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Sample Apps

GitHub Repository

To download the Samples source code, please click here (.zip) or visit the page Datalogic SDK GitHub.

Pre-compiled APKs are available in releases.

Kotlin Samples

DecodeConfigSampleAPIConfigures device scanner settings using ScannerProperties..apk
DecodeHTTPSampleControl and communicate with the scanner device using HTTP GET requests..apk
DecodeIntentPasses scanned barcode data to different intents..apk
DecodeListenerUses BarcodeManager to display scanned barcode label..apk
DecodeListenerAltExample of using SDK manager instead of gradle to include the Datalogic SDK in a project.-
DecodeSampleAPIDisplay barcodes, enable/disable symbologies and register/release listeners..apk
DeviceSampleAPIView and manage system settings..apk

Java Samples

BarCodeScannerHTML5Uses local html page to start/control decoder..apk
ConfigurationManagerUses the ConfigurationManager to configure the device.-
CradleAppUses Self-shopping APIs to control the locking cradle..apk
DecodeConfigUses BarcodeManager to configure the decoder properties..apk
DecodeHTTPControl and communicate with the scanner device using HTTP GET requests..apk
DecodeIntentPasses scanned barcode data to different intents..apk
DecodeListenerUses BarcodeManager to display scanned barcode label..apk
DecodeDisplay barcodes, enable/disable symbologies and register/release listeners..apk
DeviceView and manage system settings..apk
JoyaTouchCradleConfigure/Control scanner cradle including locking..apk
SecondDisplayUses the SecondDisplay API to control the Memor 20's second display.-
ZXingZebra Crossing library sample.apk