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5 posts tagged with "wifi-guard"

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Datalogic WiFi Guard 1.20.1

· One min read


The application requires the following minimum firmware versions:

DeviceMinimum firmware version
Skorpio X52.08.044
Memor 201.07.01


  • Support for Dark Mode

Corrected defects

  • The start of data collection is now blocked if Location Services are disabled.
  • Ping parameter input now limits the number of characters you may enter.
  • Statistics graph prevents swiping to change tabs after you rotate the screen.

Datalogic WiFi Guard 1.10.3

· One min read


The application requires the following minimum firmware versions:

DeviceMinimum firmware version
Skorpio X52.08.044
Memor 201.07.01


  • Datalogic WiFi Guard is now supported on Memor 20.
  • Improved automatic pan/zoom when graphing to keep data visible and maximize use of the screen.
  • Added checks for disabled Wi-Fi before attempting data collection.
  • Improved Ping error reporting for an unreachable destination.
  • Improved color contrast for data series.

Corrected defects

  • Statistics graph displays the correct RSSI Roaming Threshold setting.
  • Graph Storage buttons are not always disabled with an empty graph.
  • Corrected miscellaneous graphing display issues:
    • Axis labels may overlap.
    • Corrected scale used when loading Statistics graph files.
    • Connected AP indicator in the legend does not update when it changes.

Datalogic WiFi Guard 1.00.1

· One min read

Datalogic WiFi Guard is now available. It is an Android application designed to collect information on a Wi-Fi network. It also contains tools to assist in improving network performance and diagnosing connection problems. You can access the documentation here.

The features available in the initial release are:

  • Ping utility with graph
    • Configurable parameters for destination, interval, packet size and TTL
  • RSSI statistics graph
    • Save/Load graph data in a CSV file and share it with other applications (such as e-mail)
    • CSV files can be imported into a spreadsheet for viewing on a PC
  • List of network scan results
    • View access point configuration details
  • Channel usage graph
    • Display bandwidth and potential overlap in all available bands
  • Interactive controls for graph display
    • Zoom and pan of graph data
    • Configurable SSID filter of results
    • Toggle the display of individual AP data