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Launcher Settings


The Launcher Settings screen provides controls for configuring the device wide user interface while using Datalogic Launcher, as well as management of configuration settings. The screen operates similar to the Android Settings application, and can be reached from the Home Screen by tapping on the Launcher Settings icon.

Settings Screen

User Interface Settings

User Interface Settings

Tapping the User Interface group presents a screen which controls the overall user interface of the device while the launcher is running.

Home Screen Title

The Home Screen Title controls the presence of a title bar on the Home Screen and the text it displays. When empty, the title bar is not shown. Otherwise, the title bar is displayed at the top of the Home Screen.

In addition to general text, some device information may also be displayed in the title bar. To achieve this, include the appropriate tag (not case sensitive) with the text of the Home Screen Title. When detected in the title, tag is substituted for the actual information value from the device running Datalogic Launcher.

The following tags are supported:

Information TagDevice Value
$snDevice serial number
$devDevice name

Examples of Home Screen titles are shown here:

Title ValueTitle Displayed
Warehouse ManagementWarehouse Management
$devFloor 42
$dev S/N $snFloor 42 S/N I19G00068

General User Interface

The remaining available User Interface settings are described below:

Screen Contents
Overview ButtonMake visible/available the overview button in the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen. The Overview button is at the bottom right of the display and provides access to a list of recently launched applications to switch to.
Power Button MenuMake available the menu of actions that is displayed when a long press of the power key is made. This menu provides an option to restart the device, and on some devices offers an option to suspend the device. (This is also known as the Global Action Dialog in previous versions.)
NotificationsDisplay notifications from the system and/or services in the top left corner of the display.
System InfoDisplay system information icons in the top status bar, such as the current time and battery status.
Launcher Administration
Allow access to settings and exitAdds an icon on the Home Screen at the end of the application list which provides access to the Settings screen. Note: When hidden, back door access to the settings screen is still available by rapidly tapping 5 times on an empty area of the screen.
Administrator PasswordSpecifies the administrator password used to access the settings screen (and optionally exit Datalogic Launcher).

Reset Settings

Tapping on Reset settings in the initial settings screen will reset all the launcher settings to default values (after confirmation). Here is a list of all the settings and their default values.

SettingDefault value
Import From FileEMM (or Scan2Deploy Studio) only; Blank (don't import settings from file)
Allow apps to launch other appsDisabled; only apps displayed on the Home Screen may be launched.
Allowed AppsEmpty (no applications allowed)
Application LabelSame as specified in the package manifest
URLEmpty (Don't use URL)
Application IconSame as specified in the package manifest; standard built-in icon for URLs
PasswordEmpty (no password required)
Launch on startupDisabled
Screen Contents
Overview ButtonDisabled
Power Button MenuDisabled
System InfoDisabled
Launcher Administration
Allow access to settings and exitEnabled
Administrator Password0000
Application LayoutGrid
Icon SizeSmall
Label SizeSmall
Label Color000000 (black; concatenated hexadecimal values for Red, Green, Blue)
Wallpaper ImageNone
Wallpaper SizeCenter (no stretch)
Background ColorFFFFFF (white; concatenated hexadecimal values for Red, Green, Blue)
Title Bar
Title Text SizeSmall
Title Text Color000000 (black; concatenated hexadecimal values for Red, Green, Blue)
Title Background ColorFFFFFF (white; concatenated hexadecimal values for Red, Green, Blue)