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Installed Files (DLRMUS)


Standalone and OPOS-integrated versions of DLRMUs have different requirements and so the location of installed files varies with the distribution.

Standalone file organization

The following table lists the files included in a standalone distribution. The table uses ./ to represent the root installation (dlrmus) folder.

FilenameDestination FolderDescription
properties.upd./ConfigurationSee also properties.json
prf_parser.json./ConfigurationSee also prf_parser.json
{log files}./logsOnly an empty directory is created for receiving log files generated by dlrmus.
dlrmus{.exe}./The Windows executable has a .exe file extension. The Linux version does not.
DLRMUS.pdf./User documentation.
EULA.pdf./End user license agreement.

OPOS-integrated file organization

The following table lists the files included in a OPOS-integrated distribution. The table uses ./ to represent the root installation folder (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\DLSOPOS).

FilenameDestination FolderDescription
properties.upd./ConfigurationSee also properties.json
prf_parser.json./ConfigurationSee also prf_parser.json
dlrmus.exe./dlrmusThe executable file.
EULA.pdf./dlrmusEnd user license agreement.
DLRMUS.pdf./DocumentationUser documentation.
{log files}C:\ProgramData\Datalogic\dlrmusOnly an empty directory is created for receiving log files generated by dlrmus.