The DLBarcodeMgr namespace handles the configuration and use of the device's scanner. The interface described here is found in dl_barcode.js
Function | Description |
commitProperties | Commit scanner property values. |
enableAllSymbologies | Enable/disable all symbologies. |
getMax | Get the maximum value of a scanner property. |
getMin | Get the minimum value of a scanner property. |
getProperty | Get the value of a scanner property. |
ignoreScan | Remove any callback function from the scan event. |
ignoreTimeout | Remove any callback function from the timeout event. |
isAvailable | Check if a scanner property is available. |
isInitialized | Check if the scanner service is correctly initialized. |
onScan | Attach a callback function to the scan event. |
onTimeout | Attach a callback function to the timeout event. |
setDefaults | Set scanner properties to system defaults. |
setProperties | Set the values of a list of scanner properties. |
setProperty | Set the value of a scanner property. |
startDecode | Start scanning with a given timeout. |
stopDecode | Stop any scanning currently in progress. |
Constants | Description |
DL_BARCODE_MGR_VER | The version of DLBarcodeMgr. |
BcdPropIds | Scanner property identifiers. |
SymIds | Symbology identifiers. |
BeamMode | Scan beam operating mode. |
CharacterSetMode | Character set encoding for a symbology. |
Code128Aggressiveness | Code 128 aggressiveness level. |
Code39Aggressiveness | Code 39 aggressiveness level. |
DatamatrixAggressiveness | Data Matrix aggressiveness level. |
DatamatrixMirror | Allow regular/mirror Data Matrix labels. |
DatamatrixOpMode | Data Matrix decoding mode. |
ECIPolicy | ECI transmission policy. |
IlluminationTime | Scan illumination time. |
IlluminationType | Scan illumination type. |
ImageCaptureProfile | Scanner profile for image capture. |
IntentDeliveryMode | Method for issuing intents. |
Interleaved25Aggressiveness | Interleaved 2/5 aggressiveness level. |
InverseMode | Allow regular/reverse labels. |
Isbt128Mode | Allow regular/reverse ISBT 128 labels. |
KeyWedgeMode | Method of keyboard wedge input. |
LengthControlMode | Handling of symbology length parameters. |
MsiAggressiveness | MSI aggressiveness level. |
PartialResultMode | Handling for partial multi-scan results. |
ScanMode | Scanning mode. |
SendCodeID | Code ID transmission mode. |
ToneNotificationChannel | Good read audio notification channel. |
ToneNotificationMode | Good read audio notification tone. |
UpcEanAggressiveness | UPC/EAN aggressiveness level. |
UpcEanCompositeMode | GS1 Composite transmission with UPC/EAN labels. |
commitProperties(): boolean
Commit scanner property values to persistent across a system reboot.
True if the commit was successful.
if (!DLBarcodeMgr.commitProperties()) {
alert("Error saving scanner properties.");
enableAllSymbologies(enable: boolean): boolean
Enable (or disable) all barcode symbologies.
- enable: Set true to enable all symbologies, false to disable all symbologies.
True if the property changes were successful.
if (!DLBarcodeMgr.enableAllSymbologies(false)) {
alert("Error disabling all symbologies.");
getMax(id: number): any
Get the maximum value of a scanner property.
- id: Property ID from BcdPropIds for the scanner property to query.
The maximum value of the property. The type of value returned will be Number or Boolean, depending on the property. If the property is not found or is a type that does not have a maximum (such as String), the return value is undefined
let max = DLBarcodeMgr.getMax(BcdPropIds.CODE39_LENGTH1);
getMin(id: number): any
Get the minimum value of a scanner property.
- id: Property ID from BcdPropIds for the scanner property to query.
The minimum value of the property. The type of value returned will be Number or Boolean, depending on the property. If the property is not found or is a type that does not have a maximum (such as String), the return value is undefined
let min = DLBarcodeMgr.getMin(BcdPropIds.CODE39_LENGTH1);
getProperty(id: number): any
Get the current value of a scanner property.
- id: Property ID from BcdPropIds for the scanner property to query.
The current value of the property. The type of value returned will be Number, Boolean or String depending on the property. If the property is not found, the return value is undefined
let code39Max = DLBarcodeMgr.getProperty(BcdPropIds.CODE39_LENGTH2);
ignoreScan(): boolean
Remove any callback function from the scan read event.
True if callbacks were successfully removed.
if (!DLBarcodeMgr.ignoreScan()) {
alert("Error trying to clear onScan callback.");
ignoreTimeout(): boolean
Remove any callback function from the scan timeout event.
True if callbacks were successfully removed.
if (!DLBarcodeMgr.ignoreTimeout()) {
alert("Error trying to clear onTimeout callback.");
isAvailable(id: number): boolean
Checks if the given scanner property is available (supported by the scanning device).
- id: Property ID from BcdPropIds for the scanner property to query.
True if the scanner property is available. False is returned if the property is not found.
if (DLBarcodeMgr.isAvailable(BcdPropIds.CODE39_ENABLE)) {
alert("Code 39 enable is available.");
isInitialized(): boolean
Check if the scanner service is correctly initialized (ready for use).
