JPOS Device Registry Reference
This document covers the JavaPOS device registry that is utilized by the OMG JavaPOS Reference (JPOS) and by Datalogic JavaPOS. The device registry is held in a variety of formats of files, however, Datalogic has chosen to use the XML version rather than a binary version of the device registry. The format and content of the device registry are controlled by the JPOS implementation and are loaded using the JavaPOS Config Loader library (JCL).
Application Developers are expected to maintain their own jpos.xml registry. An example jpos.xml file containing example Datalogic device entries is installed with Datalogic JavaPOS. Developers are expected to create unique jpos.xml files for their implementation tailored to the specific devices that the application expects to support.
File Format
The jpos.xml device registry is a standard XML document and must begin with a standard document preamble as illustrated below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE JposEntries PUBLIC "-//JavaPOS//DTD//EN"
Following the standard preamble the document is comprised of a single JposEntries element containing a JposEntry element for each device that an application expects to support:
JposEntry Elements
The JposEntry element is used to denote a new device configuration for the JavaPOS Configuration Loader (JCL). The JposEntry element must contain a logicalName attribute which is referred to to access the element in JavaPOS. This logicalName is the same logicalName that is passed to the open method of a Scanner instance.
<JposEntry logicalName="MyDeviceName">
Each JposEntry element must contain four child elements and as many device specific prop child elements as are needed. The following elements must appear as children of a JposEntry element.
- creation
- vendor
- jpos
- product
The creation element is used to denote which factory and service classes are used to instantiate the device. The creation element must contain a factoryClass and serviceClass attribute defining a fully-qualified class name to use for instantiation.
Scanner Devices
For Datalogic scanning devices, use com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerInstanceFactory as a factoryClass and com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerService as a serviceClass.
<JposEntry logicalName="MyDeviceName">
<creation factoryClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerInstanceFactory" serviceClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerService"/>
Scale Devices
For Datalogic scale devices, use com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScaleInstanceFactory as a factoryClass and com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScaleService as a serviceClass.
<JposEntry logicalName="MyDeviceName">
<creation factoryClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScaleInstanceFactory" serviceClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScaleService"/>
Portal Scanner Devices
For Datalogic Portal Scanner devices, use com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerInstanceFactory as a factoryClass and com.dls.jpos.service.DLSPortalScannerService as a serviceClass.
<JposEntry logicalName="MyDeviceName">
<creation factoryClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerInstanceFactory" serviceClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSPortalScannerService"/>
RFID Scanner Devices
For Datalogic RFID Scanner devices, use com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerInstanceFactory as a factoryClass and com.dls.jpos.service.DLSRFIDScannerService as a serviceClass.
<JposEntry logicalName="MyDeviceName">
<creation factoryClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerInstanceFactory" serviceClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSRFIDScannerService"/>
The vendor element is used to assign a vendor name and URL to a device profile. The vendor element contains a name and url attribute assigning each respectively.
<JposEntry logicalName="MyDeviceName">
<creation factoryClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerInstanceFactory" serviceClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerService"/>
<vendor name="Datalogic USA, Inc." url=""/>
The jpos element is used to assign category and UPOS version information to a device profile. The category attribute is used to denote a JPOS Device Category to the device profile. The version attribute is used to denote the applicable UPOS Specification version that applies to the device.
Datalogic devices support the following categories:
- Scanner
- Scale
- PortalScanner
- RFIDScanner
Datalogic devices are compliant with the following UPOS versions:
- 1.13
- 1.14 (current)
<JposEntry logicalName="MyDeviceName">
<creation factoryClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerInstanceFactory" serviceClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerService"/>
<vendor name="Datalogic USA, Inc." url=""/>
<jpos category="Scanner" version="1.14"/>
The product element is used to assign branded product information to a device profile. The name attribute is used to assign a branded name to the device. The description attribute is used to assign a branded description to the device. The url attribute is used to assign a branded URL to the device.
<JposEntry logicalName="MyDeviceName">
<creation factoryClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerInstanceFactory" serviceClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerService"/>
<vendor name="Datalogic USA, Inc." url=""/>
<jpos category="Scanner" version="1.14"/>
<product name="Flatbed Scanner" description="My 9800i on Lane 1" url="">
Datalogic General Property elements
Custom PowerScan 8XXX series devices only
The 8xxx property is used to denote whether a device is a custom PowerScan Series 8XXX. This property is used only in specific customer instances where a custom PowerScan 8xxx is used. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may be either True or False.
<prop name="8xxx" type="String" value="True"/>
Custom PowerScan 9XXX series devices only
The 9xxx property is used to denote whether a device is a custom PowerScan Series 9XXX. This property is used only in specific customer instances where a custom PowerScan 9xxx is used. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may be either True or False.
<prop name="9xxx" type="String" value="True"/>
USB-COM and Serial devices only
The autoSearchCOM property is used to denote whether to automatically search the COM ports for a device. When this property is set to True, the COM ports will be sequentially searched for a device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may be either True or False.
<prop name="autoSearchCOM" type="String" value="True"/>
USB-COM and Serial devices only
The baudRate property is used to denote the baud rate for a USB-COM or Serial device. The type attribute is alwaus set to String and the value attribute must contain a number indicating the baud rate of the device. The default value is 9600.
<prop name="baudRate" type="String" value="9600"/>
The configOnClaim property is used to denote whether to send device configuration commands (0x20) to the device on claim. Setting this property to True results in configuration items being sent to the device when claim is performed. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may be either True or False.
<prop name="configOnClaim" type="String" value="False"/>
The configWithDIO property is used to denote whether to configure a device using Direct I/O commands. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may be either True or False.
<prop name="configWithDIO" type="String" value="True"/>
USB-COM and Serial devices only
The dataBits property is used to denote the number of data bits to use during serial communications. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain 5, 6, 7 or 8. The default value is 8.
<prop name="dataBits" type="String" value="8"/>
The dataPrefix property is used to denote a prefix framing character for data packets during communication. The dataPrefix defaults to an empty string meaning that data is typically not framed with framing characters. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain the ASCII value of the character to use as a data prefix character.
