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DLSecondDisplayManager Class

In order to show a notification on the 2nd Display, an App shall be allowed with AddPackage(String), that adds the given installed App in the list of allowed Apps.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Com.Datalogic.Device.Display
Assembly:  datalogic-xamarin-sdk (in datalogic-xamarin-sdk.dll) Version: (
public sealed class DLSecondDisplayManager : Object

The DLSecondDisplayManager type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowedPackages
Returns the list of allowed packages to show own Android notifications on the 2nd Display.
Public propertyBrightness
Return an integer value that represents the brightness percentage level on 2nd display
Public propertyStatic memberInstance
Returns an instance of the DLSecondDisplayManager
Public propertyIsSecondDisplayAvailable
Returns the availability of the 2nd Display feature.
Public propertyIsSecondDisplayEnabled
Returns the enabled/disabled status of the 2nd Display.
Public propertyJniPeerMembers
To be added.
Public propertyNewAppEnabled
Return a boolean value that represents if new Apps will show notifications on 2nd display
Public propertyRotateEnabled
Return a boolean value that represents if rotation is enabled on 2nd display
Public propertyRotationSpeed
Return an enum that represents 2nd display rotation speed
Public propertySwitchOffTimeout
Return an enum that represents 2nd display switch-off timeout
Public methodAddPackage
Allows a package to show its own content on the 2nd Display.
Public methodIsPackageAllowed
Returns the allowed/disallowed configuration for the given package to show its own content ont the 2nd Display.
Public methodRemovePackage
Disable the given package to show its own content on the 2nd Display.
Public methodSetBrightness
Set brightness level on 2nd display
Public methodSetNewAppEnabled
Enable or disable notifications on 2nd display for all the new Apps
Public methodSetRotateEnabled
Set rotation on 2nd display
Public methodSetRotationSpeed
Set 2nd display rotation speed
Public methodSetSecondDisplayEnabled
Enables or disables the 2nd Display.
Public methodSetSwitchOffTimeout
Set switch-off timeout on 2nd display
2nd Display is the LED display panel on the top of Datalogic Memor20 device, near to the ScanEngine. It allows to show incoming call and App notifications. The DLSecondDisplayManager allows to configure and manage the 2nd Display, in order to enable/disable the whole feature or to restrict only to allowed Apps to show notifications on 2nd Display.

In order to show a notification on the 2nd Display, an App shall be allowed with AddPackage(String), that adds the given installed App in the list of allowed Apps. After that, when that App sends an Android notification, it will be shown on 2nd Display. The RemovePackage(String), on the contrary, allows to remove an installed App from the list of allowed Apps. By default, all installed Apps are allowed to show notifications on 2nd Display. So, the SetNewAppEnabled(Boolean) API allows to change the default behavior for the Apps installed at a later stage, while the current configuration for the installed Apps is preserved.

Android documentation and provide helpful information to create and manage notifications.

Moreover, to have a better understanding of 2nd Display and notification management, the is highly recommended.

[Android Documentation]

See Also