True if the scanner service is correctly initialized.
if (!DLBarcodeMgr.isInitialized()) {
alert("Scanner service is not ready.");
onScan(callback: (scan: {id: number, rawData: string, text: string}) => void): boolean
Attach a callback function to the scan event. Only one callback can be attached at a time. If called multiple times, only the callback from the last call to onScan() will be used.
- callback: Function to call when a scan event occurs. The callback function receives a single parameter, which is an object representing the scanned result. It contains the following properties:
- id: Symbology ID from SymIds which specifies the symbology of the scanned result.
- rawData: The raw content of the barcode label represented as a string of hexadecimal values.
- text: The content of the barcode label represented as a string.
True if the callback was successfully attached.
if (!DLBarcodeMgr.onScan(scanReceived)) {
alert("Error trying to listen for scan events.");
// Called when a barcode label is scanned.
function scanReceived(scan) {
const idStr = "Barcode ID: " + Object.keys(SymIds)[scan.id];
const dataStr = "Data: " + scan.text;
alert(idStr + "\n" + dataStr);
onTimeout(callback: () => void): boolean
Attach a callback function to the scan timeout event. Only one callback can be attached at a time. If called multiple times, only the callback from the last call to onTimeout() will be used.
- callback: Function to call when a scan timeout event occurs. The callback function receives no parameters.
True if the callback was successfully attached.
if (!DLBarcodeMgr.onTimeout(scanTimeout)) {
alert("Error trying to listen for scan timeout events.");
// Called when a scan attempt times out.
function scanTimeout() {
alert("Scan timeout.");
setDefaults(): boolean
Set scanner properties to system defaults.
True if the property changes were successful.
if (!DLBarcodeMgr.setDefaults()) {
alert("Error trying to reset scanner properties.");
setProperties(ids: Array<number>, values: Array<any>): boolean
Set the values of a list of scanner properties.
- ids: Array of property IDs from BcdPropIds which specify the scanner properties to set.
- values: Array of objects which contain the values for each property to set.
True if the property changes were successful. False is returned if the length of the input parameters do not match, or if one or more properties fail to be set.
if (!DLBarcodeMgr.setProperties(
[BcdPropIds.CODE39_ENABLE, BcdPropIds.CODE128_LENGTH1], // IDs
[true, 8]) { // Values
alert("Error trying to set scanner properties.");
setProperty(id: number, value: any): boolean
Set the value of a scanner property.
- id: Property ID from BcdPropIds for the scanner property to set.
- value: New value of the property. The type of the parameter depends on the property being set.
True if the property was successfully changed. False is returned if the property is not found.
if (!DLBarcodeMgr.setProperty(BcdPropIds.CODE39_ENABLE, true)) {
alert("Error trying to enable Code 39.");
startDecode(timeout: number): boolean
Start scanning with a given timeout.
- timeout: (Optional) The number of milliseconds to continue scanning before signalling a scan timeout event. If the parameter is not supplied, the default timeout of 5000 is used.
True if scanning was started successfully.
<button onclick="DLBarcodeMgr.startDecode()">Start Scan</button>
stopDecode(): boolean
Stop any scanning currently in progress as a result of calling startDecode().
True if scanning was stopped successfully (including if scanning was not active).
<button onclick="DLBarcodeMgr.stopDecode()">Stop Scan</button>
The version of the DLBarcodeMgr.
Scanner property identifiers. To be used with functions receiving an id
Value | Description |
AIM_ENABLE | Enable aim pattern when scanning. |
AUSTRALIAN_CODE_USER_ID | Used defined symbology identifier for Australian Postal. |
AUSTRALIAN_POST_ENABLE | Enable Australian Postal symbology. |
AZTEC_CHARACTER_SET_MODE | Character set encoding for Aztec. |
AZTEC_ENABLE | Enable Aztec symbology. |
AZTEC_LENGTH1 | First label length for Aztec. |
AZTEC_LENGTH2 | Second label length for Aztec. |
AZTEC_LENGTH_CONTROL | Defines length properties for Aztec. |
AZTEC_USER_ID | Used defined symbology identifier for Aztec. |
CODABAR_CLSI | Restrict Codabar to CLSI specifications. |
CODABAR_ENABLE | Enable Codabar symbology. |
