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Scan2Deploy Android 1.26

· One min read


  • This version of Scan2Deploy supports the following schemas: schema v1-0-0, schema v1-1-0, schema v1-2-0, schema v1-3-0, schema v1-4-0, schema v1-5-0, schema v1-6-0, schema v1-7-0.
  • This version is designed to work with Scan2Deploy Studio 1.4.3 or higher.

Corrected defects

  • Enabling multi-scan can make Scan2Deploy agent unable to read new barcodes
  • Deployment doesn't resume after performing a self-update to Scan2Deploy agent
  • Scan2Deploy agent can exit on certain devices when the scanned profile includes disable of Manage Apps (using the DISABLE_APP script command)

Scan2Deploy Studio 1.4.3

· 3 min read

We are pleased to release Scan2Deploy Studio 1.4.3. It includes a number of new features designed to help you stage your devices as quickly and effectively as possible.

Highlights include the new Visual Formatter page used to create barcode formatting rules and support for managed configurations on the Manage Apps page.

Downloads are available in the Releases section on the Scan2Deploy Studio Github page.

Scan2Deploy Android 1.25

· One min read


  • Added support for downloading profiles using FTP. See scheme, ftp-username, and ftp-password in the deployment section.
  • Added WPA3 support for some devices running Android 9 and above.
  • Allow setting a different system default launcher.
  • Added a service that listens for requests to apply Scan2Deploy profiles without the Scan2Deploy UI (activity) being visible. The profile will be applied silently, without any Scan2Deploy UI being displayed in the foreground.

Datalogic WiFi Guard 1.00.1

· One min read

Datalogic WiFi Guard is now available. It is an Android application designed to collect information on a Wi-Fi network. It also contains tools to assist in improving network performance and diagnosing connection problems. You can access the documentation here.

The features available in the initial release are:

  • Ping utility with graph
    • Configurable parameters for destination, interval, packet size and TTL
  • RSSI statistics graph
    • Save/Load graph data in a CSV file and share it with other applications (such as e-mail)
    • CSV files can be imported into a spreadsheet for viewing on a PC
  • List of network scan results
    • View access point configuration details
  • Channel usage graph
    • Display bandwidth and potential overlap in all available bands
  • Interactive controls for graph display
    • Zoom and pan of graph data
    • Configurable SSID filter of results
    • Toggle the display of individual AP data

Scan2Deploy Android 1.23

· One min read


  • This version of Scan2Deploy supports the following schemas: schema v1-0-0, schema v1-1-0, schema v1-2-0, schema v1-3-0, schema v1-4-0, schema v1-5-0.

Corrected defects

  • Scan2Deploy is not able to scan Sca2Deploy barcodes when a non-default Send code ID setting is set.
  • Scan2Deploy is not able to scan Sca2Deploy barcodes when label prefix and suffix are set to non-default values.

Xamarin SDK 1.22.4648

· 4 min read

Xamarin SDK 1.22.4648 is now ready to download. You can access the documentation here. The online API documentation is available here. And you can see the package on NuGet here. We did release version 1.21-3280-alpha earlier this year, but as far as official release builds, the last release was version 1.5.88 back in January 2018, so this update is long overdue!

The MAJOR and MINOR version numbers of the Datalogic Xamarin SDK track the version numbers of the Datalogic Android SDK, i.e. Xamarin SDK v1.22.x contains all of the features available in Android SDK v1.22. Therefore, this update includes all the new features introduced in the Datalogic Android SDK from version 1.6 all the way up through version 1.22.