PropertyIDWedgeIntentEnable Field |
Namespace: Com.Datalogic.Device.Configuration
This parameter enables the intent mode for the Decode Wedge capability.
This means that the label is sent to the foreground application in the form of an implicit intent. In order to retrieve the label type string, "com.datalogic.decodewedge.label_type" is the name argument to be used with Intent.getStringExtra(). In order to retrieve the output data as string, "com.datalogic.decodewedge.data_string" is the name argument to be used with Intent.getStringExtra() . In case of concatenated barcodes, the decode data is concatenated and sent out as a single string. In order to retrieve the output data as a list of byte arrays, "com.datalogic.decodewedge.decode_data" is the name argument to be used with Intent.getSerializableExtra(). For barcode symbologies that support concatenation, the decode data is stored in multiple byte arrays (one byte array per bar code). Clients can get data in each byte array by passing an index. The class of the property is BooleanProperty.
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