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Network Settings



  • Enable airplane mode: Enables airplane mode on the device. The default value is false.


    A manual reboot will be required before changes take effect.


  • Enable: Enables the Bluetooth radio. The default value is true.

  • Device name: The friendly name of the device (what appears when discoverable by other devices). The default value is an empty string.


    Leave blank for no change to the name.

  • Device discoverability: Enables the device to be discovered through a Bluetooth scan. The default value is false.

  • Pairing policy: Sets the policy for Bluetooth pairing. The default value is Standard. The options are:

    • Standard: Android standard experience.
    • Simple: Single user confirmation required for pairing.
    • Silent: No user confirmation required for pairing.
  • Enable whitelist: Enables silent Bluetooth pairing using the device whitelist. The default value is false.

  • Reset whitelist: Resets the Bluetooth whitelist. The default value is false.


    Reset will occur before adding new entries.

Bluetooth Device Whitelist

  • Device identifier: Identifier for device in whitelist (MAC format: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, OUI format: xx:xx:xx). The default value is an empty string.

  • Identifier type: Type of whitelist identifier. The default value is Device Name.


  • Ethernet enable: Enables the ethernet connection capability on Memor 20/30 devices. The default value is false. A manual reboot may be required for changes to take effect.

  • Use DHCP: Use DHCP for IP address of device. The default value is true.

  • IP Address: Static IP address of device. The default value is

  • Default gateway: Default gateway for internet access. The default value is

  • Subnetwork prefix length: Length of subnetwork prefix mask (0-32 bits). The default value is 24.

  • Primary DNS server: Address of primary DNS server. The default value is

  • Secondary DNS server: Address of secondary DNS server. The default value is

  • Use proxy: Use proxy addressing. The default value is false.

  • Proxy hostname: Address of proxy server. The default value is an empty string.

  • Proxy port: Proxy port number. The default value is 8080.

  • Bypass proxy for: List of addresses which should bypass use of the proxy. The default value is an empty string.

Mobile Network

  • Enable mobile data: Enables mobile data for internet access on cellular enabled devices. The default value is true.

  • Enable mobile data roaming: Enables mobile data connection when roaming on cellular enabled devices. The default value is false.

  • Delete all APN entries: Removes all currently configured APN entries. The default value is false.


    Deletion will occur before adding new entries.

  • Delete APN entries: Comma delimited list of APN name entries to delete. The default value is an empty string.


    Deletion will occur before adding new entries.

Access Point Name (APN)

  • Entry name: The APN entry name. The default value is an empty string.

  • Preferred APN: Sets this APN entry as the preferred APN. The default value is an empty string.


    Only one entry may be marked as preferred. If multiple are marked, only the final entry will persist.

  • APN: The name of the access point network. The default value is an empty string.

  • Proxy: The proxy address. The default value is an empty string.

  • Port: The proxy port number. The default value is an empty string.

  • Username: The APN username. The default value is an empty string.

  • Password: The APN password. The default value is an empty string.

  • Server: The APN server address. The default value is an empty string.

  • MMSC: The APN MMSC URL. The default value is an empty string.

  • MMS proxy: The APN MMS proxy address. The default value is an empty string.

  • MMS Port: The APN MMS proxy port number. The default value is an empty string.

  • Authentication type: The APN authentication type. The default value is an empty string.

  • APN type: The APN types, formatted as a comma delimited list. The default value is an empty string.

  • APN protocol: The APN connection protocol. The default value is IPv4.

  • Roaming protocol: The protocol to use to connect to this APN when roaming. The default value is IPv4.

Dual SIM

  • Enable SIM card slot 1: Enables SIM card slot 1. When disabled, the SIM card can't be used for calls, data, or SMS. The default value is true.

  • Enable SIM card slot 2: Enables SIM card slot 2. When disabled, the SIM card can't be used for calls, data, or SMS. The default value is true.

  • Data preference: The preferred SIM card for mobile data usage. Valid values are displayed in a single select list. The default value is SIM 1.

  • Calls preference: The preferred SIM card for voice calls. Valid values are displayed in a single select list. The default value is Ask every time.

  • SMS preference: The preferred SIM card for SMS. Valid values are displayed in a single select list. The default value is Ask every time.


  • Erase Downloaded eSIM Profiles: Erases all eSIM profiles held on the device. The default value is false.

  • Profile Nickname: The nickname to be used with an eSIM profile that is added or deleted. If left blank when adding a profile, the network provider's default name used. The default value is an empty string.

  • Activation Code: The activation code for an eSIM profile. The format is either '1$<SM-DP+ Address>$' or '1$<SM-DP+ Address><Activation Code>$'. The default value is an empty string.

