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Datalogic Enterprise Browser 1.4.2

· One min read


  • Improved security handling
    • Blocks connections with SSL errors, adding an option to proceed anyway.
    • Allows user to select a certificate when a web server requires a client certificate.
  • Improved clear browser cache management
    • Added option to clear browser cache when the Home button is selected.
    • Prevents access to previous webpage from Favorites screen after clearing the cache.

Corrected Defects

  • On-screen keyboard no longer covers up web page content.

Datalogic Enterprise Browser 1.2.1

· One min read

New Features

  • Web page display
    • Full screen operation
      • Pages can be viewed using a full height viewport.
      • The browser and system navigation bars automatically hide when browsing a web page.
    • Wide viewport disable
      • Web pages can be forced to use a viewport whose width matches the physical screen. This can help with pages which otherwise appear very small.
  • SDK Enhancements
    • Supports the new Cradle Manager APIs
  • Debugging
    • Support optional logging of JavaScript console messages.

Corrected Defects

  • After changing the list of allowed web sites, the navigation history is now cleared to prevent accessing those sites.
  • JavaScript objects were not being injected under certain conditions, preventing use of the JavaScript SDK.
  • Not all images were listed when selecting a custom image for the wallpaper or icon on the Favorites screen.
  • When tapping the back navigation from a blocked site, the browser would go back two pages (instead of just one).
  • When configuring allowed sites through an EMM or Scan2Deploy, the title was not always displayed when configured to use the title from its web page.

Datalogic Enterprise Browser

· One min read

New Features

  • Locked down browsing
    • You can now allow pages to browse to any web site (regardless of defined domains).
  • Configuration.
    • Settings can be exported to a file, which can then be imported on another device using Scan2Deploy Studio (or EMM). (Available on newer firmware images. See table here.)
    • Resetting settings to defaults is now protected with a confirmation dialog.
  • Favorites Screen appearance
    • The text color for icon labels can now be configured.

Datalogic Enterprise Browser

· One min read

Datalogic Enterprise Browser is now available. It is an Android application used for web browsing to only allowed websites. It also includes a JavaScript interface which exposes access to the barcode scanner. These features combine to allow the device to run web-based applications which need to access the scanner in a safe, controlled environment. You can access the documentation here.

The features available in the initial release are:

  • Locked down browsing
    • Prevents browsing to sites outside allowed domains (and optionally subdomains).
    • Access to allowed domains and device features can be configured.
    • Configuration protected by Admin password.
  • Favorites Page
    • Can launch allowed sites
    • UI appearance of site listing can be configured (labels, icons, layout, wallpaper).
  • External control
    • Configurable from device, Scan2Deploy Studio or EMM console.