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LengthControlMode Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Com.Datalogic.Decode.Configuration
Assembly:  datalogic-xamarin-sdk (in datalogic-xamarin-sdk.dll) Version: (
public sealed class LengthControlMode : Enum

The LengthControlMode type exposes the following members.

Public propertyJniPeerMembers
To be added.
Public propertyStatic memberNone
No control
Public propertyStatic memberOneFixed
One single fixed length control
Public propertyStatic memberRange
Range length control
Public propertyStatic memberTwoFixed
Two fixed lengths control
Public methodStatic memberValueOf
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
Public methodStatic memberValues
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
LengthControlMode is an enumeration defining the operating length control mode for each barcode family that has lengths. This enumeration specify how each L1 and L2 length values should be applied to a label. The type is one of:
NONETurn off label length check.
ONE_FIXEDOnly L1 value will be used, the only labels with a fixed L1 length will be considered valid.
TWO_FIXEDBoth L1 and L2 will be used, only labels with a fixed L1 or L2 length will be considered valid.
RANGEBoth L1 and L2 will be used. The only labels with a length that is ranging from the minor length, between L1 and L2, to the major, again between L1 and L2, will be considered valid. If L1 is less than L2, L1 will be considered as the minor length of the desired range; otherwise the opposite.

[Android Documentation]

See Also