  • Enable eSIM Profile: The nickname to be used with an eSIM profile that is added or deleted. If left blank when adding a profile, the network provider's default name used. The default value is an empty string.


  • NFC adapter enable: Enables the NFC adapter, allowing data to be exchanged when the device approaches another device. The default value is true.


  • Enable Wi-Fi: Enable the Wi-Fi adapter. The default vlaue is true.

  • Enable open network notification: Enables the open network notification when not connected and the scan results have an open network available. The default value is true.



For all Advanced settings (scan, module, and roaming), a reboot is required to activate the changes on the device.

Scan Settings
  • Scan interval: Sets the interval (in seconds) between scans when the device is on and disconnected. A valid value is an integer in the inclusive range of 2 to 300. The default value is 5.

  • Scan interval max: Sets the maximum interval (in seconds) between scans when the device is on and disconnected. A valid value is an integer in the inclusive range of 2 to 300. The default value is 10.

  • Connected scan interval: Sets the interval (in seconds) between scans when the device is on and connected. A valid value is an integer in the inclusive range of 2 to 300. The default value is 20.

  • Connected scan interval max: Sets the maximum interval (in seconds) between scans when the device is on and connected. A valid value is an integer in the inclusive range of 2 to 300. The default value is 160.

Module Settings
  • 802.11 mode: Selects the Wi-Fi 802.11 mode to use on the device. The default value is All enabled.

  • Band selection: Selects the Wi-Fi band the Wi-Fi module should operate within. The default value is All enabled.

  • Power save: Enables the power save mode and controls which kind of power save is used. Valid values are displayed in a single select list. The default value is Enabled.

  • MAC randomization: A boolean that enables the MAC Randomization feature, where the the original MAC address is concealed and an artificial, randomly generated MAC address is transmitted instead. The default value is false.

  • No internet expected: Sets the behavior of the device when the current Wi-Fi profile doesn't have internet connectivity. The default value is Don't reconnect.

  • Verbose Wi-Fi module logging: Enables the verbose Wi-Fi module logging for the device. The default value is true.

Roaming Settings
  • Roaming profile: Sets the roaming profile. The roaming profile has a direct impact on roaming RSSI threshold and difference. Roaming RSSI threshold and Roaming RSSI difference can only be changed if Roaming profile is set to Custom. Valid values are displayed in a single select list. The default value is Custom.


    Roaming profile must be set to Custom for any changes to the remaining Roaming Settings to have an effect.

  • Roaming RSSI threshold: Sets the signal threshold (db) for triggering the roaming procedure. When the access point signal drops under the threshold, the device will begin scanning in background for suitable networks to roam to. A valid value is an integer in the inclusive range of 10 to 120. The default value is 76.

  • Roaming RSSI difference: Sets the signal difference (db) between the current access point the device is connected to and the target access point the device wants to roam to. If the target AP signal is higher than the current by at least the value of this parameter, the device will roam. A valid value is an integer in the inclusive range of 0 to 30. The default value is 5.

  • Retry times: Setting that defines the number of retry attempts before aborting the roaming procedure. The default value is 2.

  • Recalculation interval: Setting that defines the minimum time interval between roaming threshold calculations. The default value is 7.

  • Beacon period: Setting that defines the interval beacon listening. The default value is 2.

  • Scanning stabilization time: After this time period (in seconds), the device will stop network scanning on BSSID channel. Valid values in range of 10-200. The default value is 180.

Wi-Fi Channel Selection

  • Unlock channels: Enables all Wi-Fi channels regardless of the current country-code. The current country-code is calculated by the device according to the connected AP. The default value is false.
2.4 Ghz Channels

List of channels. The default value of each channel is true. The availability of the channel depends on the current country-code.

  • Channel 1
  • Channel 2
  • Channel 3
  • Channel 4
  • Channel 5
  • Channel 6
  • Channel 7
  • Channel 8
  • Channel 9
  • Channel 10
  • Channel 11
  • Channel 12
  • Channel 13
5 Ghz Channels

List of channels. The default value of each channel is true. The availability of the channel depends on the current country-code.

  • Channel 36
  • Channel 40
  • Channel 44
  • Channel 48
  • Channel 52
  • Channel 56
  • Channel 60
  • Channel 64
  • Channel 100
  • Channel 104
  • Channel 108
  • Channel 112
  • Channel 116
  • Channel 120
  • Channel 124
  • Channel 128
  • Channel 132
  • Channel 136
  • Channel 140
  • Channel 144
  • Channel 149
  • Channel 153
  • Channel 157
  • Channel 161
  • Channel 165
  • Channel 169
  • Channel 173