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4 posts tagged with "launcher"

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Datalogic Launcher 1.2.3

· One min read


  • Updated to support Android 13
  • If the default browser for the device is changed after Launcher is started, the new selection will be respected when launching URLs.

Corrected Defects

  • If the default browser for the device is not specified, Launcher will automatically choose one to use for launching URLs.
  • Improved the ability to read wallpaper images from the Download folder on Android 11+.
  • When editing allowed apps, setting a label to blank will revert to displaying the name specified in the package.
  • Global Actions Dialog renamed to Power Button Menu

Datalogic Launcher

· One min read

New Features

  • Locked down operation
    • You can now allow apps to launch any other app, even if it is not displayed on the Home Screen.
    • Launching apps from the Home Screen can now be protected with a password.
  • Configuration.
    • Settings can now be exported to a file, which can then be imported on another device using Scan2Deploy Studio (or EMM). (Available on newer firmware images. See table here.)
    • Resetting settings to defaults is now protected with a confirmation dialog.
  • Home Screen appearance
    • A title bar may be added to the Home Screen
      • The title can include device variables, such as serial number and device name.
      • The appearance (text size, foreground/background color) of the title bar can be configured.
    • The text color for icon labels can now be configured.

Datalogic Launcher

· One min read

Datalogic Launcher is now available. It is an Android application used to lock down the device to launch only allowed applications. It can also limit access to several system device features, such as the Overview button (for switching apps) and the Global Actions dialog (for restarting the device). Once started, it behaves as the device Home screen (when you tap the Home button). You can access the documentation here.

The features available in the initial release are:

  • Locked down device
    • Presents screen listing limited apps available for launch.
    • System features (such as notification and system status) can be disabled.
    • Configuration (and exit) protected by Admin password.
  • Launching apps
    • Can launch APK or Web page (via URL).
    • UI appearance of app listing can be configured (labels, icons, layout, wallpaper).
  • External control
    • Configurable from device, Scan2Deploy Studio or EMM console.