CODABAR_ENABLE_CHECK | Enable check digit for Codabar. |
CODABAR_LENGTH1 | First label length for Codabar. |
CODABAR_LENGTH2 | Second label length for Codabar. |
CODABAR_LENGTH_CONTROL | Defines length properties for Codabar. |
CODABAR_SEND_CHECK | Transmit check digit for Codabar. |
CODABAR_SEND_START | Transmit start/stop characters for Codabar. |
CODABAR_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES | Enable reading with short quiet zones for Codabar. |
CODABAR_USER_ID | Used defined symbology identifier for Codabar. |
CODE128_AGGRESSIVENESS | Aggressiveness level for reading Code 128. |
CODE128_ENABLE | Enable Code 128 symbology. |
CODE128_GS1_ENABLE | Enable GS1-128 symbology. |
CODE128_GS1_USER_ID | Used defined symbology identifier for GS1-128. |
CODE128_LENGTH1 | First label length for Code 128. |
CODE128_LENGTH2 | Second label length for Code 128. |
CODE128_LENGTH_CONTROL | Defines length properties for Code 128. |
CODE128_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES | Enable reading with short quiet zones for Code 128. |
CODE128_USER_ID | Used defined symbology identifier for Code 128. |
CODE32_ENABLE | Enable Code 32 symbology. |
CODE32_USER_ID | Used defined symbology identifier for Code 32. |
CODE39_AGGRESSIVENESS | Aggressiveness level for reading Code 39. |
CODE39_ENABLE | Enable Code 39 symbology. |
CODE39_ENABLE_CHECK | Enable check digit for Code 39. |
CODE39_FULL_ASCII | Enable Code 39 full ASCII conversion. |
CODE39_LENGTH1 | First label length for Code 39. |
CODE39_LENGTH2 | Second label length for Code 39. |
CODE39_LENGTH_CONTROL | Defines length properties for Code 39. |
CODE39_SEND_CHECK | Transmit check digit for Code 39. |
CODE39_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES | Enable reading with short quiet zones for Code 39. |
CODE39_USER_ID | Used defined symbology identifier for Code 39. |
CODE93_ENABLE | Enable Code 93 symbology. |
CODE93_LENGTH1 | First label length for Code 93. |
CODE93_LENGTH2 | Second label length for Code 93. |
CODE93_LENGTH_CONTROL | Defines length properties for Code 93. |
CODE93_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES | Enable reading with short quiet zones for Code 93. |
CODE93_USER_ID | Used defined symbology identifier for Code 93. |
COMPOSITE_EAN_UPC_MODE | Controls UPC/EAN label recognition. |
COMPOSITE_ENABLE | Enable Composite symbology. |
COMPOSITE_GS1_128_MODE | Transmit Composite as GS1-128. |
COMPOSITE_LINEAR_TRANSMISSION_ENABLE | Enable Composite linear code transmission. |
COMPOSITE_USER_ID | Used defined symbology identifier for Composite. |
D25_ENABLE | Enable Discrete 2/5 symbology. |
D25_LENGTH1 | First label length for Discrete 2/5. |
D25_LENGTH2 | Second label length for Discrete 2/5. |
D25_LENGTH_CONTROL | Defines length properties for Discrete 2/5. |
D25_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for Discrete 2/5. |
DATAMATRIX_AGGRESSIVENESS | Aggressiveness level for reading Data Matrix. |
DATAMATRIX_CHARACTER_SET_MODE | Character set encoding for Data Matrix. |
DATAMATRIX_ENABLE | Enable Data Matrix symbology. |
DATAMATRIX_GS1_ENABLE | Enable GS1 Data Matrix symbology. |
DATAMATRIX_LENGTH1 | First label length for Data Matrix. |
DATAMATRIX_LENGTH2 | Second label length for Data Matrix. |
DATAMATRIX_LENGTH_CONTROL | Defines length properties for Data Matrix. |
DATAMATRIX_MIRROR | Control reading mirrored Data Matrix. |
DATAMATRIX_OPERATING_MODE | Data Matrix operating mode. |
DATAMATRIX_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for Data Matrix. |
DECODE_TIMEOUT | Maximum time before scanning stops. |
DIGIMARC_ENABLE | Enable Digimarc symbology. |
DISPLAY_MODE_ENABLE | Enable reading from displays/reflective surfaces. |
DISPLAY_NOTIFICATION_ENABLE | Enable display notification. |
DOTCODE_CHARACTER_SET_MODE | Character set encoding for Dot Code. |
DOTCODE_ENABLE | Enable Dot Code symbology. |
DOTCODE_LENGTH1 | First label length for Dot Code. |
DOTCODE_LENGTH2 | Second label length for Dot Code. |
DOTCODE_LENGTH_CONTROL | Defines length properties for Dot Code. |
DOTCODE_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for Dot Code. |
DOUBLE_READ_TIMEOUT | Minimum time required between reads of the same label. |
EAN13_COMPOSITE_ENABLE | Enable Composite with EAN-13. |
EAN13_ENABLE | Enable EAN_13 symbology. |
