PropertyGroupID Class |
Namespace: Com.Datalogic.Device.Configuration
The PropertyGroupID type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
JniPeerMembers | To be added. |
Name | Description | |
AztecGroup | Root of the subtree of the Aztec Code symbology properties. | |
CodabarGroup | Root of the subtree of the Codabar symbology properties. | |
Code128Group | Root of the subtree of the Code 128 symbology properties. | |
Code32Group | Root of the subtree of the CODE 32 symbology properties. | |
Code39Group | Root of the subtree of the CODE 39 symbology properties. | |
Code93Group | Root of the subtree of the Code 93 symbology properties. | |
CompositeGroup | Root of the subtree of the UCC EAN Composite symbology properties. | |
CradleGroup | Root of the subtree of the Cradle properties. | |
D25Group | Root of the subtree of the Discrete 2/5 symbology properties. | |
DatamatrixGroup | Root of the subtree of the DataMatrix symbology properties. | |
DateAndTimeGroup | Root of the subtree of Date and Time properties. | |
DecodingNotificationGroup | Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the notification to produce on a successful read. | |
DeveloperOptionsGroup | Root of the subtree of the Developer Options properties. | |
DigimarcGroup | Root of the subtree of the Digimarc Barcode symbology properties. | |
DisplayGroup | Root of the subtree of the Display properties. | |
DisplayNotificationGroup | Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the Display Notification capability via a displaying message. | |
DotcodeGroup | Root of the subtree of the DotCode symbology properties. | |
DualSimGroup | Root of the subtree of Dual SIM properties | |
DualSimMgmtGroup | Root of the subtree of the Dual SIM properties | |
Ean13Group | Root of the subtree of the EAN-13 symbology properties. | |
Ean8Group | Root of the subtree of the EAN 8 symbology properties. | |
EanExtGroup | Root of the subtree of the UPC/EAN Extensions symbology properties. | |
EthernetGroup | Root of the subtree of ethernet properties. | |
ExternalFormattingGroup | Root of the subtree of External Formatter Group's properties. | |
FormattingGroup | Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the barcode text formatting. | |
FrameCaptureConfigurationGroup | Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the scanner to capture, store and provide frames. | |
GoodReadGroup | Root of the subtree of the properties that configure which type of notification is activated on a successful read. | |
Gs1128Group | Root of the subtree of the GS1 Code 128 symbology properties. | |
Gs114Group | Root of the subtree of the RSS-14 symbology properties. | |
Gs1ExpGroup | Root of the subtree of the RSS Expanded symbology properties. | |
Gs1Group | Root of the subtree of the GS1 symbology properties. | |
Gs1LimitGroup | Root of the subtree of the RSS Limited symbology properties. | |
HanXinGroup | Root of the subtree of the Han Xin Barcode symbology properties | |
I25Group | Root of the subtree of the Interleaved 2/5 symbology properties. | |
InverseGroup | Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the inverse mode for the supported 1D and 2D symbologies. | |
Isbt128Group | Root of the subtree of the ISBT 128 symbology properties. | |
KeyboardAdvancedGroup | Root of the subtree of the Keyboard Advanced Settings properties. | |
KeyboardGroup | Root of the subtree of the Keyboard properties. | |
KeyboardTriggersGroup | Root of the subtree of the Keyboard Triggers properties. | |
KeyboardWedgeGroup | Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the Decode Wedge capability with the keystroke mode. | |
LinearQuiteZoneGroup | Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the admitted quiet zones for the supported linear symbologies. | |
M25Group | Root of the subtree of the Matrix 2/5 symbology properties. | |
MaxicodeGroup | Root of the subtree of the MaxiCode symbology properties. | |
MibRoot | Root of the configuration tree. | |
Micropdf417Group | Root of the subtree of the Micro PDF417 symbology properties. | |
MicroQrcodeGroup | Root of the subtree of the Micro QR Code symbology properties. | |
MsiGroup | Root of the subtree of the MSI symbology properties. | |
MultiscanGroup | Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the Multi Scan functionality. | |
OcrGroup | Root of the subtree of the OCR properties. | |
Pdf417Group | Root of the subtree of the PDF417 symbology properties. | |
PostalAustralianGroup | Root of the subtree of the Austarlian Postal Code symbology properties. | |
PostalGroup | Root of the subtree of the Postal Code symbology properties. | |
PostalJapanGroup | Root of the subtree of the Japan Postal Code symbology properties. | |
PostalKixGroup | Root of the subtree of the KIX Postal Code symbology properties. | |
PostalRoyalMailGroup | Root of the subtree of the Royal Mail Postal Code symbology properties. | |
PostalUsPlanetGroup | Root of the subtree of the US Planet Postal Code symbology properties. | |
PostalUsPostnetGroup | Root of the subtree of the US Postnet Postal Code symbology properties. | |
PostalUsps4stateGroup | Root of the subtree of the USPS 4 State Postal Code symbology properties. | |
PowerGroup | Root of the subtree of Power properties. | |
PowerOffChargingModeGroup | Root of the subtree of Power Off Charging Mode properties. | |
PowerSourceGroup | Root of the subtree of Power Sources properties. | |
PowerSuspendTimeoutGroup | Root of the subtree of screen off timeout properties. | |
PowerWakeupSourcesGroup | Root of the subtree of Wake-Up Sources properties. | |
PresentationModeGroup | Root of the subtree of the properties that configure presentation mode functionality. | |
QrcodeGroup | Root of the subtree of the QR Code symbology properties. | |
RfGroup | Root of the subtree of RF's properties. | |
S1DGROUP | Root of the subtree of the 1D symbologies. | |
S2DGROUP | Root of the subtree of the 2D symbologies. | |
ScannerGroup | Root of the subtree of the decoding properties. | |
ScannerOptionsGroup | Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the scanner target beam and other scanner functionalities. | |
SpecificSimMgmtGroup | Root of specific sim properties | |
StandardFormattingGroup | Root of the subtree of the Standard Formatting properties | |
SymbologiesGroup | Root of the subtree of the symbologies. | |
TouchGroup | Root of the subtree of Touch Mode properties. | |
TriopticGroup | Root of the subtree of the TRIOPTIC symbology properties. | |
UiSettingsGroup | Root of the subtree of the UI Settings properties. | |
UpcaGroup | Root of the subtree of the UPC-A symbology properties. | |
UpcEanExtGroup | Root of the subtree of the properties that configure the UPC/EAN Extensions. | |
UpcEanGroup | Root of the subtree of the UPC/EAN Options symbology properties. | |
UpceGroup | Root of the subtree of the UPC-E symbology properties. | |
UsbGroup | Root of the subtree of USB properties. | |
WedgeGroup | Root of the subtree of Wedge - Keyboard Group's properties. | |
WifiChannelsGroup | Root of the subtree of Wifi's channels. | |
WifiChannelsGroup24ghz | Root of the subtree of 2.4ghz Wifi's channels. | |
WifiChannelsGroup5ghz | Root of the subtree of 5ghz Wifi's channels. | |
WifiGroup | Root of the subtree of Wifi's properties. | |
WifiModuleSettingsGroup | Root of the subtree of the wifi module settings properties. | |
WifiRoamingSettingsGroup | Root of the subtree of the wifi roaming settings properties. | |
WifiScanSettingsGroup | Root of the subtree of the wifi scan settings properties. | |
WifiScanTimingsGroup | Root of the subtree of the wifi scan timings properties. |