<prop name="dataPrefix" type="String" value=""/>
The dataSuffix property is used to denote a suffix framing character for data packets during communication. The dataSuffix defaults to an empty string meaning that data is typically not framed within framing characters. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain the ASCII value of the character to use as a data suffix character.
<prop name="dataSuffix" type="String" value=""/>
The decodeType property is used to denote whether to use Standard or Warhol decoding. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either standard or warhol.
<prop name="decodeType" type="String" value="standard"/>
The deviceBus property is used to denote which device bus to use to communicate with the device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain one of the following values:
- RS232
- Bluetooth
Not all Datalogic devices support every type of bus. Consult your device documentation to determine if a particular bus is supported.
<prop name="deviceBus" type="String" value="USB"/>
The deviceClass property is used to denote the class of a particular device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain one of the following values:
- USBHHScanner
- USBScanner
- USBScale
- RS232HHScanner
- RS232Scanner
- RS232Scale
- SCRS232Scanner
- SCRS232Scale
- DLADCPortalScanner
- BluetoothScanner
- RFIDScanner
Care must be taken to ensure that the correct deviceClass is used.
<prop name="deviceClass" type="String" value="USBScanner"/>
The deviceDescription property is used to denote the description of a particular device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute contains a description for the device.
<prop name="deviceDescription" type="String" value="DLS Magellan RS232 Scale"/>
The deviceName property is used to denote the name of a particular device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute contains the name of the device.
<prop name="deviceName" type="String" value="DLS Magellan RS232 Scale"/>
The disableOnExit property is used to denote whether a device is disabled when exiting. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may be either True or False.
<prop name="disableOnExit" type="String" value="False"/>
USB-COM and Serial devices only
This functionality is not currently supported in JavaPOS. RTS is the only supported flow control at the time of writing. This property has no function.
The flowControl property is used to denote the type of serial flow control that is utilized when communicating with a serial device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should be None, Xon/Xoff or Cts/Rts. The default value is Xon/Xoff.
<prop name="flowControl" type="String" value="Xon/Xoff"/>
The HDLRecordTimeout property is used to denote the number of milliseconds to wait for an ACK response after sending a record to a device during a Host Download. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should be a number indicating the number of milliseconds to wait for an ACK response. The default value is 60000 (60 seconds).
<prop name="HDLRecordTimeout" type="String" value="65000"/>
Datalogic Portal Scanner Devices only
The imageBuffer property is used to denote the number of image buffers for a Portal Scanner device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should be a number indicating the image buffers. The default value is 1.
<prop name="imageBuffers" type="String" value="1"/>
Datalogic Portal Scanner Devices only
The ipAddress property is used to denote the IP Address of a Portal Scanner device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain the IP address of the device.
<prop name="ipAddress" type="String" value=""/>
Datalogic Portal Scanner Devices only
The ipPort property is used to denote the TCP/IP Port number of a Portal Scanner device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain the port number of the device.
<prop name="ipPort" type="String" value="23959"/>
The jposVersion property is used to denote the JPOS version of a device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain the JPOS version of the device.
The laneNumber property is used to denote a lane number for a particular device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain a number indicating the lane of the device. The default value is 0.
<prop name="laneNumber" type="String" value="0"/>
The logicalFlashName property is used to denote the logical flash name of a device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain the logical flash name of the device. The default value is DLS-USB-Flash. This default value is contingient on the branding configuration and may appear with the branding prefix rather than DLS.
<prop name="logicalFlashName" type="String" value="DLS-USB-Flash"/>
The MBeansEnabled property is used to denote whether the device supports integration with Java Remote Management using JMX and MBeans. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="MBeansEnabled" type="String" value="False"/>
USB-COM and Serial devices only
The parity property is used to denote the parity to utilize during serial communications. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may be one of: None, Even, Odd, Space or Mark. The default value is None.
<prop name="parity" type="String" value="Even"/>
USB-COM and Serial devices only
The portName property is used to denote the serial port to attach to a device. Depending on the host operating system, this property may indicate a numeric port, a COM port or a physical path to a device mapped serial port. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute is set to either a COM port number, a COM port specification, or a device path to a serial port. When using USB-COM and virtual port mapping, the value attribute is ignored. The default value is 1.
<prop name="portName" type="String" value="1"/>
<prop name="portName" type="String" value="/dev/ttyS0"/>
The productDescription property is used to denote a product description for a given device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain a product description of the device. This attribute is rarely used as the product element is preferred.
The productId property is used to denote a USB product id (PID) for a given device. The type attribue is always set to String and the value attribute should contain the USB product id for the device expressed as a Hexadecimal (Base-16) number.
<prop name="productId" type="String" value="1216"/>
The productName property is used to denote a product name for a given device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain a product name for the device. This attribute is rarely used as the product element is preferred.
The productURL property is used to denote a product URL for a given device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain a product URL for the device. This attribute is rarely used as the product element is preferred.
USB-COM and Serial devices only
The rxPrefix property is used to denote a framing character for received packets during communication. If a framing character is specified, all received packets are expected to begin with the specified framing character. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain the ASCII value of the character to use as a framing prefix character expressed as Hexadecimal (Base-16). The default value is 53 ("S").
<prop name="rxPrefix" type="String" value="53"/>
USB-COM and Serial devices only
The rxTrailer property is used to denote a framing character for received packets during communication. If a framing character is specified, all received packets are expected to end with the specified framing character. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain the ASCII value of the character to use as a framing suffix character expressed as Hexadecimal (Base-16). The default value is 0D (linefeed).
<prop name="rxTrailer" type="String" value="0D"/>
Serial devices only
The singleCable property is used to denote whether a device uses Single-cable RS-232 for communication. This property should only be set to True for Single-cable RS-232 devices using the appropriate cable. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="singleCable" type="String" value="True"/>
USB-COM and Serial devices only
The stopBits property is used to denote the number of stop bits used during serial communication. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either 1 or 2. The default value is 1.