EAN13_SEND_CHECK | Transmit check digit for EAN-13. |
EAN13_SEND_SYS | Transmit system digit for EAN-13. |
EAN13_TO_ISBN | Convert EAN-13 to ISBN. |
EAN13_TO_ISSN | Convert EAN-13 to ISSN. |
EAN13_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for EAN-13. |
EAN8_COMPOSITE_ENABLE | Enable Composite with EAN-8. |
EAN8_ENABLE | Enable EAN_8 symbology. |
EAN8_SEND_CHECK | Transmit check digit for EAN-8. |
EAN8_TO_EAN13 | Expand EAN-8 to EAN-13. |
EAN8_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for EAN-8. |
EAN_EXT_ENABLE_2_DIGIT | Allow a two digit extension for UPC/EAN. |
EAN_EXT_ENABLE_5_DIGIT | Allow a five digit extension for UPC/EAN. |
EAN_EXT_REQUIRE | Require a two/five digit extension for UPC/EAN. |
ECI_POLICY | ECI transmission policy. |
EXTERNAL_FORMATTING_ENABLE | Enable external formatting service. |
GOOD_READ_AUDIO_CHANNEL | Audio channel for good read. |
GOOD_READ_AUDIO_FILE | Audio file used for good read. |
GOOD_READ_AUDIO_MODE | Audio notification mode. |
GOOD_READ_AUDIO_VOLUME | Volume of good read tone. |
GOOD_READ_COUNT | Number of good read tones per notification. |
GOOD_READ_DURATION | Duration of each good read notification. |
GOOD_READ_ENABLE | Enable good read notification. |
GOOD_READ_INTERVAL | Delay between good read notifications. |
GOOD_READ_LED_ENABLE | Enable LED notification on good read. |
GOOD_READ_VIBRATE_ENABLE | Enable vibrator notification on good read. |
GREEN_SPOT_ENABLE | Enable green spot notification on good read. |
GS1_14_ENABLE | Enable GS1 DataBar-14 symbology. |
GS1_14_GS1_128_MODE | Convert GS1 DataBar-14 to GS1-128. |
GS1_14_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for GS1 DataBar-14. |
GS1_EXP_ENABLE | Enable GS1 DataBar Extended symbology. |
GS1_EXP_GS1_128_MODE | Convert GS1 DataBar Expanded to GS1-128. |
GS1_EXP_LENGTH1 | First label length for GS1 DataBar Expanded. |
GS1_EXP_LENGTH2 | Second label length for GS1 DataBar Expanded. |
GS1_EXP_LENGTH_CONTROL | Defines length properties for GS1 DataBar Expanded. |
GS1_EXP_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for GS1 DataBar Expanded. |
GS1_LIMIT_ENABLE | Enable GS1 DataBar Limited symbology. |
GS1_LIMIT_GS1_128_MODE | Convert GS1 DataBar Limited to GS1-128. |
GS1_LIMIT_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for GS1 DataBar Limited. |
GS_SUBSTITUTION | String to replace GS characters with in label transmission. |
I25_AGGRESSIVENESS | Aggressiveness level for reading Interleaved 2/5. |
I25_ENABLE | Enable Interleaved 2/5 symbology. |
I25_ENABLE_CHECK | Enable check digit for Interleaved 2/5. |
I25_LENGTH1 | First label length for Interleaved 2/5. |
I25_LENGTH2 | Second label length for Interleaved 2/5. |
I25_LENGTH_CONTROL | Defines length properties for Interleaved 2/5. |
I25_SEND_CHECK | Transmit check digit for Interleaved 2/5. |
I25_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES | Enable reading with short quiet zones for Interleaved 2/5. |
I25_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for Interleaved 2/5. |
ILLUMINATION_ENABLE | Enable scanner illumination. |
ILLUMINATION_TIME | Scanner illumination pulse length. |
ILLUMINATION_TYPE | Scanner illumination type. |
IMAGE_CAPTURE_PROFILE | Scanner image capture profile. |
INVERSE_1D_SYMBOLOGIES | Allow inverse labels for 1D symbologies. |
INVERSE_2D_SYMBOLOGIES | Allow inverse labels for 2D symbologies. |
ISBT_128_COMMONLY_CONCATENATED_PAIRS | Allow concatenation of common concatenated pairs for ISBT 128. |
ISBT_128_ENABLE | Enable ISBT 128 symbology. |
ISBT_128_MODE | Allow inverse labels for ISBT 128. |
ISBT_128_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for ISBT 128. |
ITF14_ENABLE | Enable GS1 Interleaved 2/5 symbology. |
JAPANESE_POST_CODE_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for Japanese Postal. |
JAPANESE_POST_ENABLE | Enable Japanese Postal symbology. |
KIX_CODE_ENABLE | Enable/disable the KIX Postal symbology. |
KIX_CODE_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for KIX Postal. |
LABEL_PREFIX | String prepended to scanned result. |
LABEL_SUFFIX | String appended to scanned result. |
M25_ENABLE | Enable Matrix 2/5 symbology. |
M25_LENGTH1 | First label length for Matrix 2/5. |
M25_LENGTH2 | Second label length for Matrix 2/5. |
M25_LENGTH_CONTROL | Defines length properties for Matrix 2/5. |
