reader to decode QR Code labels.
QRCODE_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for this symbology.
QRCODE_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Characters can be set from 1 to 7,089 characters.
QRCODE_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. Characters can be set from 1 to 7,089 characters.
S25_ENABLEIntegerThe following options apply to the Standard 2 of 5 symbology.
S25_CHECK_CHARACTER_CALCULATIONIntegerThis option enables/disables calculation and verification of an optional Standard 2 of 5 check character.
S25_CHECK_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerThis feature enables/disables transmission of an optional Standard 2 of 5 check character.
S25_LENGTH_CONTROLIntegerThis feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the Standard 2 of 5 symbology.
S25_LENGTH_1IntegerLength 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. The length includes the bar code’s check and data characters. The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters.
S25_LENGTH_2IntegerLength 2 is the maximum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the second fixed length if in Fixed Length Mode. The length includes the bar code’s check and data characters. The length can be set from 1 to 50 characters.
TRIOPTIC_ENABLEIntegerWhen disabled, the reader will not read Trioptic Code bar codes.
UCC_OPTIONAL_COMPOSITE_TIMERIntegerSpecifies the amount of time the system will wait for the stacked part of a UCC Composite label before transmitting the linear label without an add-on. The UCC Optional Composite Timer can be set within a range of 10 to 300 msec. A setting of 0 disables the timer.
POSTAL_CODE_SELECTIONIntegerEnables/disables the ability of the reader to decode labels of a specific postal symbology. Options are: Disable All Postal Codes, Australia Post, Postnet, Japan Post, Planet, IMB, Royal Mail, Sweden Post, Kix, Portugal Post.
POSTNET_BB_CONTROLIntegerControls the ability of the reader to decode B and B' fields of Postnet labels.
UPCA_ENABLEIntegerWhen disabled, the reader will not read UPC-A bar codes.
UPCA_CHECK_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerEnable this option to transmit the check character along with UPC-A bar code data.
EXPAND_UPCA_TO_EAN13IntegerExpands UPC-A data to the EAN-13 data format. Selecting this feature also changes the symbology ID to match those required for EAN-13.
UPCA_NUMBER_SYSTEM_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerThis feature enables/disables transmission of the UPC-A number system character.
UPCE_ENABLEIntegerWhen disabled, the reader will not read UPC-E bar codes.
UPCE_CHECK_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerEnable this option to transmit the check character along with UPC-E bar code data.
EXPAND_UPCE_TO_EAN13IntegerExpands UPC-E data to the EAN-13 data format. Selecting this feature also changes the symbology ID to match those required for EAN-13.
EXPAND_UPCE_TO_UPCAIntegerExpands UPC-E data to the UPC-A data format. Selecting this feature also changes the symbology ID to match those required for UPC-A.
UPCE_NUMBER_SYSTEM_CHARACTER_TRANSMISSIONIntegerThis feature enables/disables transmission of the UPC-E number system character.
GTIN_ENABLEIntegerThis feature enables/disables the ability to convert UPC-E, UPC-A, EAN-8, and EAN-13 labels into the GTIN 14-character format.
DO_PRICE_WEIGHT_CHECKIntegerEnables/Disables calculation and verification of price/weight check digits. Options are: Disabled, Enable 4-digit price-weight check-digit calculation, Enable 5-digit price-weight check-digit calculation, Enable European 4-digit price-weight check-digit calculation, & Enable European 5-digit price-weight check-digit calculation.
UPCEAN_QUIET_ZONEIntegerThis feature specifies the number of quiet zones for UPC/EAN labels. Quiet zones are blank areas at the ends of a bar code, typically 10 times the width of the narrowest bar or space in the label. The property applies to all EAN-UPC symbologies globally and to the ADD-ONs.
GLOBAL_PREFIXStringUp to 20 ASCII characters to be prefixed to barcode data scanned by the CODiScan.
GLOBAL_SUFFIXStringUp to 20 ASCII characters to be suffixed to barcode data scanned by the CODiScan.
CASE_CONVERSIONIntegerThis feature allows conversion of the case of all alphabetic characters to upper or lower case. Options are: Disabled, Convert to upper case, & Convert to lower case.
ALL_AIM_ID_ENABLEIntegerAIM label identifiers (as opposed to custom characters you select yourself as with label identifiers) can be included with scanned bar code data.
EAN128_AIM_ID_ENABLEIntegerIf Global AIM ID is disabled, the AIM ID for GS1-128 can be enabled/disabled independently. The AIM ID for GS1-128 is a ]C1, ]C2.
LABEL_ID_CONTROLIntegerThis option controls whether a Label ID is disabled, or sent as a prefix or suffix for a given symbology type.
