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CODiScan™ HS7600 SDK


The CODiScan™ HS7600 SDK empowers users to write Android applications that interface with a connected CODiScan™ HS7600 wearable Bluetooth bar code reader.

A prerequisite of the CODiScan SDK is the installation of the CODiScan Service. The CODiScan SDK binds to this service to be able to pair and interact with a CODiScan device.

Once the CODiScan SDK is bound to the service, functions of the CODiScan SDK's management classes, DeviceManager & ConfigurationManager, may be called.

Using the SDK

To use the SDK you must:

  1. Install CODiScan Service on mobile devices.
  2. Import CODiScan SDK as a maven dependency.

Installing Codiscan Service

The service is available to download on Github. It can either be installed through ADB command or Scan2Deploy Studio

Install through ADB

  1. Download latest version of the CODiScan service from Github.
  2. Install ADB.
  3. Place mobile device into debug mode.
  4. Connect device over USB to computer.
  5. Open a command-line
  6. From the directory the CODiScan service was downloaded to, run adb install codiscan-service.apk.

Install through Scan2Deploy Studio

  1. Create a new Scan2Deploy profile.
  2. Add Applications action
  3. Go to the Apps step
  4. Click Enter URL button
  5. Paste URL to latest Codiscan Service release from Github. QuickBoard Sample Screen
  6. Finish profile setup - Wi-Fi deployment, etc.
  7. Go to Save step
  8. Save profile and deploy by either scanning QR barcode or other deployment options.

Maven Dependency

The SDK code is available as a repository on Github and can be easily referenced in the project's gradle build system and compiled as a maven dependency with JitPack.

Add repository

Add the jitpack repository to the dependencyResolutionManagement block in the settings.gradle file:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url "" }

Add a dependency on the SDK

SDK Version

Add a reference to the specific version of the SDK you would like to use to the build.gradle file. In this example, we are using version 1.0.0.

build.gradle (:app)
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.datalogic:codiscan-sdk:1.0.0'

Sample App

The CODiScan SDK Sample App showcases the capabilities of the CODiScan SDK in three screens:

  1. Connect to CODiScan and trigger actions.
  2. Set & get configuration values of the connected CODiScan device.
  3. Visualization of triggered listener events of both the CODiScan service and connected CODiScan device.