M25_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES | Enable reading with short quiet zones for Matrix 2/5. |
M25_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for Matrix 2/5. |
MAXICODE_ENABLE | Enable MaxiCode symbology. |
MAXICODE_LENGTH1 | First label length for MaxiCode. |
MAXICODE_LENGTH2 | Second label length for MaxiCode. |
MAXICODE_LENGTH_CONTROL | Defines length properties for MaxiCode. |
MAXICODE_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for MaxiCode. |
MICROPDF417_CHARACTER_SET_MODE | Character set encoding for MicroPDF-417. |
MICROPDF417_ENABLE | Enable MicroPDF-417 symbology. |
MICROPDF417_LENGTH1 | First label length for MicroPDF-417. |
MICROPDF417_LENGTH2 | Second label length for MicroPDF-417. |
MICROPDF417_LENGTH_CONTROL | Defines length properties for MicroPDF-417. |
MICROPDF417_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for MicroPDF-417. |
MICRO_QR_CHARACTER_SET_MODE | Character set encoding for Micro QR Code. |
MICRO_QR_ENABLE | Enable Micro QR Code symbology. |
MICRO_QR_LENGTH1 | First label length for Micro QR Code. |
MICRO_QR_LENGTH2 | Second label length for Micro QR Code. |
MICRO_QR_LENGTH_CONTROL | Defines length properties for Micro QR Code. |
MICRO_QR_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for Micro QR Code. |
MSI_AGGRESSIVENESS | Aggressiveness level for reading MSI. |
MSI_CHECK_2_MOD_11 | Treat second MSI check digit as modulo 11. |
MSI_ENABLE | Enable MSI symbology. |
MSI_LENGTH1 | First label length for MSI. |
MSI_LENGTH2 | Second label length for MSI. |
MSI_LENGTH_CONTROL | Defines length properties for MSI. |
MSI_REQUIRE_2_CHECK | Require two check digits for MSI. |
MSI_SEND_CHECK | Transmit check digit(s) for MSI. |
MSI_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES | Enable reading with short quiet zones for MSI. |
MSI_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for MSI. |
MULTISCAN_ENABLE | Enable Multi-scan. |
MULTISCAN_NOTIFICATION_ENABLE | Notification method for Multi-scan. |
MULTISCAN_PARTIAL_RESULT_MODE | Partial result handling for Multi-scan. |
MULTISCAN_REQUIRED_LABELS | Number of required labels for Multi-scan transmission. |
OCR_CONFIDENCE | Minimum confidence for OCR algorithm. |
OCR_ENABLE | Enable Optical Character Recognition. |
OCR_ID_ENABLE | Enable reading official travel document in TD1 size. |
OCR_MULTIFRAME | Decoded frame redundancy for OCR. |
OCR_PASSPORT_ENABLE | Enable reading passport booklet in TD3 size. |
OCR_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for OCR. |
PDF417_CHARACTER_SET_MODE | Character set encoding for PDF-417. |
PDF417_ENABLE | Enable PDF-417 symbology. |
PDF417_LENGTH1 | First label length for PDF-417. |
PDF417_LENGTH2 | Second label length for PDF-417. |
PDF417_LENGTH_CONTROL | Defines length properties for PDF-417. |
PDF417_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for PDF-417. |
PICKLIST_ENABLE | Limits reading to targeted selection. |
PRESENTATION_MODE_AIMER_ENABLE | Enable aimer in presentation mode. |
PRESENTATION_MODE_ENABLE | Enable presentation mode. |
PRESENTATION_MODE_SENSITIVITY | Sensitivity in presentation mode. |
QRCODE_CHARACTER_SET_MODE | Character set encoding for QR Code. |
QRCODE_ENABLE | Enable QR Code symbology. |
QRCODE_GS1_ENABLE | Enable GS1 QR Code symbology. |
QRCODE_LENGTH1 | First label length for QR Code. |
QRCODE_LENGTH2 | Second label length for QR Code. |
QRCODE_LENGTH_CONTROL | Defines length properties for QR Code. |
QRCODE_S2D_ENABLE | Enable Scan2Deploy device configuration through QR Code. |
QRCODE_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for QR Code. |
QRCODE_WIFI_ENABLE | Enable Wi-Fi configuration through QR Code. |
REMOVE_NON_PRINTABLE_CHARS | Remove non-printable ASCII characters from label transmission. |
ROYAL_MAIL_CODE_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for Royal Mail Postal. |
ROYAL_MAIL_ENABLE | Enable Postal Royal Mail symbology. |
ROYAL_MAIL_SEND_CHECK | Transmit check digit for Royal Mail Postal. |
SCAN_MODE | Scanning mode. |
SEND_CODE_ID | Symbology identifier included in label transmission. |
TARGET_MODE | Target beam mode. |
TARGET_MODE_ENABLE | Enable target beam. |
TARGET_RELEASE_TIMEOUT | Maximum scanning time in Release Scan target beam mode. |
TARGET_TIMEOUT | Target beam timeout in Target Timeout target beam mode. |
TRIOPTIC_ENABLE | Enable Trioptic symbology. |