<prop name="stopBits" type="String" value="1"/>
USB-COM and Serial devices only
The txPrefix property is used to denote a framing character for transmitted packets during communication. If a framing character is specified, all transmitted packets are expected to begin with the specified framing character. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain the ASCII value of the character to use as a framing prefix character expressed as Hexadecimal (Base-16). The default value is 53 ("S").
<prop name="txPrefix" type="String" value="53"/>
USB-COM and Serial devices only
The txTrailer property is used to denote a framing character for transmitted packets during communication. If a framing character is specified, all transmitted packets are expected to end with the specified framing character. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain the ASCII value of the character to use as a framing suffix character expressed as Hexadecimal (Base-16). The default value is 0D (linefeed).
<prop name="txTrailer" type="String" value="0D"/>
The usage property is used to denote a USB endpoint for connecting to a USB device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain the address of the USB endpoint to connect to the device expressed as a Hexadecimal (Base-16) number.
Datalogic devices typically use either 4A00 or 4B00 as endpoint addresses.
<prop name="usage" type="String" value="4b00"/>
USB-COM and Serial devices only
The useBCC property is used to denote whether to transmit a Block Check Character (BCC) at the end of serial transmissions. When the useBCC property is set to True, each transmitted packet is framed with the txPrefix and txTrailer framing characters and then a Block Check Character is computed and appended after the txTrailer. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="useBCC" type="String" value="False"/>
The useBluetoothDongle property is used to denote whether a device uses a Bluetooth Dongle. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may be either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="useBluetoothDongle" type="String" value="True"/>
Linux only
USB-COM and Serial devices only
The useCOMxOnLinux property is used to denote whether to use a COM Port name such as COM1 on Linux. When this property is set to True, the value of the portName property element will be used as a COM port if the value contains "COM". This should not be used if ACM (ex: ttyACM0) or Serial device mappings (ex: ttyS0) are to be used. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="useCOMxOnLinux" type="String" value="True"/>
Windows only
USB-COM and Serial devices only
The useVirtualPort property is used to denote whether to use the Datalogic USB-COM driver assiged virtual COM port for communication with the device. Setting this property to True will result in JavaPOS searching the Windows Registry for the location of the virtual COM port assigned to the device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="useVirtualPort" type="String" value="True"/>
Linux only
USB-COM and Serial devices only
The useSymbolicLink property is used to denote whether to use a symbolic link to connect to a USB-COM device on Linux. If the property is set to True, the value of the portName property will be dereferenced as a symbolic link and used for connecting to the device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may be either True or False.
<prop name="useSymbolicLink" type="String" value="True"/>
USB devices only
The vendorId property is used to denote the USB Vendor Id of a device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain a USB Vendor Id expressed as a Hexadecimal (Base-16) number.
<prop name="vendorId" type="String" value="05f9"/>
The vendorName property is used to denote the Vendor name of a specific device. When a device contains a vendorName property, the value of that property will be used to populate different elements of a statistics dataset. The caption and manufacturer name properties will be assigned the value of the vendorName property. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain a vendor name for the device.
<prop name="vendorName" type="String" value="Datalogic USA, Inc."/>
Windows only
The WMIEnabled property is used to denote whether a device is to be managed using the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). When the WMIEnabled property is set to True, JavaPOS will create a .MOF file each time that a device is claimed or statistics are gathered. The file will be compiled with the current WMI implementation. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="WMIEnabled" type="String" value="True"/>
Datalogic Scanner Property elements
The following property elements apply to Datalogic Scanner devices only. Each listed property is vendor-specific and pertains to Datalogic devices.
The beepDuration property is used to denote the length of beeps produced by a device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain a number from 0 to 3 indicating the length of beeps produced by the device. The default value is 1.
<prop name="beepDuration" type="String" value="2"/>
The beepFrequency property is used to denote the frequency of beeps produced by a device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain a number from 0 to 3 indicating the frequency of beeps produced by the device. The default value is 2.
<prop name="beepFrequency" type="String" value="1"/>
The beepVolume property is used to denote the volume of beeps produced by a device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain a number from 0 to 3 indicating the volume of beeps produced by the device. The default value is 2.
<prop name="beepVolume" type="String" value="1"/>
Bluetooth Scanner devices only
The bluetoothDelayStatistics property is used to denote whether to delay before retrieving statistics from a Bluetooth Scanner device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="bluetoothDelayStatistics" type="String" value="True"/>
Bluetooth Scanner devices only
The bluetoothScannerAlwaysEnabled property is used to denote whether a Bluetooth Scanner device is always in the Enabled state. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="bluetoothScannerAlwaysEnabled" type="String" value="True"/>
The canAcceptStatisticsCmd property is used to denote whether a Scanner device can accept the Information, Health and Statistics commands. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="canAcceptStatisticsCmd" type="String" value="True"/>
The canCompareFirmwareVersion property is used to denote whether a Scanner device can compare firmware version. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="canCompareFirmwareVersion" type="String" value="True"/>
The canNotifyPowerChange property is used to denote whether a Scanner device can deliver power management notifications. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="canNotifyPowerChange" type="String" value="True"/>
The canProgramConfigOnClaim property is used to denote whether a Scanner device can program configuration items during the Claim process. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="canProgramConfigOnClaim" type="String" value="True"/>
The canUpdateFirmware property is used to denote whether a Scanner device can perform a Firmware Update using Host Download. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="canUpdateFirmware" type="String" value="True"/>
Portal Scanner devices only
The deleteImageFileAfterRead property is used to denote whether to delete images from a Portal Scanner device after reading them. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is True.
<prop name="deleteImageFileAfterRead" type="String" value="False"/>
The doubleReadTimeout property is used to denote which double-read timeout a Scanner device uses. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain a number between 0 and 3 indicating which double-read timeout to use. The default value is 2.