LABEL_ID_EAN13_P2StringSpecifies EAN/JAN13-P2 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_EAN13_P5StringSpecifies EAN/JAN13-P5 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_EAN13StringSpecifies EAN/JAN13 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_RSS_14StringSpecifies GS1 DataBar-14 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_EAN8_P2StringSpecifies EAN/JAN8-P2 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_EAN8_P5StringSpecifies EAN/JAN8-P5 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_EAN8StringSpecifies EAN/JAN8 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_UPCA_P2StringSpecifies UPC-A P2 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_UPCA_P5StringSpecifies UPC-A P5 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_UPCAStringSpecifies UPC-A label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_ABC_CODABARStringSpecifies ABC Codabar label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_ANKER_PLESSEYStringSpecifies Anker Plessey label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_BC412StringSpecifies BC412 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_CODE11StringSpecifies Code11 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_COMPRESSED_2OF5StringSpecifies Compressed 2 of 5 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_CODE39StringSpecifies Code 39 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_NW7_CODABARStringSpecifies NW7 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_CODE128StringSpecifies Code128 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_CODE93StringSpecifies Code 93 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_CODABARStringSpecifies Codabar label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_CODE39_CIPStringSpecifies Code 39 CIP HR label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_TRIOPTICStringSpecifies Trioptic label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_DATALOGIC_2OF5StringSpecifies Datalogic 2 of 5 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_CODE39_DANISH_PPTStringSpecifies Code 39 Danish PPT label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_UPCE_P2StringSpecifies UPC-E P2 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_UPCE_P5StringSpecifies UPC-E P5 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_UPCEStringSpecifies UPC-E label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_FOLLETT_2OF5StringSpecifies Follett 2 of 5 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_GTIN2StringSpecifies GTIN label ID to be added to label data when GTIN conversion is enabled and 2 digit addon label is converted. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_GTIN5StringSpecifies GTIN label ID to be added to label data when GTIN conversion is enabled and 5 digit addon label is converted. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_GS1_AZTECStringSpecifies GS1 Aztec label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_GTINStringSpecifies GTIN label ID to be added to label data when GTIN conversion is enabled. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_I2OF5_CIP_HRStringSpecifies Interleaved 2 of 5 CIP HR label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_I2OF5StringSpecifies Interleaved 2 of 5 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_ISBT128StringSpecifies the label ID to be added to Single and Concatenated ISBT-128 label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_IATAStringSpecifies IATA Industrial 2 of 5 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_ISSNStringSpecifies ISSN label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_ISBNStringSpecifies ISBN label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_RSS_LIMITEDStringSpecifies GS1 DataBar Limited label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_CODE39_LAPOSTEStringSpecifies Code 39 La Poste label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_MATRIX_2OF5StringSpecifies Matrix 2 of 5 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_MSIStringSpecifies MSI label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_PHARMACODEStringSpecifies Pharmacode label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_CODE39_PHARMACODEStringSpecifies C39 Pharmacode label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_PLESSEYStringSpecifies Plessey label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_CODE39_PZNStringSpecifies PZN label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_S25StringSpecifies Standard 2 of 5 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_INDUSTRIAL_2OF5StringSpecifies Industrial 2 of 5 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_EAN128StringSpecifies GS1-128 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_RSS_EXPANDEDStringSpecifies GS1 DataBar label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_TELEPENStringSpecifies Telepen label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_EAN13_COMPOSITEStringSpecifies EAN-13 Composite label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_RSS_14_COMPOSITEStringSpecifies GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Composite label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_EAN8_COMPOSITEStringSpecifies EAN-8 Composite label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_UPCA_COMPOSITEStringSpecifies UPC-A Composite label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_AZTECStringSpecifies Aztec label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_CHINA_SENSIBLE_CODEStringSpecifies China Sensible label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_DOTCODEStringSpecifies DotCode label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_DATAMATRIXStringSpecifies Data Matrix label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_UPCE_COMPOSITEStringSpecifies UPC-E Composite label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_GS1_DATAMATRIXStringSpecifies GS1 Datamatrix label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_GS1_QR_CODEStringSpecifies GS1 QR Code label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_RSS_LIMITED_COMPOSITEStringSpecifies GS1 DataBar Limited Composite label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_MICRO_PDFStringSpecifies Micro PDF417 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_MICROQRStringSpecifies Micro QR Code label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_MAXICODEStringSpecifies Maxicode label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_OCR_AStringSpecifies OCR-A label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_OCR_BStringSpecifies OCR-B label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_MICRStringSpecifies MICR label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_PDF417StringSpecifies PDF417 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_POSTAL_AUSTRALIANStringSpecifies Australian Postal Code label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_POSTAL_FINNISHStringSpecifies Finnish Postal Code label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_POSTAL_PORTUGALStringSpecifies Portugal Postal Code label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_POSTAL_MAIL_MARKStringSpecifies Mail Mark Postal Code label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_POSTAL_JAPANESEStringSpecifies Japanese Postal Code label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_POSTAL_KIXStringSpecifies KIX Postal Code label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_POSTAL_IMBStringSpecifies IMB Postal Code label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_POSTNETStringSpecifies Postnet Postal AIM label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_POSTAL_PLANETStringSpecifies Postal Planet Code label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_POSTAL_ROYAL_MAILStringSpecifies Royal Mail Postal Code label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_POSTAL_SWEDISHStringSpecifies Swedish Postal Code label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_QRCODEStringSpecifies QR Code label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_TLC39StringSpecifies TLC39 label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_EAN128_COMPOSITEStringSpecifies GS1-128 Composite label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_RSS_EXPANDED_COMPOSITEStringSpecifies GS1 DataBar Expanded Composite label ID to be added to label data. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
LABEL_ID_DIGIMARCStringSpecifies Digimarc label ID to be added to label data. Effective for Digimarc Native mode only. Up to 3 ASCII characters.