TRIOPTIC_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for Trioptic. |
UPCA_COMPOSITE_ENABLE | Enable Composite with UPC-A. |
UPCA_ENABLE | Enable UPC-A symbology. |
UPCA_SEND_CHECK | Transmit check digit for UPC-A. |
UPCA_SEND_SYS | Transmit system digit for UPC-A. |
UPCA_TO_EAN13 | Expand UPC-A to EAN-13. |
UPCA_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for UPC-A. |
UPCE1_ENABLE | Enable UPC-E1 variant of UPC-E. |
UPCE_COMPOSITE_ENABLE | Enable Composite with UPC-E. |
UPCE_ENABLE | Enable UPC-E symbology. |
UPCE_SEND_CHECK | Transmit check digit for UPC-E. |
UPCE_SEND_SYS | Transmit system digit for UPC-E. |
UPCE_TO_UPCA | Expand UPC-E to UPC-A. |
UPCE_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for UPC-E. |
UPC_EAN_AGGRESSIVENESS | Aggressiveness level for reading UPC/EAN. |
UPC_EAN_SHORT_QUIET_ZONES | Enable reading with short quiet zones for UPC/EAN. |
USPS_4STATE_CODE_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for USPS 4-State. |
USPS_4STATE_ENABLE | Enable USPS 4-State. |
US_PLANET_CODE_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for US Postal PLANET. |
US_POSTNET_CODE_USER_ID | User defined symbology identifier for US Postal POSTNET. |
WEDGE_INTENT_ACTION_NAME | Wedge intent action string. |
WEDGE_INTENT_CATEGORY_NAME | Wedge intent category string. |
WEDGE_INTENT_DELIVERY_MODE | Wedge intent issuing method. |
WEDGE_INTENT_ENABLE | Wedge intent mode. |
WEDGE_INTENT_EXTRA_BARCODE_DATA | Wedge intent extra data. |
WEDGE_INTENT_EXTRA_BARCODE_STRING | Wedge intent extra tag name. |
WEDGE_INTENT_EXTRA_BARCODE_TYPE | Wedge intent extra data type. |
WEDGE_KEYBOARD_DELIVERY_MODE | Keyboard wedge transmission method. |
WEDGE_KEYBOARD_ENABLE | Enable keyboard wedge. |
WEDGE_KEYBOARD_ONLY_ON_FOCUS | Enable keyboard wedge only with input focus and an IME active. |
WEDGE_WEB_ENABLE | Enable direct web browsing from scanner. |
Symbology identifiers. The callback function for onScan() receives a parameter, where the id
property is given a value from this list.
Value | Symbology |
NOT_DEFINED | Symbology is unknown |
CODE39 | Code 39 |
DISCRETE25 | Discrete 2/5 |
MATRIX25 | Matrix 2/5 |
INTERLEAVED25 | Interleaved 2/5 |
CODABAR | Codabar |
CODE93 | Code 93 |
CODE128 | Code 128 |
UPCA_ADDON2 | UPC-A with a 2-digit extension |
UPCA_ADDON5 | UPC-A with a 5-digit extension |
UPCE_ADDON2 | UPC-E with a 2-digit extension |
UPCE_ADDON5 | UPC-E with a 5-digit extension |
UPCE1 | UPC-E (E1 variant) |
UPCE1_ADDON2 | UPC-E (E1 variant) with a 2-digit extension |
UPCE1_ADDON5 | UPC-E (E1 variant) with a 5-digit extension |
EAN13 | EAN-13 |
EAN13_ADDON2 | EAN-13 with a 2-digit extension |
EAN13_ADDON5 | EAN-13 with a 5-digit extension |
EAN8 | EAN-8 |
EAN8_ADDON2 | EAN-8 with a 2-digit extension |
EAN8_ADDON5 | EAN-8 with a 5-digit extension |
GS1_14 | GS1 DataBar-14 |
GS1_LIMIT | GS1 DataBar Limited |
GS1_EXP | GS1 DataBar Expanded |
PDF417 | PDF-417 |
DATAMATRIX | Data Matrix |
MAXICODE | MaxiCode |
TRIOPTIC | Trioptic |
CODE32 | Code 32 |
MICROPDF417 | MicroPDF-417 |
QRCODE | QR Code |
AZTEC | Aztec |
POSTAL_ROYALMAIL | Royal Mail Postal |
POSTAL_AUSTRALIAN | Australian Postal |
POSTAL_JAPAN | Japanese Postal |
GS1_128 | GS1-128 |
CODE39_FULLASCII | Code 39 with Full ASCII |
EAN13_ISBN | ISBN (EAN-13) |
EAN13_ISSN | ISSN (EAN-13) |
MICRO_QR | Micro QR Code |
COMPOSITE_GS1_128_A | GS1-128 with Composite CC-A |
COMPOSITE_GS1_128_B | GS1-128 with Composite CC-B |
COMPOSITE_GS1_128_C | GS-1128 with Composite CC-C |
COMPOSITE_GS1_14_A | GS1 DataBar-14 with Composite CC-A |
COMPOSITE_GS1_14_B | GS1 DataBar-14 with Composite CC-B |
COMPOSITE_GS1_LIMIT_A | GS1 DataBar Limited with Composite CC-A |
COMPOSITE_GS1_LIMIT_B | GS1 DataBar Limited with Composite CC-B |
COMPOSITE_GS1_EXP_A | GS1 DataBar Expanded with Composite CC-A |
COMPOSITE_GS1_EXP_B | GS1 DataBar Expanded with Composite CC-B |
COMPOSITE_CC_A | Composite CC-A portion (sent after UPC/EAN) |
COMPOSITE_CC_B | Composite CC-B portion (sent after UPC/EAN) |
DOTCODE | Dot Code |
ISBT_128 | ISBT 128 |
ISBT_128_CONCATENATED | ISBT 128 concatenated from multiple labels |
GS1_DATAMATRIX | Data Matrix transmitted as GS1-128 |
OCR | Optical Character Recognition |
GS1_QRCODE | QR Code transmitted as GS1-128 |
ITF14 | Interleaved 2/5 with length of 14 |
Scan beam operating mode. Used with BcdPropIds, TARGET_MODE