<prop name="doubleReadTimeout" type="String" value="1"/>
The enable2DigitSups property is used to denote whether to support EAN-13 with 2-digit supplements on a Scanner device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="enable2DigitSups" type="String" value="True"/>
The enable4DigitPriceCheckDigit property is used to denote whether to support a 4-digit Price Check Digit on a Scanner device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="enable4DigitPriceCheckDigit" type="String" value="True"/>
The enable5DigitPriceCheckDigit property is used to denote whether to support a 5-digit Price Check Digit on a Scanner device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="enable5DigitPriceCheckDigit" type="String" value="True"/>
The enable5DigitSups property is used to denote whether to support EAN-13 with 5-digit supplements on a Scanner device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="enable5DigitSups" type="String" value="True"/>
The enableBarCodeProgramming property is used to denote whether a Scanner device can be programmed using special programming labels. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is True.
<prop name="enableBarCodeProgramming" type="String" value="False"/>
The enableCodabar property is used to denote whether a Scanner device supports codabar. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is True.
<prop name="enableCodabar" type="String" value="False"/>
The enableCode128 property is used to denote whether a Scanner device supports Code-128. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is True.
<prop name="enableCode128" type="String" value="False"/>
The enableCode128Sups property is used to denote whether a Scanner device supports Code-128 Supplements. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="enableCode128Sups" type="String" value="True"/>
The enableCode39 property is used to denote whether a Scanner device supports Code-39. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is True.
<prop name="enableCode39" type="String" value="False"/>
The enableCode39CheckDigit property is used to denote whether a Scanner device supports using a check-digit with Code-39. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="enableCode39CheckDigit" type="String" value="True"/>
The enableCode93 property is used to denote whether a Scanner supports Code-93. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is True.
<prop name="enableCode93" type="String" value="False"/>
The enableEANJAN2LabelDecode property is used to denote whether a Scanner supports EAN/JAN2 Label decoding. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="enableEANJAN2LabelDecode" type="String" value="True"/>
The enableGoodReadBeep property is used to denote whether a Scanner will beep when a good read has occurred. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is True.
<prop name="enableGoodReadBeep" type="String" value="False"/>
The enableInterleaved property is used to denote whether a Scanner device supports interleaving. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is True.
<prop name="enableInterleaved" type="String" value="False"/>
The enableITFCheckDigit property is used to denote whether a Scanner device supports an ITF check-digit. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="enableITFCheckDigit" type="String" value="True"/>
The enableLaserOnOffSwitch property is used to denote whether a Scanner device supports a Laser On/Off switch. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is True.
<prop name="enableLaserOnOffSwitch" type="String" value="False"/>
The enableUCCEAN128 property is used to denote whether a Scanner device supports the UCC/EAN-128 symbology. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is True.
<prop name="enableUCCEAN128" type="String" value="False"/>
The enableUPCACheckDigit property is used to denote whether a Scanner device supports using a check-digit with the UPC-A symbology. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="enableUPCACheckDigit" type="String" value="True"/>
The enableUPCAtoEAN13Expansion property is used to denote whether a Scanner device supports UPC-A to EAN-13 label expansion. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="enableUPCAtoEAN13Expansion" type="String" value="True"/>
The enableUPCD1D5 property is used to denote whether a Scanner device supports the UPC D1-D5 symbology. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is True.
<prop name="enableUPCD1D5" type="String" value="False"/>
The enableUPCEAN property is used to denote whether a Scanner device supports the UPC / EAN symbology. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is True.
<prop name="enableUPCEAN" type="String" value="False"/>
The enableUPCECheckDigit property is used to denote whether a Scanner device supports a UPC-E check-digit. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="enableUPCECheckDigit" type="String" value="True"/>
The enableUPCEtoEAN13Expansion property is used to denote whether a Scanner device supports UPC-E to EAN-13 label expansion. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="enableUPCEtoEAN13Expansion" type="String" value="True"/>
The enableUPCEtoUPCAExpansion property is used to denote whether a Scanner device supports UPC-E to UPC-A label expansion. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="enableUPCEtoUPCAExpansion" type="String" value="True"/>
The enableVolumeSwitch property is used to denote whether a volume switch is present or enabled on a Scanner device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is True.
<prop name="enableVolumeSwitch" type="String" value="False"/>
The extendedHostTimeout property is used to denote the amount of time to wait between sending a command and receiving a reply from a Scanner Unit expressed in milliseconds. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain a number indicating the number of milliseconds to wait. The default value is 0.
<prop name="extendedHostTimeout" type="String" value="50"/>
The hostCommandsDisabled property is used to indicate whether Host commands are disabled on a particular Scanner device. This property is only used in very specific situations where specific scanners cannot have host commands sent and will not be used in most situations. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="hostCommandsDisabled" type="String" value="True"/>
The itfLength1 property is used to denote the primary ITF symbol length of a Scanner device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute must contain an even integer number between 4 and 32 indicating the ITF symbol length. The default value is 0.
<prop name="itfLength1" type="String" value="4"/>
The itfLength2 property is used to denote the primary ITF symbol length of a Scanner device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute must contain an even integer number between 4 and 32 indicating the ITF symbol length. The default value is 0.
<prop name="itfLength2" type="String" value="8"/>
The itfRange property is used to denote whether a device supports an ITF Range. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="itfRange" type="String" value="True"/>
The laserTimeout property is used to denote a laser timeout preset value. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain a value from 0 to 3 indicating the laser timeout preset to use. The default value is 1.
<prop name="laserTimeout" type="String" value="2"/>
The ledGoodReadDuration property is used to denote a Good Read duration preset value. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain a value from 0 to 3 indicating the Good Read duration preset to use. The default value is 1.
<prop name="ledGoodReadDuration" type="String" value="2"/>
The motorTimeout property is used to denote a Motor timeout preset value. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain a value from 0 to 7 indicating the Motor Timeout preset to use. The default value is 1.
<prop name="motorTimeout" type="String" value="2"/>
The sendIHSOnClaim property is used to denote whether to send Information, Health and Statistics commands when claiming a device. When the property is set to True, the Information, Health and Statistics commands will be sent to the device as part of the claim process. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may be either True or False. The default value is True.
