Click or drag to resize

SoftSpot Methods

The SoftSpot type exposes the following members.

Public methodClearCustomImage
Delete the custom image for the given ImageEnum.
Public methodClearWorkingArea
Reset the working area to the whole screen.
Public methodGetImage
Get the image in use for the given ActionType and ImageState values.
Public methodGetWorkingArea
Get Area that SoftSpot can move within
Public methodHide
Hide SoftSpot.
Public methodLock
Set lock state of SoftSpot, it impacts SoftSpot motion ability on finger dragging events.
Public methodSetCustomImage(ImageEnum, File)
Copy the image located at the given filepath, then assigns the custom imageEnum to use that image.
Public methodSetCustomImage(ImageEnum, Byte)
Copy the image in the byte array, then assigns the custom imageEnum to use that image.
Public methodSetDecodedDuration
Set the duration for how long the decoded image should be displayed on screen after a good read before switching back to the Normal
Public methodSetImage
Set the image to use when SoftSpot has the given ActionType and ImageState values.
Public methodSetWorkingArea
Public methodShow
Show SoftSpot.
See Also