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Com.Datalogic.Decode Namespace

Public classBarcodeDefaults
Public classBarcodeID
Public classBarcodeManager
To decode bar codes with this class, use the following steps:
  1. Obtain an instance of BarcodeManager with [C:Com.Datalogic.Decode.BarcodeManager]. -
  2. To begin a decode session, call StartDecode. Your registered StartListener/ReadListener/TimeoutListener will be called when a successful decode occurs or if the configured timeout expires, etc.. -
  3. Call StopDecode to end the decode session. -
Important: Call Release to release all registered StartListener/ReadListener/TimeoutListener/StopListener.
Public classCapturedFrame
Public classDecodeException
Public classFrameCaptureEventArgs
To be added.
Public classFrameSaveEventArgs
To be added.
Public classPresentationState
Public classPresentationStateEventArgs
To be added.
Public classPropertyID
Public classReadEventArgs
Public classSavedFrame
Public classSymbology
Public classVisualFormatter
Public classVisualFormatterItem
Public classVisualFormatterItemProperty
Public classVisualFormatterItemPropertyDirection
Public classVisualFormatterItemPropertyType
Public classVisualFormatterItemType
Public classVisualFormatterPersistenceType