<prop name="sendIHSOnClaim" type="String" value="False"/>
The storeLabelSecurityLevel property is used to denote a Store Label Security Level preset to be used by the device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain a value from 0 to 3 indicating the Good Read duration preset to use. The default value is 0.
<prop name="storeLabelSecurityLevel" type="String" value="1"/>
The twoItfs property is used to denote whether a device supports using two ITF lengths. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="twoItfs" type="String" value="True"/>
Datalogic Scale Property elements
The following properties are used to configure device specific settings on Datalogic Scale devices.
The canAcceptStatisticsCmd property is used to denote whether a Scale device can accept the Information, Health and Statistics commands. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="canAcceptStatisticsCmd" type="String" value="True"/>
The canNotifyPowerChange property is used to denote whether a Scale device can deliver power management notifications. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="canNotifyPowerChange" type="String" value="True"/>
The canStatusUpdate property is used to denote whether a Scale device is able to update status. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may be either True or False. The default value is True.
<prop name="canStatusUpdate" type="String" value="False"/>
The displayRequired property is used to denote whether a Scale device requires a display. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may be either True or False. The default value is True.
<prop name="displayRequired" type="String" value="False"/>
The enforceZeroReturn property is used to denote whether a Scale device enforces Zero Return. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="enforceZeroReturn" type="String" value="True"/>
The fiveDigitWeight property is used to denote whether 5-digit weight is enabled on a Scale device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may be either True or False. The default value is True.
<prop name="fiveDigitWeight" type="String" value="False"/>
The indicateZeroWithLED property is used to denote whether Zero weight is indicated with an LED on a Scale device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may be either True or False. The default value is True.
<prop name="indicateZeroWithLED" type="String" value="False"/>
The liveWeightPollRate property is used to indicate the rate in milliseconds that a Scale device is polled for weight during Live Weight. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain a number indicating the number of milliseconds between weight requests during Live Weight. The default value is 250.
<prop name="liveWeightPollRate" type="String" value="500"/>
The metricWeightMode property is used to denote whether a scale uses Metric weight mode. Setting this property to True will result in the Scale device returning weight in Metric units. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
To enable Metric weight on a scale device, add the following prop element to the JposEntry element for your Scale device.
<prop name="metricWeightMode" type="String" value="True"/>
The operationMode property is used to denote whether a Scale device uses a US / Canada Operation mode or a UK Operation mode. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either 0 for United States / Canada Operation Mode or 1 for United Kingdom Operation Mode. The default value is 0.
Preset | Operation Mode |
0 | United States / Canada |
1 | United Kingdom |
To set a Scale device to use United Kingdom Operation Mode, add the following prop element to the JposEntry element for the Scale device.
<prop name="operationMode" type="String" value="1"/>
The vibrationSensitivity property is used to denote the Vibration Sensitivity preset to use on a Scale device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute should contain a number from 0 to 3 indicating the Vibration Sensitivity preset to use. The default value is 2.
Preset | Value |
0 | Normal |
1 | Low |
2 | Very Low |
3 | Ultra Low |
To set a scale device to use a Low Vibration Sensitivity preset, add the following prop element to the JposEntry element for the Scale device.
<prop name="vibrationSensitivity" type="String" value="1"/>
The zeroValid property is used to denote whether zero is valid on a Scale device. The type attribute is always set to String and the value attribute may contain either True or False. The default value is False.
<prop name="zeroValid" type="String" value="True"/>
Example JposEntry elements
Datalogic Gryphon Devices
USB-OEM Interface
Gryphon BT4400
Vendor Id | Product Id | Usage | deviceClass |
0x05F9 | 0x120A | 0x4B00 | USBHHScanner |
<JposEntry logicalName="Gryphon-GBT4400-USB-OEM">
<creation factoryClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerInstanceFactory" serviceClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerService"/>
<vendor name="DLA" url=""/>
<jpos category="Scanner" version="1.13"/>
<product description="ScannerService" name="ScannerService" url=""/>
<!--Other non JavaPOS required property (mostly vendor properties and bus specific properties i.e. RS232 )-->
<prop name="canAcceptStatisticsCmd" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canCompareFirmwareVersion" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canNotifyPowerChange" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canUpdateFirmware" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="deviceBus" type="String" value="USB"/>
<prop name="deviceClass" type="String" value="USBHHScanner"/>
<prop name="deviceDescription" type="String" value="DLS Gryphon BT4400 Scanner"/>
<prop name="deviceName" type="String" value="DLS Gryphon BT4400 Scanner"/>
<prop name="doubleReadTimeout" type="String" value="2"/>
<prop name="fullDisable" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="MBeansEnabled" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="productId" type="String" value="120A"/>
<prop name="scanControl" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="usage" type="String" value="4b00"/>
<prop name="vendorId" type="String" value="05f9"/>
<prop name="WMIEnabled" type="String" value="True"/>
Gryphon BT4500
Vendor Id | Product Id | Usage | deviceClass |
0x05F9 | 0x1231 | 0x4B00 | USBHHScanner |
<JposEntry logicalName="Gryphon-GBT4500-USB-OEM">
<creation factoryClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerInstanceFactory" serviceClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerService"/>
<vendor name="DLA" url=""/>
<jpos category="Scanner" version="1.13"/>
<product description="ScannerService" name="ScannerService" url=""/>
<!--Other non JavaPOS required property (mostly vendor properties and bus specific properties i.e. RS232 )-->
<prop name="canAcceptStatisticsCmd" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canCompareFirmwareVersion" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canNotifyPowerChange" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canUpdateFirmware" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="deviceBus" type="String" value="USB"/>