Value | Description |
RELEASE_SCAN | Aiming pattern stops when hardware trigger is released. |
TARGET_TIMEOUT | Aiming pattern stops after a timeout. |
Character set encoding for a symbology. Used with BcdPropIds, <symbology>_CHARACTER_SET_MODE
Value | Description |
BIG_5 | Big5, Traditional Chinese |
EUC_CN | GB2312, EUC encoding, Simplified Chinese |
EUC_KR | KS C 5601, EUC encoding, Korean |
GB18030 | Simplified Chinese, PRC standard |
GBK | GBK, Simplified Chinese |
IBM_437 | MS-DOS United States, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa |
ISO_8859_1 | Latin Alphabet No. 1 |
ISO_8859_2 | Latin Alphabet No. 2 |
ISO_8859_3 | Latin Alphabet No. 3 |
ISO_8859_4 | Latin Alphabet No. 4 |
ISO_8859_5 | Latin/Cyrillic Alphabet |
ISO_8859_6 | Latin/Arabic Alphabet |
ISO_8859_7 | Latin/Greek Alphabet |
ISO_8859_8 | Latin/Hebrew Alphabet |
ISO_8859_9 | Latin No. 5/Turkish Alphabet |
ISO_8859_11 | Latin/Thai Alphabet |
ISO_8859_13 | Latin No. 7/Baltic Rim Alphabet |
ISO_8859_14 | Latin No. 8/Celtic Alphabet |
ISO_8859_15 | Latin Alphabet No. 9 |
SHIFT_JIS | Shift-JIS, Japanese |
UTF_8 | UTF-8 |
UTF_16 | UTF-16 |
WINDOWS_1250 | Windows Eastern European |
WINDOWS_1251 | Windows Cyrillic |
WINDOWS_1252 | Windows Latin-1 |
WINDOWS_1254 | Windows Turkish |
WINDOWS_1256 | Windows Arabic |
Code 128 aggressiveness level. Used with BcdPropIds, CODE128_AGGRESSIVENESS
Value | Description |
VERY_LOW | Least aggressive, most secure. |
LOW | Less aggressive, more secure. |
MEDIUM | Balance between performance and misreads. |
HIGH | More aggressive, less secure. |
VERY HIGH | Most aggressive, least secure; to improve ability to read labels with very poor quality. |
Code 39 aggressiveness level. Used with BcdPropIds, CODE39_AGGRESSIVENESS
Value | Description |
VERY_LOW | Least aggressive, most secure. |
LOW | Less aggressive, more secure. |
MEDIUM | Balance between performance and misreads. |
HIGH | More aggressive, less secure. |
VERY HIGH | Most aggressive, least secure; to improve ability to read labels with very poor quality. |
Data Matrix aggressiveness level. Used with BcdPropIds, DATAMATRIX_AGGRESSIVENESS
Value | Description |
LOW | Less aggressive, more secure. |
HIGH | More aggressive, less secure. |
Allow regular/mirror Data Matrix labels. Used with BcdPropIds, DATAMATRIX_MIRROR
Value | Description |
REGULAR ONLY | Only regular Data Matrix labels are allowed. |
MIRROR ONLY | Only mirrored Data Matrix labels are allowed. |
BOTH | Both regular and mirrored Data Matrix labels are allowed. |
Data Matrix decoding mode. Used with BcdPropIds, DATAMATRIX_OPERATING_MODE
Value | Description |
VERY FAST | Fastest performance, lowest security. |
FAST | Fast performance, lower security. |
ROBUST | Slower performance, higher security. |
VERY ROBUST | Slowest performance highest security. |
ECI transmission policy. Used with BcdPropIds, ECI_POLICY
Value | Description |
TRANSMIT | Transmit ECI escape sequence. |
REMOVE | Remove ECI escape sequence. |
Scan illumination time. Used with BcdPropIds, ILLUMINATION_TIME
Value | Description |
SHORT_PULSE | Illumination uses a short pulse. |
LONG_PULSE | Illumination uses a long pulse. |
Scan illumination type. Used with BcdPropIds, ILLUMINATION_TYPE
Value | Description |
AUTO | Illumination type is selected per the enabled symbologies. |
RED | Red illumination is used. |
WHITE | White illumination is used. |
Scanner profile for image capture. Used with BcdPropIds, IMAGE_CAPTURE_PROFILE
Value | Description |
AUTOMATIC_BY_ENABLED_SYMBOLOGIES | Capture frames per the enabled symbologies. |
MOTION_TOLERANCE | Capture frames based on motion. |
REFLECTIONS_TOLERANCE | Capture frames based on possible reflections. |
Method for issuing intents. Used with BcdPropIds, WEDGE_INTENT_DELIVERY_MODE
Value | Description |
START_ACTIVITY | Intent issued via StartActivity. |
START_SERVICE | Intent issued via StartService. |
BROADCAST | Intent issued as broadcast intent. |
Interleaved 2/5 aggressiveness level. Used with BcdPropIds, I25_AGGRESSIVENESS
Value | Description |
VERY_LOW | Least aggressive, most secure. |
LOW | Less aggressive, more secure. |
MEDIUM | Balance between performance and misreads. |
HIGH | More aggressive, less secure. |
VERY HIGH | Most aggressive, least secure; to improve ability to read labels with very poor quality. |
