JavaPOS 1.14.065 (1.14.11-065)
· One min read
- Updated LabelParser to add support for MicroQR.
- Installer now automatically determines the correct version of nrjavaserial to install.
- WMI Implementation now supports ModelName and FirmwareRevision properties.
- Updated Function Key handling for PM9XXX-series devices to no longer search for INQ and ESC in Label data.
Corrected defects
- Corrected error causing RS232 devices to not reconnect after firmware update in CentOS.
- Corrected discrepancies between the VAF specification and the IHS Parser.
- Corrected a problem causing NullPointerException when writing Avalanche registry entries.
- Corrected resetStatistics in the DLSBaseService to properly conform to UPOS.
- Corrected an error causing statistics to not be populated on Linux.
- Corrected an error in WMI Statistics causing corruption of statistics.
- Removed duplicate property names from DLSProperties.
- Corrected an error causing DEVICE_SERVICE_VERSION to not be properly updated during build.