<prop name="deviceClass" type="String" value="USBHHScanner"/>
<prop name="deviceDescription" type="String" value="DLS Gryphon BT4500 Scanner"/>
<prop name="deviceName" type="String" value="DLS Gryphon BT4500 Scanner"/>
<prop name="doubleReadTimeout" type="String" value="2"/>
<prop name="fullDisable" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="MBeansEnabled" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="productId" type="String" value="1231"/>
<prop name="scanControl" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="usage" type="String" value="4b00"/>
<prop name="vendorId" type="String" value="05f9"/>
<prop name="WMIEnabled" type="String" value="True"/>
Gryphon GD4135
Vendor Id | Product Id | Usage | deviceClass |
0x05F9 | 0x1206 | 0x4B00 | USBHHScanner |
<JposEntry logicalName="Gryphon-GD4135-USB-Scanner">
<creation factoryClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerInstanceFactory" serviceClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerService"/>
<vendor name="DLA" url=""/>
<jpos category="Scanner" version="1.13"/>
<product description="ScannerService" name="ScannerService" url=""/>
<!--Other non JavaPOS required property (mostly vendor properties and bus specific properties i.e. RS232 )-->
<prop name="canAcceptStatisticsCmd" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canCompareFirmwareVersion" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canNotifyPowerChange" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canUpdateFirmware" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="dataPrefix" type="String" value=""/>
<prop name="dataSuffix" type="String" value=""/>
<prop name="deviceBus" type="String" value="USB"/>
<prop name="deviceClass" type="String" value="USBHHScanner"/>
<prop name="deviceDescription" type="String" value="DLS Gryphon GD4135 USB Scanner"/>
<prop name="deviceName" type="String" value="DLS Gryphon GD4135"/>
<prop name="doubleReadTimeout" type="String" value="2"/>
<prop name="enableCode128" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="enableGoodReadBeep" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="enableUPCEAN" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="fullDisable" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="productId" type="String" value="1206"/>
<prop name="scanControl" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="usage" type="String" value="4b00"/>
<prop name="vendorId" type="String" value="05f9"/>
Gryphon GD4430
Vendor Id | Product Id | Usage | deviceClass |
0x05F9 | 0x1230 | 0x4B00 | USBHHScanner |
<JposEntry logicalName="Gryphon-GD4430-USB-OEM">
<creation factoryClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerInstanceFactory" serviceClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerService"/>
<vendor name="DLA" url=""/>
<jpos category="Scanner" version="1.13"/>
<product description="ScannerService" name="ScannerService" url=""/>
<!--Other non JavaPOS required property (mostly vendor properties and bus specific properties i.e. RS232 )-->
<prop name="canAcceptStatisticsCmd" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canCompareFirmwareVersion" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canNotifyPowerChange" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canUpdateFirmware" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="deviceBus" type="String" value="USB"/>
<prop name="deviceClass" type="String" value="USBHHScanner"/>
<prop name="deviceDescription" type="String" value="DLS Gryphon 4430 Scanner"/>
<prop name="deviceName" type="String" value="DLS Gryphon 4430 Scanner"/>
<prop name="doubleReadTimeout" type="String" value="2"/>
<prop name="fullDisable" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="MBeansEnabled" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="productId" type="String" value="1224"/>
<prop name="scanControl" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="usage" type="String" value="4b00"/>
<prop name="vendorId" type="String" value="05f9"/>
<prop name="WMIEnabled" type="String" value="True"/>
Gryphon GD45XX
Vendor Id | Product Id | Usage | deviceClass |
0x05F9 | 0x122F | 0x4B00 | USBHHScanner |
<JposEntry logicalName="Gryphon-GD45XX-USB-OEM">
<creation factoryClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerInstanceFactory" serviceClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerService"/>
<vendor name="DLA" url=""/>
<jpos category="Scanner" version="1.13"/>
<product description="ScannerService" name="ScannerService" url=""/>
<!--Other non JavaPOS required property (mostly vendor properties and bus specific properties i.e. RS232 )-->
<prop name="canAcceptStatisticsCmd" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canCompareFirmwareVersion" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canNotifyPowerChange" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canUpdateFirmware" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="deviceBus" type="String" value="USB"/>
<prop name="deviceClass" type="String" value="USBHHScanner"/>
<prop name="deviceDescription" type="String" value="DLS Gryphon 45XX Scanner"/>
<prop name="deviceName" type="String" value="DLS Gryphon 45XX Scanner"/>
<prop name="doubleReadTimeout" type="String" value="2"/>
<prop name="fullDisable" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="MBeansEnabled" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="productId" type="String" value="122F"/>
<prop name="scanControl" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="usage" type="String" value="4b00"/>
<prop name="vendorId" type="String" value="05f9"/>
<prop name="WMIEnabled" type="String" value="True"/>
Gryphon GM4100
Vendor Id | Product Id | Usage | deviceClass |
0x05F9 | 0x1214 | 0x4B00 | USBHHScanner |
<JposEntry logicalName="Gryphon-GM4100-USB-OEM">
<creation factoryClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerInstanceFactory" serviceClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerService"/>
<vendor name="DLA" url=""/>
<jpos category="Scanner" version="1.13"/>
<product description="DLS Gryphon M4100 Scanner" name="DLS Gryphon M4100 Scanner" url=""/>
<!--Other non JavaPOS required property (mostly vendor properties and bus specific properties i.e. RS232 )-->
<prop name="canAcceptStatisticsCmd" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canNotifyPowerChange" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="deviceBus" type="String" value="USB"/>
<prop name="deviceClass" type="String" value="USBHHScanner"/>
<prop name="deviceDescription" type="String" value="DLS Gryphon M4100 Scanner"/>
<prop name="deviceName" type="String" value="DLS Gryphon M4100 Scanner"/>
<prop name="productId" type="String" value="1214"/>
<prop name="usage" type="String" value="4b00"/>
<prop name="vendorId" type="String" value="05f9"/>
Gryphon GM4500
Vendor Id | Product Id | Usage | deviceClass |
0x05F9 | 0x1230 | 0x4B00 | USBHHScanner |
<JposEntry logicalName="Gryphon-GM4500-USB-OEM">
<creation factoryClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerInstanceFactory" serviceClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerService"/>
<vendor name="DLA" url=""/>
<jpos category="Scanner" version="1.13"/>
