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3 posts tagged with "xamarin"

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· 3 min read

Xamarin SDK 1.29.8975 is now ready to download. You can access the documentation here. The online API documentation is available here. And you can see the package on NuGet here.

The MAJOR and MINOR version numbers of the Datalogic Xamarin SDK track the version numbers of the Datalogic Android SDK, i.e. Xamarin SDK v1.29.x contains all of the features available in Android SDK v1.29. Therefore, this update includes all the new features introduced in the Datalogic Android SDK from version 1.22 all the way up through version 1.29.

· 4 min read

Xamarin SDK 1.22.4648 is now ready to download. You can access the documentation here. The online API documentation is available here. And you can see the package on NuGet here. We did release version 1.21-3280-alpha earlier this year, but as far as official release builds, the last release was version 1.5.88 back in January 2018, so this update is long overdue!

The MAJOR and MINOR version numbers of the Datalogic Xamarin SDK track the version numbers of the Datalogic Android SDK, i.e. Xamarin SDK v1.22.x contains all of the features available in Android SDK v1.22. Therefore, this update includes all the new features introduced in the Datalogic Android SDK from version 1.6 all the way up through version 1.22.