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ICradleUnlockEventListener Interface

Namespace:  Com.Datalogic.Cradle
Assembly:  datalogic-xamarin-sdk (in datalogic-xamarin-sdk.dll) Version: (
public interface ICradleUnlockEventListener : IJavaObject, 
	IDisposable, IJavaPeerable

The ICradleUnlockEventListener type exposes the following members.

Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodOnUnlockEvent
This method is called when the Level change its status.
This interface allows an the application to be notified about Cradle Lever open event (device unlocked from the Cradle) and Cradle Lever closed event (device locked into the Cradle). The LeverStatus notifies the listener about the position of the Cradle Lever, among LeverStatusOpen, LeverStatusClose, LeverStatusUnknown (in case of errors), or LeverStatusNotSupported (if the device or the cradle do not support this type of notification).

[Android Documentation]

See Also