<product description="ScannerService" name="ScannerService" url=""/>
<!--Other non JavaPOS required property (mostly vendor properties and bus specific properties i.e. RS232 )-->
<prop name="canAcceptStatisticsCmd" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canCompareFirmwareVersion" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canNotifyPowerChange" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canUpdateFirmware" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="deviceBus" type="String" value="USB"/>
<prop name="deviceClass" type="String" value="USBHHScanner"/>
<prop name="deviceDescription" type="String" value="DLS Gryphon GM4500 Scanner"/>
<prop name="deviceName" type="String" value="DLS Gryphon GM4500 Scanner"/>
<prop name="doubleReadTimeout" type="String" value="2"/>
<prop name="fullDisable" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="MBeansEnabled" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="productId" type="String" value="1230"/>
<prop name="scanControl" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="usage" type="String" value="4b00"/>
<prop name="vendorId" type="String" value="05f9"/>
<prop name="WMIEnabled" type="String" value="True"/>
Datalogic Magellan Devices
USB-OEM Interface
Magellan 1500i
Vendor Id | Product Id | Usage | deviceClass |
0x05F9 | 0x1604 | 0x4A00 | USBScanner |
<JposEntry logicalName="Magellan-1500i-USB-OEM">
<creation factoryClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerInstanceFactory" serviceClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerService"/>
<vendor name="DLA" url=""/>
<jpos category="Scanner" version="1.13"/>
<product name="DLS Magellan 1500i" description="DLS Magellan 1500i Scanner/Scale USB-OEM" url="">
<!--Other non JavaPOS required property (mostly vendor properties and bus specific properties i.e. RS232 )-->
<prop name="canAcceptStatisticsCmd" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canCompareFirmwareVersion" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canNotifyPowerChange" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canUpdateFirmware" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="deviceBus" type="String" value="USB"/>
<prop name="deviceClass" type="String" value="USBScanner"/>
<prop name="deviceDescription" type="String" value="DLS Magellan 1500i USB OEM Scanner"/>
<prop name="deviceName" type="String" value="DLS Magellan 1500i"/>
<prop name="productId" type="String" value="1604"/>
<prop name="usage" type="String" value="4a00"/>
<prop name="vendorId" type="String" value="05f9"/>
Magellan 9400i
Vendor Id | Product Id | Usage | deviceClass |
0x05F9 | 0x1512 | 0x4A00 | USBScanner |
<JposEntry logicalName="Magellan-9400i-USB-OEM-Scanner-Scale">
<creation factoryClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerInstanceFactory" serviceClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerService"/>
<vendor name="DLA" url=""/>
<jpos category="Scanner" version="1.13"/>
<product description="ScaleService" name="ScaleService" url=""/>
<!--Other non JavaPOS required property (mostly vendor properties and bus specific properties i.e. RS232 )-->
<prop name="canAcceptStatisticsCmd" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canCompareFirmwareVersion" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canNotifyPowerChange" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canUpdateFirmware" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="decodeData" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="decodeType" type="String" value="standard"/>
<prop name="deviceBus" type="String" value="USB"/>
<prop name="deviceClass" type="String" value="USBScanner"/>
<prop name="deviceDescription" type="String" value="DLS Magellan 9400i USB OEM Scanner Scale"/>
<prop name="deviceName" type="String" value="DLS Magellan 9400i"/>
<prop name="disableOnExit" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="doubleReadTimeout" type="String" value="2"/>
<prop name="fullDisable" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="productId" type="String" value="1512"/>
<prop name="scanControl" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="usage" type="String" value="4a00"/>
<prop name="vendorId" type="String" value="05f9"/>
<prop name="WMIEnabled" type="String" value="True"/>
Magellan 9600 (Fresco)
Vendor Id | Product Id | Usage | deviceClass |
0x05F9 | 0x1515 | 0x4A00 | USBScanner |
<JposEntry logicalName="Magellan-9600-USB-OEM-Scanner-Scale">
<creation factoryClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerInstanceFactory" serviceClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerService"/>
<vendor name="DLA" url=""/>
<jpos category="Scanner" version="1.13"/>
<product description="ScaleService" name="ScaleService" url=""/>
<!--Other non JavaPOS required property (mostly vendor properties and bus specific properties i.e. RS232 )-->
<prop name="canAcceptStatisticsCmd" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canCompareFirmwareVersion" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canNotifyPowerChange" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canUpdateFirmware" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="configOnClaim" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="configWithDIO" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="decodeData" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="decodeType" type="String" value="standard"/>
<prop name="deviceBus" type="String" value="USB"/>
<prop name="deviceClass" type="String" value="USBScanner"/>
<prop name="deviceDescription" type="String" value="DLS Magellan 9600 USB OEM Scanner Scale"/>
<prop name="deviceName" type="String" value="DLS Magellan 9600"/>
<prop name="MBeansEnabled" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="productId" type="String" value="1515"/>
<prop name="usage" type="String" value="4a00"/>
<prop name="vendorId" type="String" value="05f9"/>
<prop name="WMIEnabled" type="String" value="True"/>
Magellan 9800i
Vendor Id | Product Id | Usage | deviceClass |
0x05F9 | 0x1511 | 0x4A00 | USBScanner |
<JposEntry logicalName="Magellan-9800i-USB-OEM-Scanner-Scale">
<creation factoryClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerInstanceFactory" serviceClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerService"/>
<vendor name="DLA" url=""/>
<jpos category="Scanner" version="1.13"/>
<product description="ScaleService" name="ScaleService" url=""/>
<!--Other non JavaPOS required property (mostly vendor properties and bus specific properties i.e. RS232 )-->
<prop name="canAcceptStatisticsCmd" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canCompareFirmwareVersion" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canNotifyPowerChange" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canUpdateFirmware" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="configOnClaim" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="configWithDIO" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="decodeData" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="decodeType" type="String" value="standard"/>
<prop name="deviceBus" type="String" value="USB"/>
<prop name="deviceClass" type="String" value="USBScanner"/>