Allow regular/reverse labels. Used with BcdPropIds, INVERSE_1D_SYMBOLOGIES
Value | Description |
REGULAR ONLY | Only read regular labels. |
REVERSE ONLY | Only read reverse labels. |
BOTH | Read both regular and reverse labels. |
Allow regular/reverse ISBT 128 labels. Used with BcdPropIds, ISBT_128_MODE
Value | Description |
REGULAR ONLY | Only read regular labels. |
REVERSE ONLY | Only read reverse labels. |
BOTH | Read both regular and reverse labels. |
Method of keyboard wedge input. Used with BcdPropIds, WEDGE_KEYBOARD_DELIVERY_MODE
Value | Description |
TEXT_INJECTION | Inject the data, as text, directly in the text area. |
KEY_PRESSURE | Emulate the typing of keyboard keys. |
COMMIT_TEXT | Inject printable characters, as text, directly in the text area and emulate the typing of keyboard keys for non-printable characters. |
Handling of symbology length parameters. Used with BcdPropIds, <symbology>_LENGTH_CONTROL
Value | Description |
NONE | No length check is performed. |
ONE_FIXED | Only labels with fixed LENGTH1 value will be allowed. |
TWO_FIXED | Only labels with fixed LENGTH1 or LENGTH2 will be allowed. |
RANGE | Only labels with length between LENGTH1 and LENGTH2 (inclusive) will be allowed. |
MSI aggressiveness level. Used with BcdPropIds, MSI_AGGRESSIVENESS
Value | Description |
VERY_LOW | Least aggressive, most secure. |
LOW | Less aggressive, more secure. |
MEDIUM | Balance between performance and misreads. |
HIGH | More aggressive, less secure. |
VERY HIGH | Most aggressive, least secure; to improve ability to read labels with very poor quality. |
Handling for partial multi-scan results. Used with BcdPropIds, MULTISCAN_PARTIAL_RESULT_MODE
Value | Description |
NEVER | Partial results are never returned. |
TIMEOUT | Partial results are returned only after a timeout. |
RELEASE | Partial results are returned only after the trigger is released. |
BOTH | Partial results are returned after a timeout or the trigger is released. |
Scanning mode. Used with BcdPropIds, SCAN_MODE
Value | Description |
SINGLE | Scan a single label. |
HOLD_MULTIPLE | Scan multiple labels until the trigger is released. Scan timeout is measured from the last good read. |
PULSE_MULTIPLE | Same as HOLD_MULTIPLE, but scanning stops when trigger is released and pressed again. |
ALWAYS_ON | Scan multiple labels continuously. Stops when mode is changed. Note that scanner properties cannot be changed while in this mode. |
Symbology ID transmission mode. Used with BcdPropIds, SEND_CODE_ID
Value | Description |
DATALOGIC_IDENTIFIER_BEFORE_LABEL | Datalogic ID before label data |
DATALOGIC_IDENTIFIER_AFTER_LABEL | Datalogic ID after label data |
NONE | Label data transmitted with no identifier. |
Good read audio notification channel. Used with BcdPropIds, GOOD_READ_AUDIO_CHANNEL
Value | Description |
SCANNER | Scanner audio channel. Volume controlled by GOOD_READ_AUDIO_VOLUME property. |
MUSIC | Music audio channel. Volume controlled by both channel and GOOD_READ_AUDIO_VOLUME property. |
VOICE_CALL | Voice call audio channel. Volume controlled by both channel and GOOD_READ_AUDIO_VOLUME property. |
ALARM | Alarm audio channel. Volume controlled by both channel and GOOD_READ_AUDIO_VOLUME property. |
RING | Phone ring audio channel. Volume controlled by both channel and GOOD_READ_AUDIO_VOLUME property. |
Good read audio notification tone. Used with BcdPropIds, GOOD_READ_AUDIO_MODE
Value | Description |
NONE | Turn off audio notifications. |
BEEP | Play a simple beep. |
AUDIO_FILE | Play the audio file specified by GOOD_READ_AUDIO_FILE property. |
VIPER | Play Viper beep sound. |
BAROQUE | Play Baroque beep sound. |
UPC/EAN aggressiveness level. Used with BcdPropIds, UPC_EAN_AGGRESSIVENESS
Value | Description |
VERY_LOW | Least aggressive, most secure. |
LOW | Less aggressive, more secure. |
MEDIUM | Balance between performance and misreads. |
HIGH | More aggressive, less secure. |
VERY HIGH | Most aggressive, least secure; to improve ability to read labels with very poor quality. |
Composite label transmission with UPC/EAN labels. Used with BcdPropIds, COMPOSITE_EAN_UPC_MODE
Value | Description |
AUTO | Transmit UPC/EAN label, followed by Composite CC-A or CC-B label, if found. |
ALWAYS_LINKED | Transmit UPC/EAN label only if Composite CC-A or CC-B is also found. |
NEVER_LINKED | Never transmit UPC/EAN label with Composite CC-A or CC-B label. |