READ_MODEIntegerSelects the reader’s scan operating mode. Options are: Trigger Single, Trigger Hold Multiple, Trigger Pulse Multiple, Flashing, & Object Detection.
ELAPSE_TIMEIntegerThis setting specifies the amount of time that the reader stays in scan ON state once the state is entered. The range for this setting is from 1 to 255 seconds.
FLASH_ON_TIMEIntegerThis feature specifies the ON time for the indicator LED while in Flash Mode. The selectable range is 100 to 9,900 milliseconds in 100 millisecond increments.
FLASH_OFF_TIMEIntegerThis feature specifies the OFF time for the indicator LED while in Flash Mode. The selectable range is 100 to 9,900 milliseconds in 100 millisecond increments.
DOUBLE_READ_TIMEOUTIntegerDouble Read Timeout prevents a double read of the same label by setting the minimum time allowed between reads of labels of the same symbology and data. If the unit reads a label and sees the same label again within the specified timeout, the second read is ignored. Double Read Timeout does not apply to scan modes that require a trigger pull for each label read.
STAND_MODE_SENSITIVITYIntegerSets the sensitivity level for object detection wakeup. Choices are low, medium and high.
MANUAL_TO_WATCH_TIMEOUTIntegerSpecifies the amount of time reader illumination stays off after pulling the trigger when in Object Detection. The configurable range is 1 to 32 in increments of 500ms
POWERUP_BEEP_ENABLEIntegerDisables or enables the indication (from the Beeper) that the reader is receiving power.
GOOD_READ_BEEP_TYPEIntegerSpecifies whether the good read beep has a mono or bitonal beep sound.
GOOD_READ_BEEP_VOLUMEIntegerSelects the beeper volume (loudness) upon a good read beep. Options are: beeper off, low, medium or high.
GOOD_READ_BEEP_FREQUENCYIntegerAdjusts the good read beep to sound at a selectable low, medium or high frequency.
GOOD_READ_BEEP_LENGTHIntegerSpecifies good-read beep duration.
GOOD_READ_LED_DURATIONIntegerThis feature specifies the amount of time that the Good Read LED remains on following a good read. The good read LED on time can be set within a range of 100 milliseconds to 25,500 milliseconds in 100ms increments. A setting of 0 keeps the LED on until the next trigger pull.
GOOD_READ_WHEN_TO_INDICATEIntegerThis feature specifies when the reader will provide indication (beep and/or flash its green LED) upon successfully reading a bar code.
GREEN_SPOT_DURATIONIntegerSpecifies the duration of the good read pointer beam after a good read.
VIBRATION_GOODREAD_ENABLEIntegerEnable/disable the good read vibration beam after a good read.
VIBRATION_GOODREAD_LENGTHIntegerSpecifies the duration of the good read vibration beam after a good read.
AIMING_POINTER_ENABLEIntegerEnables/disables the aiming pointer for all symbologies.
PICK_MODE_ENABLEIntegerSpecifies the ability of the reader to decode labels only when they are close to the center of the aiming pattern. This allows the reader to accurately target labels when they are placed close together, such as on a pick sheet.
MOBILE_PHONE_ENABLEIntegerThis mode is useful for scanning bar codes displayed on a mobile phone. Other options for this feature can be configured using the Datalogic Aladdin application.
MOBILE_PHONE_SATURATION_RATEIntegerThis specifies the minimum number of saturated pixels (every 1000 pixels) in the image in order to activate the Mobile Phone mode.
IMAGE_DECODING_VL_REVERSEIntegerEnable/Disable the ability to decode a negative image for all symbologies. When this feature is enabled, you will be unable to read normally-printed labels or programming labels in this manual.
MULTIPLE_LABEL_ENABLEIntegerSpecifies the ability of the reader to decode and transmit a set of code labels in a specific volume and in a single frame of time. When in Multiple Labels per Frame the reader beeps and turns on the good read LED indication for each code read in a frame. When Multiple Labels Mode is enabled, ISBT pairing, ABC Codabar pairing, and composites are not allowed.
MULTIPLE_LABEL_TRANSMIT_ORDERIntegerSpecifies the transmission ordering by code length, when Multiple Labels per Frame is enabled.