<prop name="deviceDescription" type="String" value="DLS Magellan 9800i USB OEM Scanner Scale"/>
<prop name="deviceName" type="String" value="DLS Magellan 9800i"/>
<prop name="disableOnExit" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="doubleReadTimeout" type="String" value="2"/>
<prop name="fullDisable" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="productId" type="String" value="1511"/>
<prop name="scanControl" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="usage" type="String" value="4a00"/>
<prop name="vendorId" type="String" value="05f9"/>
<prop name="WMIEnabled" type="String" value="True"/>
Magellan 9900 (Fresco)
Vendor Id | Product Id | Usage | deviceClass |
0x05F9 | 0x1516 | 0x4A00 | USBScanner |
<JposEntry logicalName="Magellan-9900-USB-OEM-Scanner-Scale">
<creation factoryClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerInstanceFactory" serviceClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScannerService"/>
<vendor name="DLA" url=""/>
<jpos category="Scanner" version="1.13"/>
<product description="ScaleService" name="ScaleService" url=""/>
<!--Other non JavaPOS required property (mostly vendor properties and bus specific properties i.e. RS232 )-->
<prop name="canAcceptStatisticsCmd" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canCompareFirmwareVersion" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canNotifyPowerChange" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canUpdateFirmware" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="configOnClaim" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="configWithDIO" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="decodeData" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="decodeType" type="String" value="standard"/>
<prop name="deviceBus" type="String" value="USB"/>
<prop name="deviceClass" type="String" value="USBScanner"/>
<prop name="deviceDescription" type="String" value="DLS Magellan 9900 USB OEM Scanner Scale"/>
<prop name="deviceName" type="String" value="DLS Magellan 9900"/>
<prop name="MBeansEnabled" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="productId" type="String" value="1516"/>
<prop name="usage" type="String" value="4a00"/>
<prop name="vendorId" type="String" value="05f9"/>
<prop name="WMIEnabled" type="String" value="True"/>
RS-232 Devices
Magellan RS-232 Scale
<JposEntry logicalName="Magellan-RS232-Scale">
<creation factoryClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScaleInstanceFactory" serviceClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScaleService"/>
<vendor name="DLA" url=""/>
<jpos category="Scale" version="1.13"/>
<product description="ScaleService" name="ScaleService" url=""/>
<!--Other non JavaPOS required property (mostly vendor properties and bus specific properties i.e. RS232 )-->
<prop name="baudRate" type="String" value="9600"/>
<prop name="canAcceptStatisticsCmd" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="canCompareFirmwareVersion" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="canNotifyPowerChange" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="canUpdateFirmware" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="dataBits" type="String" value="7"/>
<prop name="decodeData" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="deviceBus" type="String" value="RS232"/>
<prop name="deviceClass" type="String" value="RS232Scale"/>
<prop name="deviceDescription" type="String" value="DLS Magellan RS232 Scale"/>
<prop name="deviceName" type="String" value="DLS Magellan RS232 Scale"/>
<prop name="flowControl" type="String" value="None"/>
<prop name="fullDisable" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="liveWeightPollRate" type="String" value="500"/>
<prop name="metricWeightMode" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="parity" type="String" value="Even"/>
<prop name="portName" type="String" value="1"/>
<prop name="productId" type="String" value="0"/>
<prop name="rxPrefix" type="String" value="2"/>
<prop name="rxTrailer" type="String" value="d"/>
<prop name="singleCable" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="stopBits" type="String" value="2"/>
<prop name="usage" type="String" value="0"/>
<prop name="useVirtualPort" type="String" value="True" />
<prop name="vendorId" type="String" value="0"/>
<prop name="WMIEnabled" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="zeroValid" type="String" value="True"/>
Single-cable RS-232
Magellan Single-cable RS-232 Scale
<JposEntry logicalName="Magellan-RS232-Scale-SingleCable">
<creation factoryClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScaleInstanceFactory" serviceClass="com.dls.jpos.service.DLSScaleService"/>
<vendor name="DLA" url=""/>
<jpos category="Scale" version="1.13"/>
<product description="ScaleService" name="ScaleService" url=""/>
<!--Other non JavaPOS required property (mostly vendor properties and bus specific properties i.e. RS232 )-->
<prop name="baudRate" type="String" value="9600"/>
<prop name="canAcceptStatisticsCmd" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="canCompareFirmwareVersion" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="canNotifyPowerChange" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="canStatusUpdate" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="canUpdateFirmware" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="dataBits" type="String" value="7"/>
<prop name="deviceBus" type="String" value="RS232"/>
<prop name="deviceClass" type="String" value="SCRS232Scale"/>
<prop name="deviceDescription" type="String" value="DLS Magellan Single Cable RS232 Scale"/>
<prop name="deviceName" type="String" value="DLS Magellan SCRS232 Scale"/>
<prop name="displayRequired" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="enforceZeroReturn" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="fiveDigitWeight" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="flowControl" type="String" value="Xon/Xoff"/>
<prop name="fullDisable" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="indicateZeroWithLED" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="liveWeightPollRate" type="String" value="500"/>
<prop name="MBeansEnabled" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="metricWeightMode" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="operationMode" type="String" value="0"/>
<prop name="parity" type="String" value="Odd"/>
<prop name="portName" type="String" value="1"/>
<prop name="productId" type="String" value="0"/>
<prop name="rxPrefix" type="String" value="53"/>
<prop name="rxTrailer" type="String" value="d"/>
<prop name="singleCable" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="stopBits" type="String" value="1"/>
<prop name="txPrefix" type="String" value="53"/>
<prop name="txTrailer" type="String" value="d"/>
<prop name="usage" type="String" value="0"/>
<prop name="useBCC" type="String" value="False"/>
<prop name="useSunJavaxComm" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="vendorId" type="String" value="0"/>
<prop name="vibrationSensitivity" type="String" value="2"/>
<prop name="WMIEnabled" type="String" value="True"/>
<prop name="zeroValid" type="String" value="True"/>