OPOS 1.14.208
· One min read
- Windows 10 and above
- OPOS customization to mimic non UPOS compliant behavior of NCR OPOS regarding usage of DecodeData flag
- Single-Cable COM (SC-COM) profile now supports virtual port mode (profile key UseVirtualPort)
- Added new Information, Health and Statistics fields to align with VAF Specification for Fresco units.
- Introduced registry key UseUPOSCompliantWMI to control WMI output to be based of IHS data or to be UPOS compliant
Corrected defects
- Corrected a defect where under certain conditions ScanData came back empty
- Restored fields FirmwareRevision and PhysicalDeviceName in WMI
- Corrected issues with OPOS when claiming single plane scanner with attached handheld
- Corrected compatibility problems with Zebra devices